Consolidated Kansas

Hi everyone, hope you all had a great weekend and Independence day.

A few pics I would like to have reviewed.
First two are my Bantams (ok, the wife bantams) Figured I had a Rooster and Hen, but the one I thought was a hen had a nice pink Waffle and comb until the other day and it went red, red in like a matter of days, 15 weeks old. I did notice the Waffles are not identical

The last 3 pictures are updates of ones i posted earlier trying to identify and we had guesses of EE and Welsummer. Not looking like a welsummer now, any input would be great.

Been awhile since i posted anything, but i do love stopping in on the mobile app and reading everyones updates.

Well, time to head out and put my frozen milk jugs behind the fan and cool the coop.

Have a great night everyone.


Anderson that first pic looks like a pair to me. The pullet looks ready soon to start laying. The other birds my guess are some kind of Old English? I'm not really familiar with those so that's just a guess on my part & I could be wrong. Maybe Danz will jump in here & give her ideas.
Anderson, I second Trish's opinion, they look like a pair for sure to me but I am no expert by any means.

I would love to go to kaw preserve, I have never heard of it. I am quite a hermit though:) I bet my boys would just love it!

Hubby and I worked really hard on our step up brooder this weekend. Before I left for Texas he had the whole thing framed and the coop portion boarded up so we could get the youngins out of their tub brooders. It measures about 3x3x3ish (im much to lazy and sun burnt to actually go measure it right now, lol. So this weekend he put on the siding and attached some wheels, and I finally got to put the hardware cloth on the run portion 3x6x3ish. Those teenage chickens absolutely loved it, the poor things had been literally cooped up while I was I away. Now all we have to do is the shingles and then move it from the front yard to the back yard! My neighbors all probably think we are a bit odd now, but oh well :confused:

Fingers crossed I get to learn some cool stuff this week :fl eh Deerfield! Lol!

Also great 4th of July this year! It is my husbands favorite holiday and he was deployed for it last year, so we went BIG this year.
Hi everyone, hope you all had a great weekend and Independence day.

A few pics I would like to have reviewed.
First two are my Bantams (ok, the wife bantams) Figured I had a Rooster and Hen, but the one I thought was a hen had a nice pink Waffle and comb until the other day and it went red, red in like a matter of days, 15 weeks old. I did notice the Waffles are not identical

The last 3 pictures are updates of ones i posted earlier trying to identify and we had guesses of EE and Welsummer. Not looking like a welsummer now, any input would be great.

Been awhile since i posted anything, but i do love stopping in on the mobile app and reading everyones updates.

Well, time to head out and put my frozen milk jugs behind the fan and cool the coop.

Have a great night everyone.

I agree a pair. The third one is a golden pheonix hen. It will be a wonderful broody if you ever need to hatch eggs. The males of course are the spectacular ones with very long tails. They are slightly flighty and like to roost at the highest spot in the coop.

What a weekend! We had all the girls from our daughter's boarding school come for lunch and a swim on Saturday and today I had a memorial service to attend east of Ark City. Afterward, my older brother, who attended with me, took me for a nice Sunday drive to the Kaw wildlife preserve. We had a great time just seeing the sights and chatting. That's really different and very wild down there. Very unexpected for Kansas. There's about a mile long stretch of swamp! Who knew? We spotted 7 Indigo Buntings, beautiful little birds that are entirely a brilliant blue color. I've seen only one other in my lifetime and it was in my own yard several years ago. What a treat!

Hope you all had a great weekend!
Aw that's nice. We have lots of indigo buntings around here. They are the most beautiful birds. In my opinion much prettier than a blue bird.
Yesterday was a reminder of how rude and inconsiderate people can be. I won't go into it deeply but this is about 3 weekends in a row I have adjusted plans for people who are no shows. No calls, No shows. I was totally done by evening last night. There is no excuse for people to be so inconsiderate. They call and waste hours of my time when they are inquiring about things and then can't pick up the phone to cancel when they decide not to come. I am done making special provisions for people. I'm thinking maybe I need to start operating like a business with set hours on set days.e again.
Sorry. just needed to vent.
Ok, here are pictures of the two today,

Top one Roo, Bottom one Hen??

Do I have this right??? I ask cause i could have swore I seen the bottom one crow this morning.

Of course, these two seem to be my fence hoppers so they could have flopped places on me....they are 2 fun lil birds

Ok, here are pictures of the two today,

Top one Roo, Bottom one Hen??

Do I have this right??? I ask cause i could have swore I seen the bottom one crow this morning.

Of course, these two seem to be my fence hoppers so they could have flopped places on me....they are 2 fun lil birds

I couldn't see that they were cochins in the earlier pictures. Considering that I'd say they are both roos. A female should have a much smaller single comb but it could just be some poor breeding. I can't see her saddle feathers. Are they pointed or rounded? They are a bit blurry on my monitor. If they are pointed and point down the sides it would be a rooster. If they are round and lay kind of facing the puff at the rear she is female. The stance looks like a pullet at least in these pictures.
I've been cleaning chick bins. It's one of those nasty jobs I hate. I've got to get out and go sweat and care for the other birds now. Never ending!
I couldn't see that they were cochins in the earlier pictures. Considering that I'd say they are both roos. A female should have a much smaller single comb but it could just be some poor breeding. I can't see her saddle feathers. Are they pointed or rounded? They are a bit blurry on my monitor. If they are pointed and point down the sides it would be a rooster. If they are round and lay kind of facing the puff at the rear she is female. The stance looks like a pullet at least in these pictures.
I've been cleaning chick bins. It's one of those nasty jobs I hate. I've got to get out and go sweat and care for the other birds now. Never ending!

Danz I will try to get better pictures later, however deals with heavy rains at the moment, got to love the mud....I guess
Well, I lost the post of who was hatching ducklings the 27th. ??? (Phone seems a bit buggy today)

I've got a single duck egg due to hatch next week. The others died and momma abandoned this one, so i rescued. It'll need some friends so it's not trying to make it alone, lonely, and scared. Most hatcheries want a 15 limit- not wanting that many.

Anyone have a duckling or two they'd be willing to part with for a nominal price???
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Been a few weeks since I was able to read/post, so am playing catch-up


I found some coneflowers (identical to mexican hats) out in my pasture the other day! Will be ding some transplanting into my chicken garden soon! YAY!

Also, I'm looking for some cream legbars. Any hatching soon?

And new baby ducklings? Any available?

@Grain Gypsy

Really diggin' the FAQ on chickens/eggs!!! I have decided to do the same thing, as I'm preparing to sell in the local Farmer's Markets, and thought it'd be a great brochure/pamphlet to add with purchase or for the taking. (I also get a bit "over zealous" when speaking chicken - lol)

I've already purchased blank egg cartons, have a customized stamp: "Kennerie's Cluckers & Quackers", got my mobile card swiper in the mail and app uploaded, and researched the washing of the eggs - per what I was informed by the market manager(s) - a water wash suffices. Figure I'll wait until spring to jump into a booth at the markets though. Give my new flock time to mature and produce good-sized eggs, etc.

Thanks for posting the egg fact sheet!!!

And, well, (((HUGS))) for the recent deaths…

"Queen Latifah" Ohhh, adore!!! I ALMOST named one of mine that this last week, too!!! Instead, I went with Druscilla. LOL!


Beautiful mixture on the 8 wk old you posted pics of. Before knowing what you were working with, I thought it was a Blue Orpington. I'd say Austrolorp/Orpington mix.

@chicken danz

We have a big bad wise old owl, too, who fortunately only got one of our ducks last winter.
Its G I N O R M O U S!!!
Hopefully you find a solution, as I'll be looking for one, too!
Ralph Moyer - may be on to something with the solar lights!!!

Inanna!!! What an adorable bundle of blessing and joy!!! Congrats!


WELCOME, welcome, welcome!!! I'm in Maize!

@Prairie Fleur

I follow several horse rescuers on fb!
My heart breaks for these gorgeous animals, too!
Thanks for your time, effort, and compassion!!!

Warmest of welcomes!

@Frizzled Pink

Wow! Love that old barn!!! I'm betting the birds will love it! What charm!!!

@chicken danz

Oh WOW! I am loving your peacocks!!! I keep trying to talk my hubby into some (I lived on a mountain top in a small shack surrounded by a huge flock of peacocks and fell in love), yet he just thinks they'd be a PITA, and too loud/annoying. SMH. Got any suggestions on how to convince him otherwise? He he he

@DLC Eskies

Howdy!!! Welcome!!!

@Deerfield Acres

The Silver Appleyards are gorgeous!


A YORKIE!!! They are the cutest!!! I think one or two would be a great addition to our family - just have to convince my other half of that, too! Lol Can't wait to see pics of yours!!
I just had a broody hatch out 5 ducklings yesterday. It took about an hour before one was killed. I'd be glad to let you take them if they live that long.
I've been trying to be done hatching for some time now. I still have a few peafowl eggs now and then and some turkey eggs. I normally hatch year round. I am just trying to get all of my extras sold before I do any more hatching. I've got to reduce the amount of work I do. It's gotten to be too much.
My white peacock moulted almost his entire tail in just one day. I went out to the pen to see a sea of white.
@LavrisChica the peafowl only yell during breeding season. Other than if something frightens them like a low flying predator or something. I keep mine penned due to the expense but a lot of people let them free range. The worst thing I have heard about them is that if you have a tall barn they like to roost in it and will poop on machinery kept in there. When mine were free ranging they preferred to sleep in the trees. They are such beautiful birds and they are easy keepers. The only thing you need to be aware of is that they need to be wormed now and then.
I thought they would be loud as well but I have come to enjoy the sounds they make and out in the country who cares. It's usually early evening when they make the most noise. And once there short little breeding season is over it's quiet.
It is chilly outside if you spend time out there. I had to catch a rooster I sold this am. Always glad to see one go to breeding rather than be sacrificed for meat.

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