Consolidated Kansas

We have been really busy as of late, and we are always late.
So far I have hatched out about 100 peachicks, so that and all the bee work is really exhausting. I hand feed them all twice a day, they love their treats!

The dogs are now 5 1/2 months old and pretty well behaved with the exception of eating every egg they can find. They missed one of the six duck nests so we have ducklings on the pond.
Otherwise, they run around all night and sleep all day, kind of like my ex...

Dasie Mae is keeping an eye on Ron, I think he may have put her in her place before.

Ok friends! I caught up on 18 days of awesome stuff and not so aeesome stuff going on. I had just about finished a post and it dissapeared and I just can't go back and do all that again, so I an going to attempt to remember it all, here it goes:

@danz congrats on your beautiful great grand daughter, she is precious! Your peafowl (not sure if that's how I should call them) are beautiful!

@prairie_fleur you are amazing! I wiuld love to help out some how, let me know!

Thank you all for sharing the chicken first aide info, I have been trying to find that info but frankly I sick at googling, lol.

I don't like all this talk about snakes, I do most everything in my yard barefoot, I suppose it's back to my combat boots for a bit.

@girlsnammo was it you that is the air force wife? What does your husband do? I was just medically separated in April and my husband is still active duty. I was an aircraft maintainer. Welcome to the group!

@KsKingBee when I see PBR I think pabst blue ribbon too,lol!

@Deerfield I hope everything was amazing for the reunion. You worked so hard!

To all the newcomers, welcome to BYC!

I am FINALLY back home! I have so many things to do and take care of now that I am back. On a totally different note I started training for my 4th half marathon last week! I love the rush I get when I start training for my races (even if I run slower than a heard of turtles stuck in molasses)!

Im so happy to see everybody in here and catch up!
Glad to see you back/
@KsKingBee , are those dogs part Ahkbash or Antolian? That female looks particularly so. Amazing how fast they grow. I saw an Antolian/Pyr cross at the vets the other day and that dog was huge. Not as stocky or hairy as a pure GP but he was nearly as tall as some Great Dane's I've seen. I've not had a good year for hatching peafowl, Mandarins, or geese. I think the wet season and cooler temperatures really messed things up. On the other hand although they quit a couple months early, I have hatched a huge amount of pheasant. Now if I could just sell a bunch I'd be happy.
I am selling my Chocolate English Orpington breeders this morning. Finally made a decision of another color/beed to eliminate. It's so hard to decide what I can live without.
If I sell a few hundred more chicks I'll be finally getting down to closer to where I want to be. I refuse to spend half my life outside in the winter again.
We got a pretty big storm during the night. I wasn't really wanting that to happen but I guess it was at night instead of during the day.
I've got more work to do to get a storm door installed on the building today, and then I hope to be able to move some more birds again. I had a rough day physically yesterday so I didn't get the birds moved I had planned to.
rvroman welcome back. My DH runs full marathons & is always training for them. He missed qualifying for Boston last time by only 22 seconds. So now he is going to try for it in the fall. Do you run in the one in Wichita? He will be running in that one in the fall.

kskingbee, I'm glad your dogs are doing so well. They're so much fun to watch at times. Mine brought us a possum the other night right up to the driveway by the house like see what we brought you. Ugh, I hate those things but I'm glad they took care of it. You really have a lot of pea chicks this year, wow!

I have let our sheep out in the yard today, keeping my fingers crossed they stay where they're supposed to be & I don't have to retrieve them from the neighbor's garden later. We're working on the 2nd paddock right now. DH is trying to get the trees cut & cleared out so he can put up the fence around it. This area is a bit bigger he said than the last section we did. I really need that fence done but I can't complain since he is working on it by himself. I'm not much help when it comes to cutting trees down or anything with a chainsaw. The clearing at our place takes the longest of anything. Once that is done he can start pounding t-posts & putting in corner posts. It's just very slow going when you need so much fence & it's expensive. All that was here was barbed wire & that is like having no fence when you're talking about keeping goats & sheep in.
My chocolate breeders got picked up this morning and I also sold four more turkey poults. Yay! I really need to boot scoot and get out and start working on things. It looks like it might rain again. We got a substantial storm during the night and I lost several chicks that didn't know to go inside. I hate to see that happen for the birds sake. I sure hope some more buyers show up this weekend. I need pen space really bad. I think I am going to have a butcher day Monday weather permitting. Time to add some meat to the freezer I guess.
We have been really busy as of late, and we are always late.
So far I have hatched out about 100 peachicks, so that and all the bee work is really exhausting. I hand feed them all twice a day, they love their treats!

The dogs are now 5 1/2 months old and pretty well behaved with the exception of eating every egg they can find. They missed one of the six duck nests so we have ducklings on the pond.
Otherwise, they run around all night and sleep all day, kind of like my ex...

Dasie Mae is keeping an eye on Ron, I think he may have put her in her place before.

So we are getting another puppy, a yorkie, at the end of the month. I want to do this right with the chickens this time. so should I introduce them super early as soon as we get him while the chickens are free-ranging?
A yorkie is a terrier so you will have your job cut out for you. I would certainly start him with the birds as soon as you can. Maybe a few pecks while it is young will help establish that they are not play things. I would watch the dog and correct it any time it starts to "play" or act aggressive toward the birds.
I moved some more birds this afternoon. Bit by bit I may eventually get this done. I wonder how many trips I took back and forth across the yard today. It seems like thousands.
My DS's scalped the grass in half of the chickens pen before I caught them and put the kibosh on their grass killing spree. Then I made them water. The ducks loved the sprinkler! They gathered all around it in a circle and tried catching it in mid air, finally they figured out they could stop the thing and drink from it. DH and I got our lawn chairs and watched the show. Pic doesn't do them justice but here goes.

So we are getting another puppy, a yorkie, at the end of the month. I want to do this right with the chickens this time. so should I introduce them super early as soon as we get him while the chickens are free-ranging?
Yorkie puppies are tiny, so you may actually have to protect him/her from the chickens. My miniature doxie is terrified of the big hens, and the first week we had her she attacked my white EE and almost scalped her neck. Since then she has left them alone. A good peck or two would work, but if the chicken hit an eye it could be tragic. I would start out with the puppy on a leash in the vicinity of the chickens and gradually get closer and closer. Some dogs learn, some don't.

Red (my huge 2 1/2 year old puppy) doesn't chase them when I'm in the yard, and can be trusted when I'm nearby in the house, mostly. I just don't leave him unsupervised. He has killed one hen and injured two others in the year and a half we have had him. If he starts showing too much interest in their business, I make a noise and he remembers himself. He knows he is supposed to leave them alone, he just doesn't always do it.

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