Sponsored Post Chicken Math Strikes Again!

We started off only want maybe 4 hens, but then the kids and grand kids went to tsc with me and fell in love with everything. Now we have 16 chickens and 7 ducks. Chicken math strikes again!
Yeah, chicken math got me also! I only wanted 5 at the most. I went to a Trade Day and came home with 2 Buffs, 2 Barred Rocks, 4 White leghorns, 4 Easter eggers and 9 Rhide Island Reds!! Yep, 5+0=23!!
I see an opening for either Chickens Anonymous or some episodes on Hoarding. started with 10, up to 21, with 7 eggs under a broody and a current search for an incubator. :)
I see an opening for either Chickens Anonymous or some episodes on Hoarding. started with 10, up to 21, with 7 eggs under a broody and a current search for an incubator. :)
The first step is admitting you have a problem.

We started with 4 pullets and now I (note the "I") have 23 with 3 more on the way. That's not a problem to me! LOL
First found Frizzled eggs on eBay bought six but then they had 12 for like 10$ more ...these things are so cute how could I pass that deal up. 21 days later wow look at all the colors they are amazing. Btw thanks for all the icechest incubator tips byc.
Then 7 yes 7 orders from five different places later claiming they were for friends and family too
. Then low and behold I discovered tolbunts! Well conveinently it was our anniversary and that's what I told him I wanted. Lol
just one more order coming this Friday I promise honey. So what started off as just a few chicks for my son to have hatch out on Easter turned out to 25 of the cream of the crop polish every color of the rainbow bantam ,frizzle, tolbunt,houdan,crevacour, blue splash , andalusian, wc blue , wc black, wc red, silver lace,gold laced ,buff laced ,sultan, black , white and , red crested red . Then I found black crested whites but I won't get my hands on those till spring not sure if I can wait that long lol .Seriously is there a help hotline or a chickens annamymous yet I need help! But I found a loop hole to convince my husband to build me a massive coop and that I'm not a hoarder .I figured I'll be npip certified in fall and since I'm a stay at home mom chicken breeding might be the answer! The possibilities are endless.muahahaha
Plus free farm fresh eggs and a totally green alarm clock. I know seriously stretching it but anyways can hardly wait till I get my peeps on Friday.
First found Frizzled eggs on eBay bought six but then they had 12 for like 10$ more ...these things are so cute how could I pass that deal up. 21 days later wow look at all the colors they are amazing. Btw thanks for all the icechest incubator tips byc.
Then 7 yes 7 orders from five different places later claiming they were for friends and family too
. Then low and behold I discovered tolbunts! Well conveinently it was our anniversary and that's what I told him I wanted. Lol
just one more order coming this Friday I promise honey. So what started off as just a few chicks for my son to have hatch out on Easter turned out to 25 of the cream of the crop polish every color of the rainbow bantam ,frizzle, tolbunt,houdan,crevacour, blue splash , andalusian, wc blue , wc black, wc red, silver lace,gold laced ,buff laced ,sultan, black , white and , red crested red . Then I found black crested whites but I won't get my hands on those till spring not sure if I can wait that long lol .Seriously is there a help hotline or a chickens annamymous yet I need help! But I found a loop hole to convince my husband to build me a massive coop and that I'm not a hoarder .I figured I'll be npip certified in fall and since I'm a stay at home mom chicken breeding might be the answer! The possibilities are endless.muahahaha
Plus free farm fresh eggs and a totally green alarm clock. I know seriously stretching it but anyways can hardly wait till I get my peeps on Friday.
I can totally relate, I have never seen a chicken or egg I didn't want. Have chicks, eggs in the incubator, and I want more, more, more! Anyone know where I can get Welsummer Eggs? LOL

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