Well, there you go. A while back Ariel wanted Moscovies in the worst way but I gently maneuvered her away from them. It was cold then and NO one really wanted to start building a containment/housing for the ducks close to the pond because it would have been very difficult to work in those conditions.

Yesterday evening, I suggested getting a few well bred Moscovies because we all really enjoy the meat plus the weather is almost ideal to build what we need to confine them at the pond. The breasts are great smoked, like ham.

Alright. I'm still the boss here. I will try to find a trio of half grown birds and Jason WILL help me fix what we need to house them and we'll put a couple of his buddies to work for about a week.

Most of you know we're 'preppers' in a fairly concerted way and even with all we have managed to pull together here, The ducks won't hurt to have around.

Done, done and done!

I'd still love to have Muscovies, but we really don't have water here in the desert. They'd probably have to settle for a kiddie pool.
I'd still love to have Muscovies, but we really don't have water here in the desert. They'd probably have to settle for a kiddie pool.
We don't have any ponds or streams on our property for them, so our geese have a little kiddie pool to hang out in.

Unfortunately waterfowl should really be called waterfoul as they like to foul their water. During the day we give them drinking water in a 16 gallon muck tub - too tall for them to climb in, but short enough that they can stick their heads underwater.
I'd still love to have Muscovies, but we really don't have water here in the desert. They'd probably have to settle for a kiddie pool.

You might be surprised how happy they'd be in a kiddie pool. A stock tank in the shade would be like heaven. I don't think Muscovies are so water dependent as many duck breeds. In fact, you have given me an idea... There is a place just about 40 miles that manufactures 2000 gal water tanks and I can get a couple of them pretty cheap because of defects. I think we are going to cut two of them in half, making a string of 12 feet long 'pools' that are about three feet deep and buried together length-wise.
Then have
the little stream/ditch diverted into them. That will make it very easy to have a shelter and water in an area that's very convenient for us. The ducks could be allowed to range during the day with little or no chance of getting into trouble. This breed is very good about going into their shelter during the evening and can be locked up for their protection from the wandering night dogs.
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I do appreciate your concern and agree with your suggestion. Jason is pretty handy with the circular saw and will follow his string mark like a pro but it still won't hurt to glue something over the edges before the halves are placed in the ditch and backfilled. Thanks again.

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