
Im looking to re home my Golden laced polish rooster. I hatched him I believed at the beginning of April. If anyone here wants him hes yours. I wouldn't mind a trade for a pullet of any other breed but I would just be happy for him to go to a good home. Im in NorthFord Ct. Email would be the best contact. I won't remember to check here consistently. [email protected].
Is it too early to move 4 week old chicks outdoors? They'd be in a closed coop at night and secure run during the day with rain protection.
No mama...just the 3 babies. I'll put them out during the day and back under the light inside at night. Thanks.
I know, at that age you are so anxious to get them out. They'll have a ball out there and you will have a little deprive from the mess inside. Just keep an eye out to see if they look cold.
I just put my 4.5 week olds outside, they are fully feathered, and weren't really using the brinsea heat anymore..They have shelter at nite and it's pretty warm here, I think they'll be fine:)
I just put my 4.5 week olds outside, they are fully feathered, and weren't really using the brinsea heat anymore..They have shelter at nite and it's pretty warm here, I think they'll be fine:)
at 4 weeks they shouldn't get below 75° so I wouldn't at night. It still gets cool, at least around here.
in my house without heat, (they haven't used the brinsea in about a week), it's around 62..I do cover their cage up at nite, and will outside to..of course it's an individual choice as to what they feel is best:)
Hi all - just a note of caution regarding our evidently bold local wildlife.....

A few days ago I was sitting out on a lounge chair next to a little pen we'd made for our chicks (just 4 T-posts with 48" plastic netting in a rectangle). We'd strung twine back and forth across the top to deter aerial predators, plus I was right there with my (admittedly small) dog. All of a sudden, all 7 chicks dashed to the side of the pen nearest me and pushed under the netting (they hadn't previously had any interest in escape so we hadn't put logs over the bottom edges yet). Before I could even process what was happening, there was literally a hawk in the crook of my arm. Maybe it was diving for the chicks in the pen, adjusted because it saw the twine or because they saw it and ran out, and ended up hitting me instead. I should have held onto it to make sure its talons were empty, but in my shock I let it go. It flew off and it took an hour to find the chicks, but they were all surprisingly safe and sound. Under the deck, under the coop, in the firepit, etc.

I've heard of predators taking chickens just a few feet away, but didn't imagine the hawk would actually be in my arms! It was like the seagulls grabbing food out of your hand at the beach. So now we have a reinforced pen..........and are speeding the integration of the chicks into the prior flock. They spent today in a big dog-crate inside the main run, double-protected!
Maybe it was after the dog!
Thank goodness they were ok
Must of scared you to death

I'm sure we have hawks in Cornwall but think they have enough bunnies to eat
Without trying to get chicks

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