Coffee's ready...

I know my coffee too.
DH is not allowed to come home without coffee from Italy. Only the good stuff is allowed in my house. I even have espresso.

When I went to Jamaica, I got a coffee farmer to sell me a HUGE bag of freshly roasted coffee from his coffee plants. He roasted them on a camp fire in this huge pot. That guy was awesome.

Then when we stayed with the grandparents in Hawaii....I was spoiled.

Did that yesterday...Roscoe, the Australian Shepherd, he did not like it to well....kept trying to bail ot of the bath tub!
I got lucky, my dogsitter bathed both my dogs when I was gone this weekend!

So someone mentioned Dunkin donuts coffee.... we dont have them here, but I went back to KY for work a couple years ago, a coworker that lives there told me it was the best.. brought me some....
I wasnt impressed. I guess if it's all you got ....
The bagged stuff probably isn't that fresh. When I'm out and about I'll stop at dunkin donuts and get a cup of coffee, cappucino, espresso. It tastes better then some of the other places around. Dunkin Donuts was more of a hang out when we were in highschool and college back in New England. It was kind of like the first coffee shop. It's where we all met up.

This was fresh hot coffee, I was in Kentucky.. they have them. He brought it to me , we were working together on a project there.
I'm not a Starbucks fan either.. guess I'm just picky LOL Pete's is my favorite for a chain type coffee. Otherwise I buy beans and grind them right before brewing.
Ahh thought ya meant he brought you a bag of DD.
I like Pete's
I'm not a fan of Starbucks either.

We have beans and espresso ground in the house. All different types. My neighbor is always coming over to see what coffee I have LOL


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