Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

Here's a couple of my babies


I am so happy the conversation has changed to Spitz!! I have been lurking on this thread hoping to get some tips on which of my young birds to keep as breeders.. I've been raising the Silver Spitz for several years. I would love some details as to what to look for and what to avoid. I have managed to reduce the size of the crest and I'm working on getting them to point more forward. From what I have read the crest should be white with black on the tips. Does everyone agree on that? Also, some of my birds have a black crescent shape on the tips of their feathers and others have a teardrop shape. Which is correct? I think the type is pretty good but a young cockerel I'm considering keeping may be borderline squirrel tail. I'd like to attach photos but I'm not successful. They are in my phone and I'm writing this on my laptop so I guess I will send them seperately. :(
Any comments would be appreciated.


this is my 2 yr old roo. I don't have a photo of the young cockerels that may replace him.

Here are the youngsters (taken a couple of weeks ago). I think the pullet front and center has too much black in her crest and body. Also some of those black feathers have black lacing. Not good; right? The pullet to the right has a very tiny crest. I'm waiting to see if it develops into a nice Mohawk.
well that's a start. I'll try getting more photos.

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