Chicken Breed Focus - Isbar (Blue Isbar)

Definitely. I made them one. They ignore it and made several of their own. Guess chickens make better dust baths than us humans. Lol. They love their dust baths
I have 5 pullets (3 splash, 1 black and 1 blue) and 3 roos (all splash). Also have some more hatching today and tomorrow! I will be breeding them and offering chicks next year. Eggs they all came from were green. <3
Hoping to get some Silverudd's Blue! Their green eggs are so pretty!

My goal would be to have them for a project bird. I would love to eventually work with other breeders to have them admitted to the SOP book. I am working on creating my own "standard of perfection" for SB based of the information I can gather from those who have the birds and from research online.

Would you consider them to have a body more typical of an egg layer or a dual purpose?
Are backs flat or sloped?
What tail angle would be most common or desired or doesn't matter?
Hello all, new byc member here, and proud owner of some super friendly clowns (faverolle hens) , a couple reds and some little blue isbars at around 6 wks old.

Couple questions, does anyone know the genetics of color in this the blues (grayish ones) produce babies of all colors? And do the black ones only produce blacks, or can they produce blues and splashes?

Also, since I will be slowly integrating a roo and hen into my flock, how mean (aggressive) are they in general ?

thanks !
Hello all, new byc member here, and proud owner of some super friendly clowns (faverolle hens) , a couple reds and some little blue isbars at around 6 wks old.

Couple questions, does anyone know the genetics of color in this the blues (grayish ones) produce babies of all colors? And do the black ones only produce blacks, or can they produce blues and splashes?

Also, since I will be slowly integrating a roo and hen into my flock, how mean (aggressive) are they in general ?

thanks !
I have raised the Silverudds Blue Isbars since 2015 and this Breed has been very Docile for me. The Rooster's will fight for dominance like any other Breed, but very friendly to humans.
If you use the chart I posted it will show you if you have a blue Rooster x blue Hen you will get 50% chance of Blue, 25% chance of Splash, and 25% chance of black. :)
Lilcougar4 shared a great chart for the basics. Blues will give you a variety of colours. Blacks will depend on what you breed to. You can get only blacks if you go to blacks. I find them to be amazing foragers! They love the outdoor space and will spend all day scratching and looking for yummy snacks. They are great layers and of my 9 breeds, started laying at the youngest age of about 5 months. Inquisitive birds and friendly. On the smaller side compared to other breeds like Marans and Ameraucanas.
Thanks for that great chart. Looks like I got lucky since I have a blue rooster, (dominant to the other 2 little guys - he's bigger as well), and a blue hen. In my case I will most likely keep the blue roo and blue hen and will get a nice mix of colors if these 2 breed...hoping they are not brother and sister to avoid inbreeding.

But what I'm really looking forward to is an isbar x salmon favorelle cross, since I think the faverolles have such nice goofy personalities...and the isbars are more suited to my HOT summer climate I believe. (routinely 100 degrees but Low humidity). No doubt my big rhode island red hen will give any roo I introduce a good smacking to show who's boss, the favorelles are pretty timid, but generally ignore the reds and peck each other.

Most folks probably prefer pure breeds, but I spent most my life as a biologist and I know when you breed for something like color you can get some nasty recessives coming in.

One of my Isbar hatchlings never made it to 1 week, he got an infection and bloated belly, couldn't stand up.. I used an eyedropper with amoxicillin , essential amino acids and b vitamins but he didn't make it, he was a pure white. A second little hen only made it to 4 weeks, got what appeared to be coccidiosis even though she was indoors and clean...might have been quail disease...the others got a little sick, corid and amox didn't help her much and the others picked on her like crazy...causing her to completely freak out...she didn't make it either, she was splash/mostly white....I'm thinking the white is no-doubt recessive and linked to an immune system recessive, she had a few wild-type immune cells but not enough to make it.

Anyways, if/when I get my faverolle/isbar chicks next year I will post some pics and maybe someone will be interested. Having lots of fun taking care of peepers...almost 7 wks old and just about ready for the cold outdoors i think.

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