Consolidated Kansas

I have a nasty sinus infection that is ruling my life. How exactly do y'all use coconut oil and grapefruit see extract in sinus rinse? At this point I will try anything! I am not a fan of commercial antibiotics. They don't seem to be working, for me anyway.
22qZoo that is so funny about the Comfrey. That was my mother's magic ingredient too. She grew it and made Comfrey ointment out of it and it didn't matter what was wrong with us kids, from a bruise to bronchitis - Comfrey Ointment was the first remedy she tried. She was an herbalist (amateur) and grew dozens of different herbs around the property and each had a use. She grew Horehound and made her own Horehound Candy that we were given if we had a sore throat. Comfrey Ointment was applied for everything. Wormwood grew outside the backdoor and we grabbed a handful on the way out and crushed and rubbed it into our skin as a natural insect repellant. You name it - if it had some medicinal value, she grew and used it! We hardly ever saw doctors but it wasn't due to lack of insurance as much as a belief that natural remedies are always worth trying first. I am still healthy as a horse today and almost never go to the doctor, so maybe there was something in that. About the only time I go to a doctor (both as a child and now, and with my own kids) is for an infection like an ear infection, since I've learned from experience that without antibiotics, some infections just won't go away.

TheDownyChick, I haven't used Coconut Oil for sinuses so I can't answer that. What I am using it for primarily is a natural deodorant. My neighbor put me onto her recipe after she tried it on her son who apparently has REALLY bad BO. She swore up and down that it worked better than any commercial product she had tried on him. I tend to be a little skeptical, but was willing to try it when she offered me a sample and wow - she wasn't kidding. So I went out and bought a big jar of Coconut Oil, wrote down her recipe and made some. It took 2 minutes or less to make a large jar of the deodorant and I swear - I have never found ANYTHING that works as well as this. I also put some on DH, who is an even bigger skeptic than I am, and just this morning he raised the subject out of the blue, telling me the stuff is amazing. Anyone who wants the recipe is welcome to PM me.

I read several years ago, an article about commercial anti-perspirants and the theory that they are the cause of the breast cancer epidemic in the "developed" part of the world. It turns out that it is really only in the west that women have to be so concerned about breast cancer - it is rare in most parts of the world. So these researchers started looking for a reason why, and fixed on anti-perspirants as being the common denominator. Where they are widely used, breast cancer rates are high. The theory is that the body removes toxins through the open pores of the skin, and since anti-perspirants work by blocking the pores, the toxins are unable to be released and, being retained not just in the body, but very close to glands that are adjacent to breast tissue.....result in lumps of retained toxins that eventually turn malignant.

I reduced my use of anti-perspirant after that but had failed to find a commercial product that provided protection to give me self-confidence when out in public - until my neighbor shared her recipe. Now I would say without hesitation that this stuff works better than any commercial anti-perspirant I've ever used - and is far cheaper as well. And, since I can make it here at home, I never need to worry about running out.

My other use for Coconut Oil is to help a relative who has swollen ankles due to retained fluids. I added a couple of drops of several essential oil extracts that are supposed to help reduce the swelling, and massage the feet daily, rubbing up towards the calves. I figure even if it doesn't "cure" the swollen ankles, it can't hurt anything. The essential oils make it smell good, the coconut oil is a great moisturizer, and my relative reports that the feet feel really good afterward. To my completely biased eye, the swelling seems to be reduced, after a couple of weeks of doing this daily.

Getting off my soapbox now and heading out to do chores....
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OK, this is TOTALLY random....but does anyone know a good English Pointer bird dog trainer? The guy we used with our last dog isn't training until next year, and he won't share any names.

Gosh, wish I had known about this when I had the baby! My ankles were so swollen from all the fluids I had in the hospital, it was terrible. I have such sympathy for people who have chronic swelling problems now because it HURT!!! I figured whats a little swelling, until I tried to walk!
My other use for Coconut Oil is to help a relative who has swollen ankles due to retained fluids. I added a couple of drops of several essential oil extracts that are supposed to help reduce the swelling, and massage the feet daily, rubbing up towards the calves. I figure even if it doesn't "cure" the swollen ankles, it can't hurt anything. The essential oils make it smell good, the coconut oil is a great moisturizer, and my relative reports that the feet feel really good afterward. To my completely biased eye, the swelling seems to be reduced, after a couple of weeks of doing this daily.

Getting off my soapbox now and heading out to do chores....

I need a good recipe for casseroles or something of the like that I can use chopped chicken in if anyone has one. DH bought a huge bag of leg quarters and threw the whole darn thing in the freezer and it is a solid frozen block!! Arghhh, so I guess its coming out and gonna get cooked all at once and chopped up. I am eating minimal dairy due to sensitive baby tummy so if anyone has a tried and true recipe that might refreeze well after cooking I would appreciate it!
I've not been on the board for a day and I'm already behind on posts. Guess the board started to move a bit faster now.

Danz - I hope you don't lose any birds due to theft while you are gone! Can your DH do something about locking up the gates? Argh... I just don't understand how someone would want to steal birds. if he was the one who stole those birds, he sure is bold to call you to find out if you will be gone or not. I hope you guys are all set to load birds and ready to go to the auction. Have a great auction there and meet up with friends then come back to tell us all the great stories!

Okiequeenbee - My DH wants to keep bees for the honey. Since I was stung by a bee when I was a little kid, I was always afraid of flying insect buzzing around me. I literally panic and my heart starts pounding fast. If he really does want to do so, I will have to contact you for some tips and lessons.

Lizzy - It is great that you guys are finally getting some much needed rain. I saw it on the radar this morning that Goodland area will be having rain for a little while longer. Hope you birds are doing better. After seeing how difficult it is to treat bumblefoot, I may need to think about getting some sulfa drugs in my birds's first aid box.

22qzoo - Coconut oil.. Never knew that it has so much great uses with the oil. I may need to look it up more on the internet.


Someone here mentioned using a combination of essential oils as flea and tick repellent. Can you please post the recipe or pm me the recipe? I sure could use it especially now that I have 4 dogs.

It sure is cooler this morning. I had to wear a jacket to walk the dogs! I'm loving it! But one side of my face is a bit swollen, I think it is due to my blocked sinus. It hurts to the touch too. I hope I don't come dowh with another sinus infection because of the allergy flare ups.

The injured baby chick is doing very well. It is running around, eating and drinking normally. Its feather is growing in too. But it is still much smaller than the others so hopefully it will catch up in size eventually.

Seems like I'm having more boys than girls again with this round of chicks. Not sure if it has anything to do with the hot temperature or not. I need girls for their eggs. Most of the boys will, eventually, end up in my freezer.

The 2 GPs are slowly warming up to us. They really like my son and will go to him without any issue. Rosie is still very guarded and Skylette is very playful. They are slowing adapting to live in the barn. I am hoping they will let me handle them a little bit in a couple of weeks.

Have a great day everyone! Enjoy the cooler weather and for those who is lucky enough to have rain, enjoy it for us (the south central part of KS didn't get much rain at all).
Downychick- This is what I do,not that it would work for everyone,but here goes.( CYA
)The whole mixture is only about a cups worth when its all ready. I use the premixed saline packets from Neilmed, they sell them at a lot of places even Walmart has them and they are cheap.If you didn't have those you might use a small amount of Epsom salt, just a few grains tho, if it's too salty it can sting.Mix with warm water, not to hot tho,think comfortable like,baby bottle warm. Then I add two drops of GS(grapefruit seed extract) or about a 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil or if I feel real bad I do both.If you don't have a Netty pot you may have to get creative(I'm thinking a CLEAN plastic bottle with a dish soap squirter )Wallyworld sells those too. Then lay your head on the counter with your nose over the sink and squirt it into your top nostril and let it flow out the bottom one. I switch and do the other side about half way thru,not sure that matters ,just what I do. Just be aware some folks can't stand doing it and it may make you gag and sputter a bit but it really does help if you can stand it. I have a 9yr old special needs son and he will let me do it to him ( somehow his instincts have allowed him to trust that I'm only trying to help) my neuro-typical 12yr old DD wont even consider it tho. If I'm feeling really lazy,sometimes I have just swabbed the inside of my nose with coconut oil ,that helps and it smells good too,but it probably wont knock it out like the rinse does. I hope you can get to feeling better,sinus pain is the worst!

HECHICKEN- stop me if I ever start to sound like the crazy uncle from MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING that put Windex on everything. I'm trying to give my self permission to be more comfortable in my 44yr old, stay-at home-mom, pre-menopause,size 12(er..14) is this REALLY my life?,crazy chicken lady skin, without going off the deep-end.
22Q - yep - that's the one I use, too. The same company sells several "already made" products such as nasal spray with GSE and I think something for ears. Purely on a personal experience, I took a couple of the tablets on vacation when I ate some bad lunchmeat and had awful headache and stomachache - no doubt mild food poisoning. Daughter-in-law had GSE tablets on her counter and I popped a couple and lay down for a nap. Maybe an hour later, it was a "miracle"! I really had lost all symptoms. So for a mild food poisoning, I would say it works/is worth a try - and fast.

By the way, I started taking the coconut oil to lower "bad" cholesterol - my doc wanted me to take statins and I refused. To many very bad side effects. It is supposed to lower LDL (that's the bad one, right?) I also take about 1/8 C of Diatomaceous earth daily for lots of things - I read it lowers overall cholesterol, and it regulates your gut for "regularity." I KNOW it makes your fingernails stronger b/c I have terrible flaky nails and since I have been taking it I have real fingernails again! And I make and use magnesium oil - one of its uses is to help with body odor too. Speaking of which - I would love the recipe for coconut oil antiperspirant!
Thanks, Josie. I'll give them a call, but I'm not sure they do what I'm looking for. We need to train her to bird hunt (although the obedience wouldn't hurt!--She really does act like she's ADHD!!). The guy we used before doesn't have an opening until May--although that may give her time to settle down more. She wants to sit on our laps like she did as a tiny pup, but she doesn't seem to understand that she's 2 1/2 feet tall now and doesn't FIT. She looks at us like it's our fault she won't fit! We've taught her a few commands using both voice and sign language, but these are high energy dogs--and she's EXTRA high energy!! She runs like a ball in a pinball machine ALL day long. Oh, but boy do I LOVE her!!! The kids even joke that I love her more than them!!
Someone here mentioned using a combination of essential oils as flea and tick repellent. Can you please post the recipe or pm me the recipe? I sure could use it especially now that I have 4 dogs.

I would really like it, too - and not only for the dogs. I am considering buying the net hat/cover and net "shirt" because I am so allergic to mosquitoes, and for the fact that whenever I am outside some bug feels it is his duty to bite me. I end up with big, swollen sores that end up itching and bleeding when I scratch. And they last for weeks - at least two, so I constantly have had itchy, swollen, bleeding bites this summer. Mostly on my elbows/backs of arms because I wear jeans and cotton socks in the yard. And often on my neck like vampire bites.

We have Guineas and they keep the ticks way down (oh, note on GSE - put it on an embedded tick and it will back out so you can safely remove from dogs.) Our barn swallows do a lot to keep mosquitoes at bay, but they leave before all the mosquitoes do! And my dear chickens keep down the crickets and larger bugs pretty well.

We have had very soft eggs this year from at least one of our Delawares. None of them likes the "laying" mixed food with calcium - too powdery, I think. If anyone used Diatomaceous earth (DE) to feed chickens, please tell me how you get it down them! I guess I could make them some "pancakes" with lots of DE in them, because my chickens LOVE any treats at all. Kind of a pain, though.
Thanks, Josie. I'll give them a call, but I'm not sure they do what I'm looking for. We need to train her to bird hunt (although the obedience wouldn't hurt!--She really does act like she's ADHD!!). The guy we used before doesn't have an opening until May--although that may give her time to settle down more. She wants to sit on our laps like she did as a tiny pup, but she doesn't seem to understand that she's 2 1/2 feet tall now and doesn't FIT. She looks at us like it's our fault she won't fit! We've taught her a few commands using both voice and sign language, but these are high energy dogs--and she's EXTRA high energy!! She runs like a ball in a pinball machine ALL day long. Oh, but boy do I LOVE her!!! The kids even joke that I love her more than them!!

I think he hunts with his dogs too as I have seen them listed as competing in hunting trials so he may at the very least have some contacts? I know Beth does obedience work but not hunting training.

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