Chickens attacked by neighbor down the road dogs

Hope for a speedy recovery for your rooster. I've seen some look pretty bad and make it and others that didn't look bad that didn't.
Having a little trouble following one thing. You say your kid was knocked over then you say kids attacked. That's a big difference. Is be careful about saying a dog attacked a child if it didn't really attack one.
We mostly handle things ourselves out here also. Those dogs would of never left my property until I hauled their remains back to their property.
Attacking dogs, killing chickens and at least scaring children. That's three strikes in one afternoon?
Whats everyone waiting on?
well yesterday one of those dogs got after a little girl and then turned its attention to their small dog... knocking over my 4 year old is enough for it to be called an attack, if my husband wasnt with her it could have been worse because the pit was full ontop of her.... as far as them being shot at, my husband did shoot 2 times and missed and the 3rd shot his gun jamed. i have no clue where they took off to. i have drove to the owners 5 times from 730 to now and still no one home.
the 3 pits have a fenced in yard and get out... whose not to say they couldnt get into my fence after i spend all that money on one? anyways i really wouldnt mind a fence but i really dont have the budget for one right now either.
I would get a fence just to protect the kids.
Sorry but seems like this story is evolving as others respond.
Your first post said it attacked a little dog a girl was walking. Now its that it tried to attack a little girl then switched to attacking the dog.
You say it knocked over your child and now its it knocked over the child and was standing on top of them.
You mention taking care of problems yourself and that they're lucky to be alive but no mention about gun play but now you tell about shots fired.
Putting up a fence of your own is great advise especially like the other poster mentioned at least to protect your kids.
I'm not sure what you're wanting here? You have no plans to put up a fence, or contacting authorities and you've already let the dogs go to terrorize the neighborhood.
I would also call the police, one dog can hurt a child and 3 can kill a child very easily as a pack. Your child was lucky you were out there. For your roosters injuries use 1/2 proxide and half water load it in a syringe( needle part removed) and flush out the wounds then use clean water to flush the area. YOU want to flush the area but not kill the skin. Also use the Neosporin on top of it after you flushed with clean water. You should see signs of healing in a few days. Also you can give him water with low dose aspirin in it to only him but change the water each day. ( Use 3 low dose aspirins in a gallon of water) Hope he feels better soon.
At our last property, a neighbouring dog kept digging under our fence and entering our property and continued to climb the exterior walls of our coop house trying to get in. We called the sheriff and animal control to build a case against the on going situation. One night the pit bull dug in a new spot and under our chain link fence and ripped thru the chicken wire and destroyed our flock. My husband ended the on going problem with a Mossberg 12 gauge pump. Our neighbor called the cops on us for shooting his dog on our property and inside of our coop run. Authorities already had a history of complaints filed by us. They knew the history from computer data. They asked us if we wanted to press charges in front of the murdering dog owner.. We said yes. Animal control seized the other dogs he owned. He gave us the finger when he saw us for a couple of months. Some people just don't get it.
Sorry but seems like this story is evolving as others respond.
Your first post said it attacked a little dog a girl was walking. Now its that it tried to attack a little girl then switched to attacking the dog.
You say it knocked over your child and now its it knocked over the child and was standing on top of them.
You mention taking care of problems yourself and that they're lucky to be alive but no mention about gun play but now you tell about shots fired.
Putting up a fence of your own is great advise especially like the other poster mentioned at least to protect your kids.
I'm not sure what you're wanting here? You have no plans to put up a fence, or contacting authorities and you've already let the dogs go to terrorize the neighborhood.
what ima wanting mainly is to know about my chicken,... i made the story short to get to the point... do the details really matter. ? i should have just said 3 pits got after my chickens and now my rooster has puncture wounds and i put neosporin on it, do i or should i do anything else... how hardy are they
I would also call the police, one dog can hurt a child and 3 can kill a child very easily as a pack. Your child was lucky you were out there. For your roosters injuries use 1/2 proxide and half water load it in a syringe( needle part removed) and flush out the wounds then use clean water to flush the area. YOU want to flush the area but not kill the skin. Also use the Neosporin on top of it after you flushed with clean water. You should see signs of healing in a few days. Also you can give him water with low dose aspirin in it to only him but change the water each day. ( Use 3 low dose aspirins in a gallon of water) Hope he feels better soon.

Thank You for your response! exactly what i was wanting to know. :)
Talked to the neighbor and he doesnt even want the dogs around his kids either... said hes going to take them to the pound.

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