Cheryl's Hen House...

Quote: You'll need a fairly fine mesh to sift tiny chick poops, I use window screen when they're really little,
but that will sift out some of the larger PDZ granules( you got granules, right, not powder?).
Have Cheryl check this out:
Might give y'all some she reading the forums too?

Just keep tapping the nipples until they get it....hopefully one will catch on and teach the rest....removing all other water sources is key.
I've had some get it right off the bat, and others take a week or two...SHM...might have to put down a regular waterer at the very end of the day if you feel they may be dehydrated, then remove it after they've gone to sleep and try again the next day.
I was thinking of a step as well. As it is, our six can get on the roost and get down from it but as they grow more, I suspect it may become increasingly more difficult for them.
I was thinking of a step as well. As it is, our six can get on the roost and get down from it but as they grow more, I suspect it may become increasingly more difficult for them.
I put up ramps between roost board, nests and a 16" platform because my coop is only 6' wide, and had some wall crashes when I brought my first adult flock home, mostly because of wire walls in a new environment. But many of the heavier/clumsier birds use them all the time.
I've found having flexible and easy to change components to your coop structure can be very handy.(I won't say anything about using dry wall screws but...oops!)
Dang... no more posts
I can't wait to see pics of the babies in their new home! I am in awe of this whole build; everything looks great. And I love that solid oak bench
I put up ramps between roost board, nests and a 16" platform because my coop is only 6' wide, and had some wall crashes when I brought my first adult flock home, mostly because of wire walls in a new environment. But many of the heavier/clumsier birds use them all the time.
I've found having flexible and easy to change components to your coop structure can be very handy.(I won't say anything about using dry wall screws but...oops!)

Haha, we used deck screws on nearly everything so we can back out if we need. I'm already thinking of taking down the South wall when we build the extension on in a couple months (as opposed to only removing the access door to connect the two).
Ok already.
They are in and all is well. I got the feeders finished up and filled first thing this morning. Moved all the supplies to the storage cabinet. Cut another refrigerator box with a couple of entrances to serve as the fraidy hole. Filled the waterer and we were off. Seems like they love the extra room. They figured out the waterer pretty quickly. The 2 groups are still functioning mostly as 2 groups but are interacting. About as smooth an integration as we could have asked for. Once the kids were in their new home I turned my attention to painting the trim on the outside. Here are the pics and video from today.

Storage cabinet in use.


Fraidy hole is a very popular spot today.


Old faithful the MHP made the transition. They are fascinated with their reflection in the ATP pop door.


Apparently the edge of the fraidy hole is a good roosting spot.


Didn't take too long for them to figure out the HN waterer.


Cut a little step for the feeders. They dug the shavings out until they could barely reach the feeder. Goofy chickens.


Wyandottes especially like the fraidy hole.


And this is what ALL of this has been about. Cheryl is having so much fun with the chickens.


Little video.


Almost forgot. Hope everyone is happy now. Somebody already pooped on my wall.

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