BYCville Town Quilt Block Swap SIGNUPS CLOSED

Hi all. I'm in Erwin. About 20 mins from fayetteville. I have a knitting ?
Row 6: purl even What is that..... purl even rows?
I received my blocks quite awhile ago, but I couldn't get on to BYC to let you all know. The problem ended up being the darn computer and it needed a major overhaul. It took a week, and I did miss everyone and all the chatting, but I did accomplish a lot.
I made a big dent in the least for now.

Anyway, I love the blocks. Each one is awesome - the design, fabrics and the craftsmanship. I'm so envious of all the fabrics that are available in over places. I have a few blocks from a farm animal swap I did and together with these blocks, I think I'll have a fantastic quilt. I'm thinking of doing a sashing that makes a star at each point when sewn together. (Hope that makes sense - it's at Quilter's Cache.)

Thanks to each one of you. And, thanks Scrambled Egg for "pushing" me into joining at the end.

I hope we all share pictures of our finished quilts.

No not yet for me. My 1 st week back home and back to work. When I recover from vacation maybe this weekend. They have been on my mind!!!!!!!!!
Wish I could find more hours in a day.......
Canning and preserving has kept me busy. I suppose it's been a good thing that we were having computer problems for a couple of weeks. I got a lot done around here.
I've put my blocks aside for now and will get to them this Fall.
School starts today for my grandson ( a very sad day for me:() as he and his brother spend a couple of days a week with us while their parents are at work. My youngest DD will start classes Aug. 24th. So, it looks like we'll get back into a routine and I hope to have some time to myself for quilting. Seems that my quilting time this summer has been at 5:00 in the morning. If I'm lucky I get an hour before milking time.

Anyway, rambling here............I look forward to seeing what you are all doing with these fantastic blocks.

I've actually been working on my Spring Swap blocks! I have them all sewn together and have the inner border on. As soon as I'm done with the Fall Swap I'll finish the Spring quilt and move on to the Town Quilt. I just love all of the blocks that everyone did. I have a few ideas for a couple blocks to make to fill in the missing ones.

I'd also be interested in trading some of my extra house blocks. I made the pink house. If anyone wants to trade, let me know. I'd even add some buttons to it before I sent it off. PM me if you are interested.

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