Buff Laced Brahma


Thanks so much for the reply. While I think she has definitely decided it will be Brahmas or Orpingtons, I think the field is still open. While I think she would like to show, she wants more to create, improve or change.

A big amen to that. When I was that age curiosity and the thirst for knowledge in the absence of todays distractions laid the foundation for the rest of my life and the successes I have had. I wish opportunity and money had not been so limiting. Now that I can provide opportunity and the wherewithal to further some passion, I have longed for her to find something she is interested in for more than 10 minutes. In this case the interest continues to grow even though she has yet to make the purchase. When she was willing to wake up at 3:00am in the morning to drive 300 miles to the Ocala swap and then decide what was there was not quite what she wanted (we got there to late for the gold partridge brahmas) she convinced me she was serious.
I can't get over how beautiful your birds are! Especially that rooster! Wow!
WOW Dan... you are the man. Those birds are breathtaking.

If I lived in the country, I'd build a coop and order a dozen chicks from you.

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