Chicken Breed Focus - Isbar (Blue Isbar)

I am really glad this came out on this thread. I have a pen of honas and isbars together....expecting to see green eggs or tan. I have been watching carefully now so I know who lays what. I have two blue layers and two tan egg layer...and three who have not started laying yet. Maybe time to build another pen.
I am really glad this came out on this thread. I have a pen of honas and isbars together....expecting to see green eggs or tan. I have been watching carefully now so I know who lays what. I have two blue layers and two tan egg layer...and three who have not started laying yet.  Maybe time to build another pen.

I would say definitely!! There is always some excuse for another pen :))
This morning my daughter came out in the early morning to let all of our little flocks out of their coops. One of our Isbar laid this egg and I thought it looked so pretty against her snuggly clothing :)

That would be a great entry for the Family & Fowl Photo Contest! The link to the contest is in my signature line if you'd like to check it out.
I'm so excited! I've placed my order from
and my Splash Isbar is coming tomorrow morning!!
Along with a Rees Cream Legbar and two French Lavender Marans

I'll post pictures once she's here! <3
As promised, here are pictures!

Here's Iris:

She (I'm hoping!) is so cute! She's part of the first batch of chicks I've ever ordered via mail and I was so happy with her that I'm ordering another one from the breeder!
I'll update again when I get my other chick(s)!
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Hi Everyone~ I am fairly new into my chicken breeding endeavor and I come from a horse breeding background. I am really enjoying the chickens and am specifically focused and intrigued with the Isbar as a breed. Coming from a horse background we had so many sources to access in terms of learning and with the Isbars I haven't been able to find much. My question to all of you out there that are a few years into breeding with your Isbar's is what traits you are breeding for specifically. I have been reading all that I can find and I realize that there is no SOP for this breed, so I was curious as to what characteristics you are focused on and breeding for with your Isbars? I have some young birds I am just starting out with and I am trying to learn all that I can. I would love to hear from those of you with some experience breeding Isbars as to what traits you are specifically breeding for and also what you may or may not have had issues with. Any of you breeding Isbars that would be willing to share some knowledge with me it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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