Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

I'm wondering about game fowl.

Anyone want to take a guess at what Scooter is?

Other than one-of-a-kind in the Cackle flock?

I suspect these chipmunks might well be Welsummers.
One of them has grasped the If-I-fly-to-your-lap-I-get-mealworms concept, the only Little so far to keep butting in while I treat lifted peeps to a pat-down.
My first surprise box shipped today so living in north central Texas assume we will have it tomorrow. Always wanted to get one but had to wait for the coop to be rebuilt after the coyotes ate thru the side of it and wiped out the bulk of my flock. Hoping they don't get too hot on the trip down here. Based on what I am reading it will be lots of chicks with a few turkeys or ducks. I know ducks can eat chick feed but what about turkeys if I do get some of those?
My turkeys have been fine on Chick Starter Grower. I figure I'll have to get a different feed for them in a bit, but while they're all in the grow-out coop, they're eating the same crumble.

BTW, Monday I was sitting on my little garden stool in the grow-out coop, trying to entice another Little to eat from my hand when a turkey fluttered off the roosting bar and onto my head! I've heard that turkeys are stupid but at least this one is always the first Little to try anything. First to drink form the poultry nipple, first to nudge my hand for food, first to hop on my wrist back in the brooder, and first to climb on me.
My turkeys have been fine on Chick Starter Grower. I figure I'll have to get a different feed for them in a bit, but while they're all in the grow-out coop, they're eating the same crumble.

BTW, Monday I was sitting on my little garden stool in the grow-out coop, trying to entice another Little to eat from my hand when a turkey fluttered off the roosting bar and onto my head! I've heard that turkeys are stupid but at least this one is always the first Little to try anything. First to drink form the poultry nipple, first to nudge my hand for food, first to hop on  my wrist back in the brooder, and first to climb on me.

I have heard that turkeys are so stupid, slow, and delicate, but mine are five weeks old now and have exhibited none of these features! I find them smart, friendly, easy to tame, and full of personality.
Well I was wrong about it arriving today as the box was in Kansas City at 1 AM this morning with no further update so far. Hoping it makes it to Texas so it can be on the early morning truck when it arrives in town in the morning. Have everything ready but no fluffballs.
SunHwaKwon, it's nice to hear that my little poult is not such an aberration. One is very skittish, the gray one, and the second white one is not as adventurous but all in all, they are (happily) not what I expected.

carwinew, the Surprise Packages are filled last, and don't get into USPS's hands until well after the regular orders do. Mine also fetched up in KC for almost 18 hours, awaiting transport east and north. If they miss the last truck out, they will sit. Distribution centers get most of their work done in what I would call the graveyard shift, with skeleton staffing the rest of the time to clean up and get ready for the insanity of the next onslaught of mail. The good news is that those facilities are air-conditioned, so your wee birds are unlikely to overheat.

I'm looking forward to seeing your collection!
They arrived at the PO this AM and they let us have them at 7. Spouse said he could hear them chirping in the back room while standing at the counter. 54 total and not a duck beak among them. Several sizes from tiny to almost twice the size of the average one. Took pics with the red heat lamp for illumination but they all look strange so I will wait for the daughter to wake and try again. I know for sure there are 2 EE since they are chipmunks with green legs and I have had those in years past. I have light and almost black naked neck chicks, 2 of each. There are 2 mainly white with a blue stripe on top of the poufs on their heads. Everyone is eating and drinking so I am very pleased with my 1st ever surprise box. Have always bought from the local feed store but they stop carrying chicks in April and we couldn't rebuild our coop until the rain stopped. Even though the chicks are in the barn in tubs for now still wanted a coop ready for them when they get a little bigger.

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