BYC Café

Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready. Another fire in the stove. ( :D ) It's 38F this morning. We dodged the frost. I have some more peppers I want to harvest before I leave tomorrow.

Huge day. Move DH, harvest garden, run dogs, bathe dogs, clean house, mow lawn, clean/pack car. Release butterfly!
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Starting to fret over moving the chips.
Having the energy to set up the van to haul them, multiple options to dissect ad nauseam.
Having the energy for forking that many chips at pick up, and off load.
He will help me load as in the past if I can give him a time to meet me there,
but timing to get down my under construction road is worrisome.
Onandon in my little brain. SMH.
My mother once had an unfired rifle round in her tire.
DD1 picked up a REALLY thin piece of driveway stone that had turned vertical and went between the treads. That was weird.

DH and I got a few loads of firewood delivered today.
Generally one would read that as wood got delivered TO you but given you cut a TON of wood (well, actually a lot of TONS of wood), I'm guessing you delivered to someone else ;)
Super fun start to the day.
My dashboard lit up with a general hazard light and low tire pressure light while I was on the highway going 75.
View attachment 3274130

I got off the next exit and went to a gas station to fill up and add air to the tire. It had 3 pounds in it.
I limped it down to a tire shop and they couldn't (wouldn't) help so I filled it again and went up the street to the next one that could have the same brand tires on the front of my car by this afternoon.
The tires have about 28,000 miles on them so I just opted for a new pair on the front. And an oil change. I'm glad this didn't happen on the way to VT this Saturday.
I had to have my manager pick me up from the shop to get me to work and one of my co-workers will bring me back.
Is it time for a new battery too?
My mother once had an unfired rifle round in her tire.
We can have troubles with tires here if a truck hauling salvage loses some nails or screws not the freeway. I think they have better containment on those trucks now-- I have not had a problem with that in quite a few years.

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