BYC Café

Sunny and cold (7F) here. Thanks for the hot coffee! We snagged a ladder fuel tree and adorned it properly and put up some outside lights...
I got almost half the floor down in the great room. I wolloped my finger on the very last course I installed on the second to the last tap in.

When I got home at 7:00 I put a roast in the oven, donned my Carhartt bibs and climbed up onto the roof to shovel it off. After 3 hours of that and the 4th time I accidentally shot the shovel over the edge I staggered back into the house soaked to the skin barely able to bend over or pick up my arms.
The good news is, I forgot all about my finger! :D
I wolloped my finger
ouch! poor finger
got home at 7:00
looooong day
put a roast in the oven
climbed up onto the roof
After 3 hours of [shovelling snow]
and the 4th time I accidentally shot the shovel over the edge
long and utterly exhausting day! I do hope you got a good night's sleep after all that, and that your finger heals quickly. I imagine you have got a lot planned for today too... :hugs
Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

6 hours of sleep apparently is enough.

I'm worried about all this rain coming today. The snow on the roof last night was HEAVY. I can't imagine how heavy it would have been after getting water logged with 1-3" of rain. And what if the forecasters are as accurate today as they were for the blizzard? And we get twice the predicted high? That is an utter nightmare. We are already under an areal flood watch.

I'm very worried about my mom's house. All the houses in that neighborhood have very shallow (I think 12/2) pitched roofs with terrible insulation. I'm hoping the terrible insulation part has been doing it's job in melting a lot of the snow off...
This is friggin' scary.
I hope the valley doesn't flood but it seems imminent.
When my old house that flooded in 2006 and 2011 during the record floods, the river reached 33.66' and 35.26' respectively.
The basement took water three other times that the sump pump handled by keeping the water level at about 2-3". Drywall got damaged and never replaced after the first flood of this nature. I don't remember the what the river levels were but one was 29.14'.
There are houses at lower grade than my house was and I think these will flood on Christmas day.

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