BYC Café

I use some stuff on my hands that is made for dry feet. It works well.

I use Cetaphil moisturizing cream in the winter. I get cracked finger tips if I do not use it.

I've been using Aquaphor. My hands get so dry in the winter and the area right befote my fingers start especially (is that technically knuckles?). It will crack and bleed.

But I also wash my hands wayyyyy too much and use harsher soaps so thats part of it too.

But gets way worse in winter
I've been using Aquaphor. My hands get so dry in the winter and the area right befote my fingers start especially (is that technically knuckles?). It will crack and bleed.

But I also wash my hands wayyyyy too much and use harsher soaps so thats part of it too.

But gets way worse in winter
With hand washing, the water and the time under the water is what kills the germs.

Anti bacterial soap is not allowed at my house! I have a house of people with very sensitive skin. Anti bacterial soap makes them break out
With hand washing, the water and the time under the water is what kills the germs.

Anti bacterial soap is not allowed at my house! I have a house of people with very sensitive skin. Anti bacterial soap makes them break out

Yeah, i even set the timer for 20 seconds. Though usually i do 35 (time to get to sink).

Probably part of the problem

And oh i dont use antibacterial, i just use the dish soap in the kitchen sink

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