BYC Café

You so read my mind!
Don't over do it Phil!
Have a great day!

Can't help it.... But yeah I kinda hurt myself.... So I'm awake dealing with the pain...... But alas I'm doing it my way.....i won't let physical Issues stop me from living.
I appreciate that.

I Have this program that does grammar and spelling check and each week it tells me what my percentages are.
I use a better vocabulary that 97% of the grammarly users, I have a more dynamic style than 93% of the grammerly users...
 But I am at 18% for spelling and grammar. :(

I discovered that it is our forum names that are destroying my stats.
Every time I quote someone their name counts against me as well as my own.
Any of their mistakes count against me as well as my own.
However, our collective vocabulary and writing style is winging me up there.

But the most annoying thing about this grammar programe is that it does not work on capitalization. :idunno

I know if use better vocabulary myself if my spelling were better.... Part of it though Is my phone's inability to get words right....

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