Call Duck Drake Flew Away??


I'm contemplating about making flyers to put out to the neighbours. As there is some private ponds that he may have gone to way out there. They are the newest additions to our flock. I hope he hears them calling and makes his way back, I'm trying to stay hopeful.
Good idea about alerting neighbors.. I hope he hears them calling and comes home.
We had a white call 'Ducky' and she was best friends with our khaki 'Grady', they grew up together but she was attacked badly by a weasel that was after all our birds. She couldn't stand or lift her head we had her in the house nursing her wounds and she was doing pretty decent considering her shape, but we lost her after just over a month after the attack. That was in March this year. So I'm not sure that Thunder will make it back to us, I've got a little hope left but chances are looking slim

That weasel got a good beat down though as my husband went out to check on the birds and he walked right into the whole scene and gave it a good crack with a stick on the back and it was out of there and we didn't have any problems since.
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We had a white call 'Ducky' and she was best friends with our khaki 'Grady', they grew up together but she was attacked badly by a weasel that was after all our birds. She couldn't stand or lift her head we had her in the house nursing her wounds and she was doing pretty decent considering her shape, but we lost her after just over a month after the attack. That was in March this year. So I'm not sure that Thunder will make it back to us, I've got a little hope left but chances are looking slim

That weasel got a good beat down though as my husband went out to check on the birds and he walked right into the whole scene and gave it a good crack with a stick on the back and it was out of there and we didn't have any problems since.
OMG! I am sooo happy right now! I glanced out the window and there he was!! Wattling around by the bird pen! :D he came back to his girls THUNDER IS HOME!! They're all happily quacking together now that he's back :)

I'm so happy to have him back :D
Thanks @Miss Lydia@minihorse927@RavynFallen
For all the support! :)
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OMG! I am sooo happy right now! I glanced out the window and there he was!! Wattling around by the bird pen! :D he came back to his girls THUNDER IS HOME!! They're all happily quacking together now that he's back :)

That is awesome!!!! :celebrate

Please get something over their pen ASAP... even if it's cheap plastic netting or poultry wire for now... it will stop any from flying out and deter predators, hawks and owls love Calls as snacks, I can attest to that unfortunately...

So glad he made it home!!!!! :hugs
That is awesome!!!! :celebrate

Please get something over their pen ASAP... even if it's cheap plastic netting or poultry wire for now... it will stop any from flying out and deter predators, hawks and owls love Calls as snacks, I can attest to that unfortunately...

So glad he made it home!!!!! :hugs
Definitely going to get some netting over that coop! I just couldn't be happier!! I ran so fast down the stairs and out the back when I saw him out there :) he tried to fly back in to his girls but he needed a little help.
Thanks! :hugs
Definitely going to get some netting over that coop! I just couldn't be happier!! I ran so fast down the stairs and out the back when I saw him out there :) he tried to fly back in to his girls but he needed a little help.
Thanks! :hugs

Love the happy ending!!! :D

After you get it covered one way or another, I know we would all love to see pics of little Thunder and his girls!! Please keep us updated!! :)
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