Commerical Hen???


This is indeed what a Barred Rock is supposed to look like. Folks get touchy and maybe offended if you say too very much about their feed store/hatchery Barred Rocks. The point is quite simple. Yes, what is sold AS as Barred Rock simply has been juiced up. The Mediterranean influence is obvious to the experienced eye. Thus, the birds often lay eggs at an astounding rate. Nothing wrong with having these birds. We've had lots of them. Nothing at all. But they aren't really Barred Rocks as you found out from a judge.

Yes, this is a Barred Rock female. No judge would ever pin that sign on her.


Here's a picture of the bird who got marked as "commercial ."
I can see why it got tagged as "commercial". A show-quality Barred Rock would be larger, deeper in body, and have more defined, regular barring. As show-quality bird would also look less gangly. Still, a very pretty bird, no matter what a judge thinks!
So what's the difference between a Barred Rock or Plymouth, or are they the same?
Also, do the Barred Rock lay well!
Plymouth Rock (sometimes just called a "Rock") is a breed of chicken. Barred is a variety (subdivision within a breed distinguished by different color, comb. etc.) of that breed. Plymouth Rocks come in other varieties, too, including Partridge, White, Buff, and Columbian, though Barred is by far the most common among small-flock owners.

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