Consolidated Kansas

I have to share a little with people I know. I finally found out an article was published in the new June /July issue of Backyard Poultry Magazine. It's about Breda fowl and features a couple pictures from my flock and a quote from me. If you don't buy the magazine you can read the article by going to
You have to sign up, which doesn't cost anything or obligate you in any way. Once you get signed up and signed in you go to the Members only area, and click on Magazines. Then you can read that current issue. The article starts on page 74. It's supposed to be on the Countryside network site as well but it isn't there yet.
Nice pictures, Danz. I had not read my last issue of Backyard Poultry, so thanks for the up-date.
Thank you, Ralph. I hate to be the barer of bad new but those are NOT Blue Slates. There actually isn't a turkey breed called a gray slate..not to be a S.A. I raised some from show lines several years ago. They are actually a self blue like you would find in Chickens. There is no other colors that develop. I can definitely see that they Tom is cross bred but the girls I can't tell. They don't look right but I know being broody they get to looking rough. Maybe the seller called them gray slates because they were cross bred. Grrrr! The only person I know that still has one of those from my line is used to be MaidenWolf on here. I don't remember what her new sign in is. I'll send her a message and facebook and have her post a picture of the blue slate boy.
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Your girls are definitely not pure, as I look at their pictures closer. Their head should be white, not gray. I thought your Tom looked like he was crossed with an RP because of the dark feathers on his back. Blue Slates should be solid even blue except for the head with a few stray black marks. I haven't seen any blue slates in Kansas that look right honestly. I've been to poultry auctions for years and nothing here seems to meet the standard description. I hope you don't feel I was criticizing. It irritates me when people sell things that aren't what they say. And often you never know until much later.
Thanks @maidenwolfx80 . Good to have you here again.
I wasn't expecting anything purebred, as these were being sold, for $4.00 each, at that swap meet. I just can not pass up a bargain, even when it comes to poultry. But I was surprised at the dukes-mixture, of the hatch.
Update on Blinky-
Well the wound continues to shrink- sort of. The problem is there is always green poop on the area (circled in purple), which is a considerable distance from the vent (circled in orange). I am now convinced that the poop is coming out of that area and not her vent. The first picture is from before I soaked her today (the greasy look is from the antibiotic ointment) and the second pic is after soaking (I also trimmed some more feathers around the area). She is eating, not a lot, but more than I had expected of a gruel of chick starter, molasses and a dab of olive oil. Very thin. You can see in the second pic that the area circled in purple is raised up. It looks to me like her vent has atrophied. I've been treating her for a month now. I don't want her to suffer and I think I'm heading toward euthanizing her. I'll ask again incase anyone happens to see this post- is there anyone anywhere around Lawrence who would help me with this. I would be glad to offer some sort of compensation. I would then like to take her to K-State for necropsy. Very sad.

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