Consolidated Kansas

Thanks! We are both super excited. I was talking to my mom tonight and we laughed about it because she was saying how excited she was that we were having a girl but then she said that it was funny because she would be just as excited if we were having a boy. She is just amazed that we can find out and see so much on the ultrasound because when she had us they were hardly available and not very good quality. I would have been ecstatic either way and was really thinking it might be a boy because everyone was so convinced it was a girl and I was sure they would all be wrong!
Yay for girls. I had always wanted boys, and then I had my DD - she converted me LOL. Now you can start thinking of names for her!!!
Thank you! I can't hardly wait. My Nana told me to just soak in the next couple months because after the baby comes I will have to share her with everyone but for now she is just mine to enjoy. I thought that was kind of cute.
Josie, Congrats on the GIRL, Yay! I always wanted a little girl, but only got a boy instead. I have a grandaughter now though, so that kind of makes up for it. Now you can start getting things for a girl, how fun!
You did! Everyone, I mean everyone, thought it was a girl except my middle sister. Isn't that crazy?
Just keep an eye on your geese, yours might not be as dumb as mine. I imagine he would have struggled his way out but it was scary when it happened. I don't know if he thought he could "dive" in and then hit the bottom rather quickly? I was shocked he did it and then his silly orange flippers were straight up in the air waving all over the place. Dumb boy.
Sorry about your chicks, that is a such a bummer. It has been soooo cold at night.
Told you so!! I knew it was a girl at the same time I knew you were going to have a baby. I'm so happy for you!! Woot!!
Oh my Josie. I think my bucket is a 5 gallon one. We bought a smaller one for the dogs last night. Maybe I'd better switch them out. I never thought about the ding dongs going in head first and getting stuck!
Well the saga goes on. I lost a cream legbar and another maran early evening to the cold. Both of them in the same situation, directly under the heat lamps and a group of other chickens. The floor in the brooder is cold. I have shavings in there but it doesn't seem to keep it warm enough. We went to Emporia last night and I checked when we got home. I haven't been out this morning. This is starting to get expensive. I could put another bale of shavings in there I guess but I don't know if it would help. And that means more mess in the water and the feed. I haven't had this problem before this winter. I used the same brooder last winter and another house the year before and I've never had this problem. I really can't afford to keep loosing birds like this. I am so ready for the weather to break and for it to warm up some. I was filling waterers yesterday for the brooder outside and as the water landed it froze. That was mid afternoon when it was the warmest.
I've always liked raising fall hatched chicks before but this isn't working for sure.
Thanks!! You know it's funny because I always kind of think of men wanting boys so they can do guy things with them like go fishing or play catch but my DH was actually super excited it was a girl. His eyes just lit up when the tech told us and he kept going Ohhh, look at her and Awwwww when she would move her hands up by her face or suck her thumb on the sonogram. So many people asked what Tim thought when he found out as if he should be let down that it wasn't a son to pal around with but he was so happy and excited about a little girl. We have had much better luck with girl names too and he has thought it was a girl all along too with everyone else!

Very pretty young ladies and such a proud dad! I had to laugh at the deer, he looks like a guy in a bar that sneaks up and sticks his head into a pic just as the camera goes off!
Congrats Josie!!! Healthy, happy & smooth delivery is my wish for you!

My DH wouldn't even pick out girls names, NO WAY was he having girls, only boys, pitchers and quarterbacks...first two were girls & they had him wrapped around their little fingers in no time!! He's got cheerleaders on academic scholarships and could not be happier or prouder.

I was breaking ice and watering this morning, the door for the young chickens pen didn't get shut correctly, they got out with the bigs and the mean roosters started team molesting my poor young pullets. I did manage to get the young girls back in the coop and shut the pop door, little feathers in those mean Rooster's beaks. It's D day for those two jerks! As soon as my son gets home from school those roosters are culled. I should have done this a couple of weeks ago!
Congrats on an incubator, how fun!! I have a brinsea eco and LOVE it but they are kind of pricey. I have heard good things about hovabators and I have as styrofoam one with a turner that I used to use. It did great for home hatches but I had trouble hatching shipped eggs in it. I have heard the next model up that is made of hard plastic and has a large viewing window is really nice. I don't know how much they run but the turner and styro bator was about $140 all together a few years ago I believe.
Danz- Thank you, the pic is my bantam EE midnight, he is the one with the impacted crop. One day last week I heard him crow,, I went out and he was standing inthe yard with a scratchy crow. I went to him and he jumped up on my lap and WOW his crop was normal size I felt it, no impaction.. This had been impacted for 3+ months.. Oh goodness, It is all better now and he is now trying to catch up to everyone on the maturing and he is quickly rising in the peck order. He is just a beautiful little bird. Thank you also for the advice on the incubator, I will need to mentoring. I was so excited to hear that they were doing this. Usually they dont like to just get someone one gift but my dh's aunt talked everyone into it. She knew I really wanted it and told everyone that this would give us an opportunity to make money and raise our own food and everyone like that idea. I cant wait now lol. i hope I get enough money for one, I really am not positive on the amount yet, they want me to do research on ones I like to get prices. I want a good one, that will last but not a ridiculous price.
Oh no!!! Poor thing! You could try soaking some feed for her so she can "scoop" feed into her beak. We had an EE hen that had a crooked beak, as in the bottom beak and top beak were at 90 degree angles to each other and she ate her "slop" out of a deep bowl for almost two years before we lost her.
Okay, I had a chicken emergency today! Cocoa, my polish that had been injured from my turkey over the summer some how got RE-injured! I don't know what she did! Or I know what she did, but I don't know HOW she managed to do it. Poor thing! She broke off more of her beak, and it's down past the soft tissue part! It's awful! I brought her in this evening and had my DH hold her while I put Iodine on her and clipped off the beak that was hanging loose. I took a picture BEFORE I clipped it off. The part that was torn off and hanging on was hanging on by FLESH and blood! There's no blood in the picture because I tried to clean it up as good as I could and rinsed it and poured Iodine on it and then used cotton balls to clean it up. Then I snipped it off and used more Iodine to clean it up. Poor thing, she screamed! I felt TERRIBLE cutting it off, but there was no way to put it back. We had out super glue to see if we could put it back, but there was no way.
I sure hope she'll be okay with half a beak on top!!

Click to enlarge if you wish to see what she did.

Spent the day down in Wichita. Delivered a dog house to a friend with some ducks and met with a guy about building a horse run in and chicken shed row. My MIL must have cornered me about 7 times at work to berate me about why we would spend money to build something when she and my FIL could build it for us for just the cost of materials. I was about to cry by the last time. I tried everything short of telling her off. I told her that we wanted it built nicely so it would add value to the property and would be attractive, that we want to be sure it is graded properly and drains well, that it will be must stronger and structurally sound if we have it set in concrete, that there will be TONS of work she and my FIL can help with after the buildings are set up. Nothing would placate her, she just wouldn't quit. Even DH told her that was our plan all along and she just waited until he left and went back after me. Ugh. The guy who came out to give us an estimate seemed really nice and asked lots of questions and gave suggestions on how to best approach the project so that was nice.
Thanks, I'm blessed, they are good girls, much better than I deserve.

Sorry about your birds that died. I don't know how you keep up with all of those birds! When these cold snaps hit and I go out to feed and water and that cold bites right through my clothes I
have to remind myself how much I like having chickens, I have it easy compared to some of you with many birds in different pens!
I have some fresh chicken in the refrigerator.
Thankful my son is so willing to help me! Hope the hens can get along
and avoid the hawks without the Roosters protection.
Poor broken beak, I do see pictures of beaks cut off pretty short in commercial locations so maybe she'll make it okay!
Hope you find a good vehicle.
Congrats on the great gift!
Hope your new fuzzy babies are doing well.
I loved your Miss. Preener story, thanks for sharing!!
Cherwill, car shopping is the pits and it doesn't help when each of you has different goals. When my kids were babies, my ex and I were car shopping and he took me to see a sedan that was bright orange and had rear spoilers - and you name it. This was the ugliest car I have ever seen. He and the salesman kept touting its good features - one owner, low mileage etc., and urging me to get in and test drive it. I finally just put my foot down and said I'd be wasting everyone's time test driving it because NO WAY was I ever going to be seen in that thing. I was picturing rocking up to playgroup and unloading toddlers from the backseat and cringed right there in the car lot. The salesman finally realized he was beat because if he couldn't get me to test drive it, no way was I ever going to buy it. Guys just look at these things differently I guess. I mean, I want low mileage and all that too, but its not the only thing I look at.

Hawkeye, so sorry about your Polish - that looks awful, and I'm sorry I can't offer any advice. My male turkey had his beak trimmed before I got him but he seems to do okay with only half a beak on top. I would think drinking would be okay but pecking at food would be difficult but I guess they adapt. He's gained a lot of size and weight since I've had him and certainly dives into a bowl of food with gusto any time I put one down so he seems to be able to eat well enough. Hopefully your Polish will be able to adapt to eating. I would offer mashes and hard boiled egg for awhile since it seems like those things would be easier to eat than pellets or crumbles.
Guess I took too long typing and there were several posts in between. Kansas Prairie, I meant to say your girls are gorgeous but that they are smart too is really the important thing. I do think there is a bond between dads and daughters, as there often is between mothers and sons.

Josie, its not that long since I had my kids, but the technologies have really improved even since then. A friend of mine was pregnant the same time I was but due 5 weeks before. She already had a girl and by ultrasound they told her she was having a boy. I was also told mine was a boy so we eagerly awaited the arrival of our sons together. Imagine our surprise when she delivered a healthy baby girl! You know, you hear about it happening but I figured they don't get it wrong that often so it was really amazing they got it wrong. Five weeks later I was in labor and the midwife asked if I knew the sex. I told her it was a boy and they delivered him up onto my belly and covered him with a towel. I stroked his head and talked to him for about 10 minutes before they said they should take him away for a bath and to be weighed. It was only after they removed the towel covering him that the room went silent and someone quietly said "Ummm....there's something missing". I absolutely could not believe they got it wrong for both of us!!! It took me a little while to mentally adjust to having a girl after months of planning for a boy but I wouldn't trade her for anything. I'm sure with the improved technologies since then they are even less likely to get it wrong now than they were back then though.
Cherwill, stick to your guns! I know you're sick of it, but it will only make you mad every time you have to see it or drive it. Have you been doing online searches? We found ours for a lot less than around here. If you don't mind driving a bit, you could extend your search to OKC and KC? Good luck finding your next car!

Thanks. We've been checking Craig's list regularly and don't mind driving. I think we've got KC covered and even into Nebraska. Not sure if we're seeing OKC listings; I'll check on that.


Click to enlarge if you wish to see what she did.

WOW! That poor thing.

Spent the day down in Wichita. Delivered a dog house to a friend with some ducks and met with a guy about building a horse run in and chicken shed row. My MIL must have cornered me about 7 times at work to berate me about why we would spend money to build something when she and my FIL could build it for us for just the cost of materials. I was about to cry by the last time. I tried everything short of telling her off. I told her that we wanted it built nicely so it would add value to the property and would be attractive, that we want to be sure it is graded properly and drains well, that it will be must stronger and structurally sound if we have it set in concrete, that there will be TONS of work she and my FIL can help with after the buildings are set up. Nothing would placate her, she just wouldn't quit. Even DH told her that was our plan all along and she just waited until he left and went back after me. Ugh. The guy who came out to give us an estimate seemed really nice and asked lots of questions and gave suggestions on how to best approach the project so that was nice.

That's not helpful at all, is it? I hope she quits when she realizes you've already made up your mind. It sure would make me want to avoid her as much as possible!

Cherwill, car shopping is the pits and it doesn't help when each of you has different goals. When my kids were babies, my ex and I were car shopping and he took me to see a sedan that was bright orange and had rear spoilers - and you name it. This was the ugliest car I have ever seen. He and the salesman kept touting its good features - one owner, low mileage etc., and urging me to get in and test drive it. I finally just put my foot down and said I'd be wasting everyone's time test driving it because NO WAY was I ever going to be seen in that thing. I was picturing rocking up to playgroup and unloading toddlers from the backseat and cringed right there in the car lot. The salesman finally realized he was beat because if he couldn't get me to test drive it, no way was I ever going to buy it. Guys just look at these things differently I guess. I mean, I want low mileage and all that too, but its not the only thing I look at.

Yeah, I think bright orange would be a deal-breaker for me, too! What on earth was he thinking?!?!?
Thanks! We are both super excited. I was talking to my mom tonight and we laughed about it because she was saying how excited she was that we were having a girl but then she said that it was funny because she would be just as excited if we were having a boy. She is just amazed that we can find out and see so much on the ultrasound because when she had us they were hardly available and not very good quality. I would have been ecstatic either way and was really thinking it might be a boy because everyone was so convinced it was a girl and I was sure they would all be wrong!
Thank you! I can't hardly wait. My Nana told me to just soak in the next couple months because after the baby comes I will have to share her with everyone but for now she is just mine to enjoy. I thought that was kind of cute.
You did! Everyone, I mean everyone, thought it was a girl except my middle sister. Isn't that crazy?
Just keep an eye on your geese, yours might not be as dumb as mine. I imagine he would have struggled his way out but it was scary when it happened. I don't know if he thought he could "dive" in and then hit the bottom rather quickly? I was shocked he did it and then his silly orange flippers were straight up in the air waving all over the place. Dumb boy.
Sorry about your chicks, that is a such a bummer. It has been soooo cold at night.
Thanks!! You know it's funny because I always kind of think of men wanting boys so they can do guy things with them like go fishing or play catch but my DH was actually super excited it was a girl. His eyes just lit up when the tech told us and he kept going Ohhh, look at her and Awwwww when she would move her hands up by her face or suck her thumb on the sonogram. So many people asked what Tim thought when he found out as if he should be let down that it wasn't a son to pal around with but he was so happy and excited about a little girl. We have had much better luck with girl names too and he has thought it was a girl all along too with everyone else!

Very pretty young ladies and such a proud dad! I had to laugh at the deer, he looks like a guy in a bar that sneaks up and sticks his head into a pic just as the camera goes off!
Congrats on an incubator, how fun!! I have a brinsea eco and LOVE it but they are kind of pricey. I have heard good things about hovabators and I have as styrofoam one with a turner that I used to use. It did great for home hatches but I had trouble hatching shipped eggs in it. I have heard the next model up that is made of hard plastic and has a large viewing window is really nice. I don't know how much they run but the turner and styro bator was about $140 all together a few years ago I believe.
Oh no!!! Poor thing! You could try soaking some feed for her so she can "scoop" feed into her beak. We had an EE hen that had a crooked beak, as in the bottom beak and top beak were at 90 degree angles to each other and she ate her "slop" out of a deep bowl for almost two years before we lost her.

Spent the day down in Wichita. Delivered a dog house to a friend with some ducks and met with a guy about building a horse run in and chicken shed row. My MIL must have cornered me about 7 times at work to berate me about why we would spend money to build something when she and my FIL could build it for us for just the cost of materials. I was about to cry by the last time. I tried everything short of telling her off. I told her that we wanted it built nicely so it would add value to the property and would be attractive, that we want to be sure it is graded properly and drains well, that it will be must stronger and structurally sound if we have it set in concrete, that there will be TONS of work she and my FIL can help with after the buildings are set up. Nothing would placate her, she just wouldn't quit. Even DH told her that was our plan all along and she just waited until he left and went back after me. Ugh. The guy who came out to give us an estimate seemed really nice and asked lots of questions and gave suggestions on how to best approach the project so that was nice.
Josie, I'm sorry you're having so many problems with your MIL, gosh even after your DH told her the same thing, ugh. I think you just need to be matter of fact with her & tell her it's not up for discussion. I know that may be hard, but it's not good for you right now to get your blood pressure up over her negativity. That's so cool the technology they have these days with being able to see so much on the sonogram. That's very exciting!
Cherwill, stick to your guns! I know you're sick of it, but it will only make you mad every time you have to see it or drive it. Have you been doing online searches? We found ours for a lot less than around here. If you don't mind driving a bit, you could extend your search to OKC and KC? Good luck finding your next car!

Danz, I don't know if I remembered to say earlier, but I'm really sorry about the birds you lost to the cold. So terrible! And with all the same conditions you were using from last year. I dont get it!

I'm so sorry Ivy didn't get that job!! Oh what a bummer! Wow. I was sure thinking she'd be a shoe in for it. I sure hope she can find something soon so they can make the move!

Beautiful girls you have! Chicken noodle soup sounds really good???

Okay, I had a chicken emergency today! Cocoa, my polish that had been injured from my turkey over the summer some how got RE-injured! I don't know what she did! Or I know what she did, but I don't know HOW she managed to do it. Poor thing! She broke off more of her beak, and it's down past the soft tissue part! It's awful! I brought her in this evening and had my DH hold her while I put Iodine on her and clipped off the beak that was hanging loose. I took a picture BEFORE I clipped it off. The part that was torn off and hanging on was hanging on by FLESH and blood! There's no blood in the picture because I tried to clean it up as good as I could and rinsed it and poured Iodine on it and then used cotton balls to clean it up. Then I snipped it off and used more Iodine to clean it up. Poor thing, she screamed! I felt TERRIBLE cutting it off, but there was no way to put it back. We had out super glue to see if we could put it back, but there was no way.
I sure hope she'll be okay with half a beak on top!!

Click to enlarge if you wish to see what she did.

Oh Hawkeye that's awful, I wonder what happened to her? I hope she can eat OK.

Cherwill, for some reason the multi quote didn't work for your post. I know when we were looking for cars not this time but the car before, we got online & searched for all the cars around in a certain radius in the model we wanted & ended up buying one several hours away in Oklahoma. It ended up being a really nice car & it's the one we just traded in & actually got a really good trade-in value on it. Hang in there, it's never really fun car shopping, but you will find the one you like eventually. I hope you DH gets on board with you so it's easier.

I had to go to Wichita this afternoon to a Dr. appt. so I did some shopping while I was up there. I didn't really find what I had gone looking for, I found some things I wasn't looking for, that's how it usually goes. I did however find the extension for my coop I was wanting with a safety on it to keep it from blowing a breaker, I can't think of the term right now. But tomorrow I will hopefully be able to plug in a heated bowl for the rooster in the pen in the run. Then that will just leave the turkeys with a bowl that freezes. I already have my extension cords to the max out there, so I have not figured any way to add one more cord so I could put a heated bowl in for them. I'm afraid I will just blow the breaker if I try to put any more cords on there. I guess it's not too bad to have to haul water for just one pen a couple times a day. The heated dog bowls have worked pretty well for the chickens in the pens outside. The only problem I have been having with the turkeys is with the big rubber bowl they have they tend to walk in it & dump it over, silly birds.
I know this has been discussed so instead of everyone posting here if you would like you can just pm me. I am wanting to buy an incubator next month and want to know what kind to get. Still air, circ air, auto control, self turning? There are so many options. I will have about $200 to spend, less is better if possible. It is the xmas money fromall family. They are putting all their money together and giving it to me to buy an incubator and they are taking me to get it so I dont spend the money on anything for anyone else lol.
I'm sure most people are going to suggest a Brinsea - I hate mine. I ordered the Eco 20 and when I got it, the lid was warped on one side and the machine did not maintain temperature at all. My first batch of 20 eggs was toast. The company was great though and sent UPS to pick up the defective unit and then they sent me another unit. #2 had a warped lid worse than the first one they sent me. Again - Brinsea was great and picked up that unit and sent another. Unit #3 will not maintain temperature at all - it drops to 90 and then spikes to 104 or higher for no reason. I have eggs in there right now - went to bed with it at 96 and woke up to 104. Again, these eggs are toast. I'm keeping these eggs in the incubator in these horrible spiked temps only so I can try to regulate the temperature. So - unit #3 doesn't work either. I do believe I am now stuck with a nonworking Brinsea. I do not recommend a Brinsea... Unless you want to buy mine? :)
I was able to skim quickly, since I can now have a little bit of electronics time. ( I had a bad concussion from a fall which initially eliminated all , then work and now a little more me time again :) Well wishes to all of you!!! I have missed checking this board!!

Congrats Josie! Baby girls are so much fun! Mine was such an easy baby. Eased me into the parenting role well.

Love the baby silikies! Our Silkie is still trying to hatch a ping pong ball.... Or any egg she can steal to sit on.

We lost one of my sons Marans chicks to the cold. It got squashed.... The others all seem to be doing well though. I am trying to keep them stocked in BOSS and corn for treats.

We have a mystery egg layer. Has to be our polish or our Favarolle..... But?

The egg is HUGE!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thank you! I can't hardly wait. My Nana told me to just soak in the next couple months because after the baby comes I will have to share her with everyone but for now she is just mine to enjoy. I thought that was kind of cute.

Spent the day down in Wichita. Delivered a dog house to a friend with some ducks and met with a guy about building a horse run in and chicken shed row. My MIL must have cornered me about 7 times at work to berate me about why we would spend money to build something when she and my FIL could build it for us for just the cost of materials. I was about to cry by the last time. I tried everything short of telling her off. I told her that we wanted it built nicely so it would add value to the property and would be attractive, that we want to be sure it is graded properly and drains well, that it will be must stronger and structurally sound if we have it set in concrete, that there will be TONS of work she and my FIL can help with after the buildings are set up. Nothing would placate her, she just wouldn't quit. Even DH told her that was our plan all along and she just waited until he left and went back after me. Ugh. The guy who came out to give us an estimate seemed really nice and asked lots of questions and gave suggestions on how to best approach the project so that was nice.
Good advice from your Nana! Not only that, but it will be all about the baby and no one will remember that YOU are tired and cranky and having a bad day. I had days where I felt like running off with the baby for a while. I think a lot of it is hormones acting up and lack of sleep. I did better by the 3rd baby, but I was pretty cranky with the first two. I mean, I was happy, don't get me wrong. But when you're tired and everyone is making over the baby and no one says a word to you.... grrr. My MIL was a real trip on the first baby. We actually got into a huge fight, and I refused to see her. It's all worked out now and we get along perfectly! But she had to realize that I was my own person and was not at her beck and call. I was nursing and on my 1st baby made a snide comment that I was selfish for nursing, because SHE couldn't feed my baby and lamented on how awful that was for HER. It was shortly after that we had a big blow up. But like I said, once she understood me and saw that I was not uncompromising, it was just that I was doing things *my* way... and we had a long talk, things were fine.

Don't fall into any more conversations with the building with your MIL. If she manages to talk to you about it again-- just tell her you're done talking about it and ask how her day was or something to change the subject. Just be DONE with it. No more talking, she obviously thinks that if you're talking, she can change your mind. Which is crazy-- winter is coming on, how do they think they can get out there and build it quickly? A contractor will have it up in a few days because he has every large machine available to him and a crew of men. Sheesh. She's going to have to learn to let it go. This is your DH's mom, so he needs to have a chat with her later if she keeps on. Tell her to give it a rest, you guys are adults.

Cherwill, car shopping is the pits and it doesn't help when each of you has different goals. When my kids were babies, my ex and I were car shopping and he took me to see a sedan that was bright orange and had rear spoilers - and you name it. This was the ugliest car I have ever seen. He and the salesman kept touting its good features - one owner, low mileage etc., and urging me to get in and test drive it. I finally just put my foot down and said I'd be wasting everyone's time test driving it because NO WAY was I ever going to be seen in that thing. I was picturing rocking up to playgroup and unloading toddlers from the backseat and cringed right there in the car lot. The salesman finally realized he was beat because if he couldn't get me to test drive it, no way was I ever going to buy it. Guys just look at these things differently I guess. I mean, I want low mileage and all that too, but its not the only thing I look at.

Hawkeye, so sorry about your Polish - that looks awful, and I'm sorry I can't offer any advice. My male turkey had his beak trimmed before I got him but he seems to do okay with only half a beak on top. I would think drinking would be okay but pecking at food would be difficult but I guess they adapt. He's gained a lot of size and weight since I've had him and certainly dives into a bowl of food with gusto any time I put one down so he seems to be able to eat well enough. Hopefully your Polish will be able to adapt to eating. I would offer mashes and hard boiled egg for awhile since it seems like those things would be easier to eat than pellets or crumbles.
OMGosh!!!! That is hilarious!! I can't even imagine anyone being serious about a mommy of two kids driving something like that! I call those kinds of cars ghetto cars--- because they are trying hard to show off for some reason.

Josie, I'm sorry you're having so many problems with your MIL, gosh even after your DH told her the same thing, ugh. I think you just need to be matter of fact with her & tell her it's not up for discussion. I know that may be hard, but it's not good for you right now to get your blood pressure up over her negativity. That's so cool the technology they have these days with being able to see so much on the sonogram. That's very exciting!
Oh Hawkeye that's awful, I wonder what happened to her? I hope she can eat OK.

Cherwill, for some reason the multi quote didn't work for your post. I know when we were looking for cars not this time but the car before, we got online & searched for all the cars around in a certain radius in the model we wanted & ended up buying one several hours away in Oklahoma. It ended up being a really nice car & it's the one we just traded in & actually got a really good trade-in value on it. Hang in there, it's never really fun car shopping, but you will find the one you like eventually. I hope you DH gets on board with you so it's easier.

I had to go to Wichita this afternoon to a Dr. appt. so I did some shopping while I was up there. I didn't really find what I had gone looking for, I found some things I wasn't looking for, that's how it usually goes. I did however find the extension for my coop I was wanting with a safety on it to keep it from blowing a breaker, I can't think of the term right now. But tomorrow I will hopefully be able to plug in a heated bowl for the rooster in the pen in the run. Then that will just leave the turkeys with a bowl that freezes. I already have my extension cords to the max out there, so I have not figured any way to add one more cord so I could put a heated bowl in for them. I'm afraid I will just blow the breaker if I try to put any more cords on there. I guess it's not too bad to have to haul water for just one pen a couple times a day. The heated dog bowls have worked pretty well for the chickens in the pens outside. The only problem I have been having with the turkeys is with the big rubber bowl they have they tend to walk in it & dump it over, silly birds.
A couple of weeks ago, she had hooked her beak onto the chain link of the run and got caught. I realized then, that her beak had become a hazard and needed trimming. When she was attacked and broke her beak the first time, it grew back in really long and with a curl upwards to the tip. Like a hook!! I did trim the tip, and still worried about her hooking the rest of the beak on the fencing. But she did this INSIDE the coop when I let them out yesterday morning. She had fresh blood pouring from her mouth and beak when I let them out. SO I don't know?! I'm wondering if she got chased in the coop and ran into a wall? Or even fell off the roost.. I just have no idea. Good luck with your heaters and working out the electric for it. I still need to build two more cookie tins. I have everything i need, just haven't had the time to sit down.

I'm sure most people are going to suggest a Brinsea - I hate mine. I ordered the Eco 20 and when I got it, the lid was warped on one side and the machine did not maintain temperature at all. My first batch of 20 eggs was toast. The company was great though and sent UPS to pick up the defective unit and then they sent me another unit. #2 had a warped lid worse than the first one they sent me. Again - Brinsea was great and picked up that unit and sent another. Unit #3 will not maintain temperature at all - it drops to 90 and then spikes to 104 or higher for no reason. I have eggs in there right now - went to bed with it at 96 and woke up to 104. Again, these eggs are toast. I'm keeping these eggs in the incubator in these horrible spiked temps only so I can try to regulate the temperature. So - unit #3 doesn't work either. I do believe I am now stuck with a nonworking Brinsea. I do not recommend a Brinsea... Unless you want to buy mine? :)
WOW!! You have had the WORST luck with that company! I just can't even imagine!!! I'm afraid to buy another Brinsea now! And I want another one! I love mine so much, it is wonderful. I wonder what the heck that company is doing lately to screw them up like that? For you to go thru 3 Non-working machines-- that is ridiculous! I hope they exchange this one. The crazy thing is that I'm in another group, and there are like 10 of us that have these Brinsea and they all work perfectly and no one ever had any of those troubles with them! I just can't even wrap my mind around such big flaws and big problems! What the heck are they doing wrong with them?? I'm so sorry about your machine!

I was able to skim quickly, since I can now have a little bit of electronics time. ( I had a bad concussion from a fall which initially eliminated all , then work and now a little more me time again :) Well wishes to all of you!!! I have missed checking this board!!
Congrats Josie! Baby girls are so much fun! Mine was such an easy baby. Eased me into the parenting role well.
Love the baby silikies! Our Silkie is still trying to hatch a ping pong ball.... Or any egg she can steal to sit on.
We lost one of my sons Marans chicks to the cold. It got squashed.... The others all seem to be doing well though. I am trying to keep them stocked in BOSS and corn for treats.
We have a mystery egg layer. Has to be our polish or our Favarolle..... But?
The egg is HUGE!!!!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That is a big egg! I can't see a Polish laying that thing! LOL My polish lay a smallish-medium egg. Not quite as large as my Barred rock and Wyandotte eggs. But it is the right color for a Polish. I'm so sorry about your Marans chicks. What a sad thing to discover.
I'm glad you are back on here, though!! I'm so sorry about your fall, I didn't even realize you had been injured! I hope you have been feeling better! You are a great mama for giving them BOSS. I picked up a new bag yesterday for my birds. They LOVE BOSS and it's perfect for winter when it's so cold and they need a bit extra boost to keep them warm!


So my morning has been pretty much awful. Well.... I should say my night was. I woke up a little before 1am to my youngest daughter throwing up. In bed and on the floor. SO THANKFUL for hardwood flooring (whew!!!) and got her to the bathroom, she kept throwing up in the toilet and mean while, I cleaned up the floor and got the bedding put into the washer and put on clean bedding on her bed after making sure it was wiped down. I ALWAYS use those zippered plastic covers over our mattresses so they stay brand new, so I just had to wipe a bit of bleach on the plastic cover of her mattress before putting new bedding on. Anyway, then I put her in a bath, because it was gross. Got her out and dried her off and back to bed. Up 20 mins later, but she had made it to the bathroom and was throwing up again. This went on every 20 minutes -- running to the bathroom all night long. UGH. Her bedding stayed clean up until 7am this morning and I'll have to change it again. Sigh. She's laying down right now, but isn't feeling well, so I hope she makes it to the bathroom the next time. I'm guessing a yucky virus hit her. I'm not surprised, she's at the age where I have to force her to hand wash, and then she still puts things into her mouth. (She's 4 yrs) She is also in Preschool where her friends have had the same thing. So it was probably a no win situation. I just hope *I* don't come down with it! I can't afford to! I have my parents coming in on Saturday and I need to clean house like a mad woman this week! :p
Hahahaha!! That is too funny, I can't imagine you driving an orange sedan with spoiler!! It reminds me of that commercial on tv where the mom won't let her teenage daughter go out with this boy in his pimped out hot rod car with this big booming system in it and makes them take her safe sedan instead. SO she is driving the pimped out car around doing groceries and stuff while her daughter is out on their date!
Cherwill, car shopping is the pits and it doesn't help when each of you has different goals. When my kids were babies, my ex and I were car shopping and he took me to see a sedan that was bright orange and had rear spoilers - and you name it. This was the ugliest car I have ever seen. He and the salesman kept touting its good features - one owner, low mileage etc., and urging me to get in and test drive it. I finally just put my foot down and said I'd be wasting everyone's time test driving it because NO WAY was I ever going to be seen in that thing. I was picturing rocking up to playgroup and unloading toddlers from the backseat and cringed right there in the car lot. The salesman finally realized he was beat because if he couldn't get me to test drive it, no way was I ever going to buy it. Guys just look at these things differently I guess. I mean, I want low mileage and all that too, but its not the only thing I look at.
Guess I took too long typing and there were several posts in between. Kansas Prairie, I meant to say your girls are gorgeous but that they are smart too is really the important thing. I do think there is a bond between dads and daughters, as there often is between mothers and sons.

Josie, its not that long since I had my kids, but the technologies have really improved even since then. A friend of mine was pregnant the same time I was but due 5 weeks before. She already had a girl and by ultrasound they told her she was having a boy. I was also told mine was a boy so we eagerly awaited the arrival of our sons together. Imagine our surprise when she delivered a healthy baby girl! You know, you hear about it happening but I figured they don't get it wrong that often so it was really amazing they got it wrong. Five weeks later I was in labor and the midwife asked if I knew the sex. I told her it was a boy and they delivered him up onto my belly and covered him with a towel. I stroked his head and talked to him for about 10 minutes before they said they should take him away for a bath and to be weighed. It was only after they removed the towel covering him that the room went silent and someone quietly said "Ummm....there's something missing". I absolutely could not believe they got it wrong for both of us!!! It took me a little while to mentally adjust to having a girl after months of planning for a boy but I wouldn't trade her for anything. I'm sure with the improved technologies since then they are even less likely to get it wrong now than they were back then though.
Ditto to this. I don't need to get myself all worked up. I have enough on my plate as is without her stressing me out too! Have you tried a bigger bucket for your turkeys? I have a few for my geese and I just dump them at night and refill in the am. They haven't been freezing during the day. Turkeys are sooo clumsy, the walk over everything.
Josie, I'm sorry you're having so many problems with your MIL, gosh even after your DH told her the same thing, ugh. I think you just need to be matter of fact with her & tell her it's not up for discussion. I know that may be hard, but it's not good for you right now to get your blood pressure up over her negativity. That's so cool the technology they have these days with being able to see so much on the sonogram. That's very exciting!
Oh Hawkeye that's awful, I wonder what happened to her? I hope she can eat OK.

Cherwill, for some reason the multi quote didn't work for your post. I know when we were looking for cars not this time but the car before, we got online & searched for all the cars around in a certain radius in the model we wanted & ended up buying one several hours away in Oklahoma. It ended up being a really nice car & it's the one we just traded in & actually got a really good trade-in value on it. Hang in there, it's never really fun car shopping, but you will find the one you like eventually. I hope you DH gets on board with you so it's easier.

I had to go to Wichita this afternoon to a Dr. appt. so I did some shopping while I was up there. I didn't really find what I had gone looking for, I found some things I wasn't looking for, that's how it usually goes. I did however find the extension for my coop I was wanting with a safety on it to keep it from blowing a breaker, I can't think of the term right now. But tomorrow I will hopefully be able to plug in a heated bowl for the rooster in the pen in the run. Then that will just leave the turkeys with a bowl that freezes. I already have my extension cords to the max out there, so I have not figured any way to add one more cord so I could put a heated bowl in for them. I'm afraid I will just blow the breaker if I try to put any more cords on there. I guess it's not too bad to have to haul water for just one pen a couple times a day. The heated dog bowls have worked pretty well for the chickens in the pens outside. The only problem I have been having with the turkeys is with the big rubber bowl they have they tend to walk in it & dump it over, silly birds.
We missed you too! Glad you hear you are feeling better!
I was able to skim quickly, since I can now have a little bit of electronics time. ( I had a bad concussion from a fall which initially eliminated all , then work and now a little more me time again :) Well wishes to all of you!!! I have missed checking this board!!
Congrats Josie! Baby girls are so much fun! Mine was such an easy baby. Eased me into the parenting role well.
Love the baby silikies! Our Silkie is still trying to hatch a ping pong ball.... Or any egg she can steal to sit on.
We lost one of my sons Marans chicks to the cold. It got squashed.... The others all seem to be doing well though. I am trying to keep them stocked in BOSS and corn for treats.
We have a mystery egg layer. Has to be our polish or our Favarolle..... But?

The egg is HUGE!!!!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Good advice from your Nana! Not only that, but it will be all about the baby and no one will remember that YOU are tired and cranky and having a bad day. I had days where I felt like running off with the baby for a while. I think a lot of it is hormones acting up and lack of sleep. I did better by the 3rd baby, but I was pretty cranky with the first two. I mean, I was happy, don't get me wrong. But when you're tired and everyone is making over the baby and no one says a word to you.... grrr. My MIL was a real trip on the first baby. We actually got into a huge fight, and I refused to see her. It's all worked out now and we get along perfectly! But she had to realize that I was my own person and was not at her beck and call. I was nursing and on my 1st baby made a snide comment that I was selfish for nursing, because SHE couldn't feed my baby and lamented on how awful that was for HER. This is exactly what is going to happen to me! I have already prepared myself for when this comes out of her mouth! It was shortly after that we had a big blow up. But like I said, once she understood me and saw that I was not uncompromising, it was just that I was doing things *my* way... and we had a long talk, things were fine.

Don't fall into any more conversations with the building with your MIL. If she manages to talk to you about it again-- just tell her you're done talking about it and ask how her day was or something to change the subject. Just be DONE with it. No more talking, she obviously thinks that if you're talking, she can change your mind. Which is crazy-- winter is coming on, how do they think they can get out there and build it quickly? A contractor will have it up in a few days because he has every large machine available to him and a crew of men. Sheesh. She's going to have to learn to let it go. This is your DH's mom, so he needs to have a chat with her later if she keeps on. Tell her to give it a rest, you guys are adults. Good call, I just won't even discuss it. I will just ignore her and change the subject. I don't know why she won't let it go but I am really over discussing it with her. DH talks to her and she just gets upset and stomps off and ignores him for the rest of the day. It is bizarre behavior. I think they believe it will save us money but in the long run I think it will be more costly to do repairs and fight with a poorly constructed building. DH also said last night that he doesn't think she has a clue how much work is involved with the chickens right now and how time consuming it is. After helping me feed and water this summer and fall even he said our set up is ridiculous and completely impractical. Never mind I have birds that fly over the fence and lose birds to hawks because they get out because our pens are not adequately constructed.


So my morning has been pretty much awful. Well.... I should say my night was. I woke up a little before 1am to my youngest daughter throwing up. In bed and on the floor. SO THANKFUL for hardwood flooring (whew!!!) and got her to the bathroom, she kept throwing up in the toilet and mean while, I cleaned up the floor and got the bedding put into the washer and put on clean bedding on her bed after making sure it was wiped down. I ALWAYS use those zippered plastic covers over our mattresses so they stay brand new, so I just had to wipe a bit of bleach on the plastic cover of her mattress before putting new bedding on. Anyway, then I put her in a bath, because it was gross. Got her out and dried her off and back to bed. Up 20 mins later, but she had made it to the bathroom and was throwing up again. This went on every 20 minutes -- running to the bathroom all night long. UGH. Her bedding stayed clean up until 7am this morning and I'll have to change it again. Sigh. She's laying down right now, but isn't feeling well, so I hope she makes it to the bathroom the next time. I'm guessing a yucky virus hit her. I'm not surprised, she's at the age where I have to force her to hand wash, and then she still puts things into her mouth. (She's 4 yrs) She is also in Preschool where her friends have had the same thing. So it was probably a no win situation. I just hope *I* don't come down with it! I can't afford to! I have my parents coming in on Saturday and I need to clean house like a mad woman this week! :p
Oh no, poor thing. I hope she feels better soon. Everyone is getting sick right now, it is the pits. Poor kiddo.

I need to get off my butt and get some stuff done. We have a pet sitter coming at 10 AM to go over the crew and I haven't even started cleaning up in here. It is a disaster area too. Oh well. I am sure she has seen worse, and better.

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