Consolidated Kansas

LOL!  :yuckyuck     Maybe that's why I like them so much!!!!!

I just got home a little while ago from garage sale-ing.  My little one had outgrown almost all the clothes I had for him, and we were in desperate need of something larger.  After getting up early and spending all morning at garage sales, I now have LOTS of little stickers to remove and LOTS of laundry to do!  I think we got some really good deals, though!  

I know how it is with kids outgrowing clothes! Mine got some clothes last summer and they were big on her then. Well she grew more than expected and now they are too small. I haven't been to any yard sales yet, but I love thrift store shopping! I got over $100 worth of clothes for about $25. And kids grow so fast I can't see paying full price for them to wear a couple times.
I got the whole truck load of straw unloaded this afternoon, there was a lot more there than I even thought. Whew it took me awhile to unload that & spread it all out in 8 different pens. Boy were my chickens having fun scratching around in that & eating seeds. I also put up a new gate on the pen that is now the sheep pen & one more panel at the end where I just had 2x4 fence. The goats have been mad that the little ram has their pen so they have been butting the fence. I have all but one spot covered now with livestock panels, so they shouldn't be able to tear if up any more. My DH named the new ram lamb Rambo, I only hope he doesn't live up to that name. So far he's a sweet little guy, but he's only 2 months old at this point. I can't wait to get the ewes in about 3 weeks. When I get them all I'll take some pics of them so you all can enjoy the cuteness too. The little ram is starting to get more used to me, I've been working out there around his pen a lot the last few days, so he comes up to the fence to check me out. He likes to eat when the goats eat in the evening, he eats right along with them & now with their pen right beside his they can see each other & hopefully get used to each other.

I'm just exhausted after working so hard on that pen to get it done yesterday & then unloading all of that straw today besides just regular chores. Tonight when I was feeding I went into the lavender Ameraucana pen & I was giving them their feed in the trough when that darned rooster came after me & spurred me on my arm. So now I have another scratch all down my arm from that. He usually doesn't do that when I'm feeding, so I don't know what got into him today. He's lucky he didn't try it again or he would have gotten a big bite of shoe.

Tomorrow I plan to work on my new hoop coop now that I almost have pens finished up. I need to get that thing done next because my heritage RIRs are getting way too big for the growout pen. They need their own pen before the pullets start laying.
My chickens kept drooling at the sight of all the dandelions in the yard and they cleaned their pen out of dandelions. So I decided to lock the dogs in the house for a couple hours while the chickens explored the yard. They sure weren't happy when I made them go back in their fence. I wish my dogs would protect them instead of try to eat them.
Are those chicks she hatched? Awesome!! I've actually used my chickens to work in the garden some. I put shavings and stuff out and then let them dig through it. As long as the plants are established they seem to do okay without damaging stuff.
I got the whole truck load of straw unloaded this afternoon, there was a lot more there than I even thought. Whew it took me awhile to unload that & spread it all out in 8 different pens. Boy were my chickens having fun scratching around in that & eating seeds. I also put up a new gate on the pen that is now the sheep pen & one more panel at the end where I just had 2x4 fence. The goats have been mad that the little ram has their pen so they have been butting the fence. I have all but one spot covered now with livestock panels, so they shouldn't be able to tear if up any more. My DH named the new ram lamb Rambo, I only hope he doesn't live up to that name. So far he's a sweet little guy, but he's only 2 months old at this point. I can't wait to get the ewes in about 3 weeks. When I get them all I'll take some pics of them so you all can enjoy the cuteness too. The little ram is starting to get more used to me, I've been working out there around his pen a lot the last few days, so he comes up to the fence to check me out. He likes to eat when the goats eat in the evening, he eats right along with them & now with their pen right beside his they can see each other & hopefully get used to each other.

I'm just exhausted after working so hard on that pen to get it done yesterday & then unloading all of that straw today besides just regular chores. Tonight when I was feeding I went into the lavender Ameraucana pen & I was giving them their feed in the trough when that darned rooster came after me & spurred me on my arm. So now I have another scratch all down my arm from that. He usually doesn't do that when I'm feeding, so I don't know what got into him today. He's lucky he didn't try it again or he would have gotten a big bite of shoe.

Tomorrow I plan to work on my new hoop coop now that I almost have pens finished up. I need to get that thing done next because my heritage RIRs are getting way too big for the growout pen. They need their own pen before the pullets start laying.
Wow Trish you were busy yesterday. I ache all over. I really am getting too old to do all this work. And my house has never been messier. Some day I'll find some time to clean.
I tore one of my incubators apart to install a new electronic thermostat last night. I was so brain dead I finally had to quit. I'll work on it again AFTER I have some more coffee. I sure hope this thing works once I get it in!!!
My chickens kept drooling at the sight of all the dandelions in the yard and they cleaned their pen out of dandelions. So I decided to lock the dogs in the house for a couple hours while the chickens explored the yard. They sure weren't happy when I made them go back in their fence. I wish my dogs would protect them instead of try to eat them.
I hear that. We have a 15 month old 60 lb. rescue that I'm working with trying to get him to be a good citizen with the chickens. The second day we had him, he grabbed my Welsumer by the tail and removed some feathers, but that was the only interaction so far. He is probably a heeler mix with maybe some pit bull? and something with long legs, and so far he hasn't eaten anyone. This is a picture of his usual method of getting off of the sofa. We should have named him Stretch instead of Red.

I put a shock collar on him (we got it when we also had his brother and they tag teamed the cat) and go outside with him when the chickens are out. We started out on a leash a couple of months ago and have graduated to the shock collar (I use the vibrate function -- he responds well to it and it doesn't hurt him). Yesterday he lay on the patio sort of watching them and sort of dozing for nearly an hour. I came back inside and watched him discretely CONSTANTLY. It was a huge time sink, but if I can get him so I can trust him, our lives will be so much easier around here.
I hear that. We have a 15 month old 60 lb. rescue that I'm working with trying to get him to be a good citizen with the chickens. The second day we had him, he grabbed my Welsumer by the tail and removed some feathers, but that was the only interaction so far. He is probably a heeler mix with maybe some pit bull? and something with long legs, and so far he hasn't eaten anyone. This is a picture of his usual method of getting off of the sofa. We should have named him Stretch instead of Red. I put a shock collar on him (we got it when we also had his brother and they tag teamed the cat) and go outside with him when the chickens are out. We started out on a leash a couple of months ago and have graduated to the shock collar (I use the vibrate function -- he responds well to it and it doesn't hurt him). Yesterday he lay on the patio sort of watching them and sort of dozing for nearly an hour. I came back inside and watched him discretely CONSTANTLY. It was a huge time sink, but if I can get him so I can trust him, our lives will be so much easier around here.
Yeah it is a lot of work training a dog. I have taken mine inside the pen with a leash several times. But chewi gets too excited and started to cry cuz he couldn't have fresh chicken for breakfast. I am envious of those who have their dogs trained.
Sharol, Red has obviously taken to you and is enjoying his new life. As he matures I am sure he'll get even more trustworthy.
He looks very happy. I remember the first pictures you took of him and blue and he looked scared and stressed. You're an angel.
Sharol, Red has obviously taken to you and is enjoying his new life. As he matures I am sure he'll get even more trustworthy.
He looks very happy. I remember the first pictures you took of him and blue and he looked scared and stressed. You're an angel.
Not me. He just needed a safe home.

He will be a great dog some day. We did beginning obedience with him, and he has sit, come (most of the time), down, and NO really well learned. We are working on stay and heel. Of course, all bets are off when a stranger comes around. and OFF is still a work in progress.
sharol that pic just cracked me up, what a way to get off the couch! Another command that we have taught all of our dogs is "leave it". It can be an important one if for instance you drop a pill you definitely don't want the dog to grab just as an example & our little dogs tend to chase the cats in the house just for the fun of it. That's another leave it moment. Even our GPs outside know leave it as well.

I am still suffering from what I did the last two days, my body is telling me I had better slow down. I didn't have a good night last night with my leg. I'm still having problems with the one I broke with swelling & pain. It will be a day to celebrate when that finally totally heals & the pain stops for sure.
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sharol that pic just cracked me up, what a way to get off the couch! Another command that we have taught all of our dogs is "leave it". It can be an important one if for instance you drop a pill you definitely don't want the dog to grab just as an example & our little dogs tend to chase the cats in the house just for the fun of it. That's another leave it moment. Even our GPs outside know leave it as well.
Yeah, he is a hoot. He slithers off really slowly -- sometimes takes 15 seconds or so to get all four feet on the ground. He stretches better than any dog I ever saw.

Leave it was our first command (forgot that one) -- like you we have cats. He actually responded to that one before the class (and sit, also).

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