Consolidated Kansas

I saw some of my young Muscovy ducks catching some early morning sun. I thought it made a nice group photo.

What a great picture!

Well, good news! The dogs are back. I went over to the neighbor's to alert them of what happened so they can look out for the dog. Just as I was going north of our property to see if I can find them, there they were, trotting along the fence line. They recognized my voice but won't get near me. Then my neighbor saw me trying to get the dogs back into our property so he helped. DH was out working but I called him anyway and he was on his way home to help corral the dogs. It took us at least an hour to catch Rosie and put the leash on her. She refused to walk and we had to pull hard to get her going. She finally decided to walk along and went back to the garage. By then Skylette was running back to the garage because she heard Rosie in there.

I talked to DH about the situation and thinking maybe they did get out by themselves. DH insisted that even if the wood got wedged there for whatever reason, the dogs could not have gotten out by themselves because the garage railing was not straight and it had to be pulled up hard to open it. But I saw the door wasn't open, just had a big gap. He said someone had to have opened it then closed it down with the wood block wedged in. Maybe thinking the dogs would go back by themselves? I don't know. But DH was really ticked off. He wants to install cameras around the house and the barn and put an electronic gate opener on the gate. It could be someone trying to steal the pull behind air compressor in the garage because it is an expensive piece of equipment.

Our neighbor is awesome. I'm grateful he was there to help until DH got home. I'm just glad that the dogs hang around the property and didn't stray far. As for the chickens, some lost feathers and a couple have minor lacerations on the back. Plenty lost feathers on their bottom for some reason. Not sure if that was the dog's doing or like some of you had said, predator... hence the dogs got out and chased it off. Lots of possibilities but I'm just glad that the dogs are back, the birds are fine albeit lacking some feathers, have some minor lacerations and scared. Oh, all 5 babies are fine as well.

For now, the garage doors are locked shut from the inside. Hopefully the dogs will be safe.

Thanks for all the well wishes. With the adrenaline slowing down, I now feel the aches in every fiber of my muscles. Guess trying to run, chase, climb through the hedge wood fences and get a hold of the dog under the cedar tree really used all those muscles and all the energy I had.

I'm so glad they're back. Your DH may be right about someone letting them out, but it's still not impossible that they got out on their own. When we first brought our Weimaraner home, we didn't know how well she was trained and if she could be trusted not to tear things up in the house when we were gone. We'd put her in a big wire crate, and find her out when we got home. She pushed her way out of the bottom corner of the door. You wouldn't think she should fit through because she's a big dog (not as big as a GP!) and the corner was only out about 6" or so. She must have just pushed and pushed until she got through.
I think I am ready to try to let my chickens free range in the evening with me with them! Will they know how to find their run/coop when the time comes, once they are in the yard? Or will i need to cath them and put them back? I did it when my orignal chicks where younger and easy to get back.
Sharol, sounds like you are going to have a very busy day today. I can't imagine going out and picking up poo every morning. I'd never get done. Since I have that Chinese customer he keeps asking for more poo so my houses have been cleaned out more than normal. He doesn't like shavings very well though. He uses it on his garden and the shavings break down on mine, so I'm not sure why he doesn't care for them. I have a couple houses by sheer design that I don't put shavings in and the poo dries really fast. So of course those are his favorites.
I use the rest of the houses on my own gardens. I don't like cleaning out the houses often cause I think the birds like it better if the shavings build up.
While we are on that subject what does every one use in their nest boxes. Regardless of what I put in mine they knock it out. I have used shavings, pellets, straw, hay, you name it.
AshnCarson, you never know until you try. Some just automatically go where they are supposed to..others never quite get the big picture. I have on trio that always sleep outside. They are in a pen. Dumb birds go inside to eat and lay but then they sleep outside. Luckily it is a pen surrounded on all sides but other pens so they aren't ever exposed. I am hoping they get the idea to go inside once it gets chilly out.
I think I am ready to try to let my chickens free range in the evening with me with them! Will they know how to find their run/coop when the time comes, once they are in the yard? Or will i need to cath them and put them back? I did it when my orignal chicks where younger and easy to get back.
Sharol, sounds like you are going to have a very busy day today. I can't imagine going out and picking up poo every morning. I'd never get done. Since I have that Chinese customer he keeps asking for more poo so my houses have been cleaned out more than normal. He doesn't like shavings very well though. He uses it on his garden and the shavings break down on mine, so I'm not sure why he doesn't care for them. I have a couple houses by sheer design that I don't put shavings in and the poo dries really fast. So of course those are his favorites.
I use the rest of the houses on my own gardens. I don't like cleaning out the houses often cause I think the birds like it better if the shavings build up.
While we are on that subject what does every one use in their nest boxes. Regardless of what I put in mine they knock it out. I have used shavings, pellets, straw, hay, you name it.
AshnCarson, you never know until you try. Some just automatically go where they are supposed to..others never quite get the big picture. I have on trio that always sleep outside. They are in a pen. Dumb birds go inside to eat and lay but then they sleep outside. Luckily it is a pen surrounded on all sides but other pens so they aren't ever exposed. I am hoping they get the idea to go inside once it gets chilly out.
"I'm having a lot of trouble with my neck. I've had too many surgeries on it and I am fearing I may have to have another one. I can't seem to get prescription pain pads to stop the pain and they work better than anything. I feel like an old bear right now. It's hard to act decent when my head and neck is killing me."

I know what you mean, Danz - I have always been a secretary or Admin of some kind with constant computer work. I call it "Secretary's neck"! The best I do for mine is go for traction or "decompression" treatments. They are WONDERFUL if done well, and they last quite a while. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever. A friend and I used to go for acupuncture in California, but I don't "know" anyone here, and having it done by someone who is not good at it is almost worse. That same friend and I learned a technique from the acupuncturist that also helps, but you need someone to help pull gently on your neck as you lie on a table. Works fabulous, but it needs a careful hand not to tweak you into a weird painful situation. I miss my friend who worked with me - we did each others necks every day at work on a long conference table!
Looked strange, but no drugs and it kept my neck happy.

We had a visitor on Monday morning to the coop...a black snake cam in the night and thought he was getting the mother lode of eggs. Unfortunately, it was my ceramic "please lay eggs here" marker. It was about the size of a goose egg. He was escorted out of the coop and we couldn't find him later...I'm sure he can't pass that thing and will probably die. Sorry that happened...I try to avoid killing the local critters and I want my egg back! (Except bugs, which I happily kill.)

What do you all use to kill squash bugs and cucumber beetles? We were using diatomaceous earth and that worked well for a long time, but eventually they took over. Ruined my vines. We try to go organic, but I was ready to spray deadly toxins on those suckers this year!
While we are on that subject what does every one use in their nest boxes. Regardless of what I put in mine they knock it out. I have used shavings, pellets, straw, hay, you name it.
Same here. I don't think it matters - they will kick it out, and it will have to be replaced regularly. Right now I am using dried grass. When I mow, most of it is mulched back onto the lawn but there are always areas like near the driveway, where the mown grass ends up and it sits there until the wind eventually blows it away. I just let it sit long enough to dry and then I sweep it up and use that in my nest boxes. There is a plentiful supply of it for a large part of the year. In the winter I just use a handful of clean straw to replace the bedding in the nest boxes as needed.

What do you all use to kill squash bugs and cucumber beetles? We were using diatomaceous earth and that worked well for a long time, but eventually they took over. Ruined my vines. We try to go organic, but I was ready to spray deadly toxins on those suckers this year!
I'm going to have to google squash bugs - I don't know that I've ever seen one. Or a cucumber beetle for that matter. Hmmm. The problems I have are typically caterpillars and one year I had aphids pretty badly. We are totally organic and don't use anything on our garden at all, except elbow grease. I.e., I go out everyday with a collection container and pick off every caterpillar I find, and feed those to the birds (feels good to watch them getting the extra protein and know that those are caterpillars who will never bother me again!) For the aphids, I would squash each one I found between thumb and forefinger, and then caught every ladybug I spotted, and transplanted them to my veggie garden. Eventually the ladybugs won and the aphid population went way down.
Well darn the multi didn't show up so I forgot what I was going to say!!!! Adult ADD

"I'm having a lot of trouble with my neck. I've had too many surgeries on it and I am fearing I may have to have another one. I can't seem to get prescription pain pads to stop the pain and they work better than anything. I feel like an old bear right now. It's hard to act decent when my head and neck is killing me."

I know what you mean, Danz - I have always been a secretary or Admin of some kind with constant computer work. I call it "Secretary's neck"! The best I do for mine is go for traction or "decompression" treatments. They are WONDERFUL if done well, and they last quite a while. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever. A friend and I used to go for acupuncture in California, but I don't "know" anyone here, and having it done by someone who is not good at it is almost worse. That same friend and I learned a technique from the acupuncturist that also helps, but you need someone to help pull gently on your neck as you lie on a table. Works fabulous, but it needs a careful hand not to tweak you into a weird painful situation. I miss my friend who worked with me - we did each others necks every day at work on a long conference table!
Looked strange, but no drugs and it kept my neck happy.

We had a visitor on Monday morning to the coop...a black snake cam in the night and thought he was getting the mother lode of eggs. Unfortunately, it was my ceramic "please lay eggs here" marker. It was about the size of a goose egg. He was escorted out of the coop and we couldn't find him later...I'm sure he can't pass that thing and will probably die. Sorry that happened...I try to avoid killing the local critters and I want my egg back! (Except bugs, which I happily kill.)

What do you all use to kill squash bugs and cucumber beetles? We were using diatomaceous earth and that worked well for a long time, but eventually they took over. Ruined my vines. We try to go organic, but I was ready to spray deadly toxins on those suckers this year!
It's a shame you don't live closer to me. I have an ex BIL who is a German doctor. They practice with herbs, acupuncture, etc. He knows what he is doing. I had some problems years ago that I was told would mean drastic surgical measures. He managed to completely cure the problem with acupuncture, herbal concoctions and some other Chinese treatments. He lives in Burlington if you are interested. IF you wear glasses you can eliminate your secretaries neck by using cheap reading glasses on the computer. It keeps you from tilting your head upward.
Unfortunately years ago I had a neck injury and have had multiple surgeries and fusions because of it. It is now to the point There is only one more disk to fuse and if it gets fused it would stop me from turning my neck at all. Not a good option. I am very handicapped when it comes to looking behind me or turning to one side as it is. I have to use my whole upper torso. Since I have also had my back fused that again limits me. No pity party here. I've learned to live with it except when it flares up and the pain gets out of hand.
Alright! It did it again. Did you tick off the multi Gods this morning? Your post didn't show up here either! Anyway I doubt that stuff is organic at all but if it works I'd be game. Yes it was me who said you should burn the vines. That is what I have read. I am told the best deterrent is guineas but mine go freaky and want out of the garden fence rather than eating bugs. I don't like using chemicals either but sometimes it is either use them or have no plants left for your own use.

Same here. I don't think it matters - they will kick it out, and it will have to be replaced regularly. Right now I am using dried grass. When I mow, most of it is mulched back onto the lawn but there are always areas like near the driveway, where the mown grass ends up and it sits there until the wind eventually blows it away. I just let it sit long enough to dry and then I sweep it up and use that in my nest boxes. There is a plentiful supply of it for a large part of the year. In the winter I just use a handful of clean straw to replace the bedding in the nest boxes as needed.

I'm going to have to google squash bugs - I don't know that I've ever seen one. Or a cucumber beetle for that matter. Hmmm. The problems I have are typically caterpillars and one year I had aphids pretty badly. We are totally organic and don't use anything on our garden at all, except elbow grease. I.e., I go out everyday with a collection container and pick off every caterpillar I find, and feed those to the birds (feels good to watch them getting the extra protein and know that those are caterpillars who will never bother me again!) For the aphids, I would squash each one I found between thumb and forefinger, and then caught every ladybug I spotted, and transplanted them to my veggie garden. Eventually the ladybugs won and the aphid population went way down.
I can't imagine not being plagued by them. I've never had a garden with any kind of vine that didn't get squash bugs.
Tweety, I got a couple long I believe some kind of squash from my chinese friend yesterday. I was wondering if you could identify them and tell me what to do with them. He said to cook them with eggs and then add water. Not sure what that would be. Maybe a soup of some kind? Can you tell me what they are called and how to prepare them? Also gave me the two melons next to them. He said those are a sweet melon. Do you know what they are as well? His English is very hard to understand.
Well, good news! The dogs are back. I went over to the neighbor's to alert them of what happened so they can look out for the dog. Just as I was going north of our property to see if I can find them, there they were, trotting along the fence line. They recognized my voice but won't get near me. Then my neighbor saw me trying to get the dogs back into our property so he helped. DH was out working but I called him anyway and he was on his way home to help corral the dogs. It took us at least an hour to catch Rosie and put the leash on her. She refused to walk and we had to pull hard to get her going. She finally decided to walk along and went back to the garage. By then Skylette was running back to the garage because she heard Rosie in there.

I talked to DH about the situation and thinking maybe they did get out by themselves. DH insisted that even if the wood got wedged there for whatever reason, the dogs could not have gotten out by themselves because the garage railing was not straight and it had to be pulled up hard to open it. But I saw the door wasn't open, just had a big gap. He said someone had to have opened it then closed it down with the wood block wedged in. Maybe thinking the dogs would go back by themselves? I don't know. But DH was really ticked off. He wants to install cameras around the house and the barn and put an electronic gate opener on the gate. It could be someone trying to steal the pull behind air compressor in the garage because it is an expensive piece of equipment.

Our neighbor is awesome. I'm grateful he was there to help until DH got home. I'm just glad that the dogs hang around the property and didn't stray far. As for the chickens, some lost feathers and a couple have minor lacerations on the back. Plenty lost feathers on their bottom for some reason. Not sure if that was the dog's doing or like some of you had said, predator... hence the dogs got out and chased it off. Lots of possibilities but I'm just glad that the dogs are back, the birds are fine albeit lacking some feathers, have some minor lacerations and scared. Oh, all 5 babies are fine as well.

For now, the garage doors are locked shut from the inside. Hopefully the dogs will be safe.

Thanks for all the well wishes. With the adrenaline slowing down, I now feel the aches in every fiber of my muscles. Guess trying to run, chase, climb through the hedge wood fences and get a hold of the dog under the cedar tree really used all those muscles and all the energy I had.
I'm so glad your dogs are back, yay! Maybe cameras would be a good idea & then you can see what's going on when you're gone.

Josie if you want goats that don't escape as much get Boers, they're heavier goats so they don't jump as much as other breeds. I know HEChicken is saying hers won't stay in, but they do like to be with people. I guess the reason mine haven't gotten out of their pen is that I let them out every day & put them back in the pen at night. They do like to come up closer to where we are. It's really funny because if I go down to the front 5 acres for something they will come along because they think they're dogs & they follow the GPs. But when I get ready to go back on the other side of the gate I hear Penny yelling for me & here she comes trotting back up. Patches will follow because neither one likes to be left alone.

I'm really pooped out today, we spent the last two days at the Walnut Valley Festival & it's fun, but exhausting. We wouldn't have been there this year if it hadn't been for my DH winning tickets. It was their 42nd year having it & there were thousands of people there from all over. I think every year it gets bigger. Friday it was really nice out there, it was cloudy all day, but it was really cold & foggy that night. Then yesterday it was pretty warm & I got some sunburn. It didn't take me long to decide I had to get in the shade because I burn so easily. We came back home each day to eat supper & feed & care for the birds & animals & then go back for the evening. It wasn't over both nights till 1 a.m.

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