Consolidated Kansas

I was reading the above and thinking "glad its them and not us" and I looked out the window and it is snowing
LOL! It snowed for several hours here, big flakes. None of it lasted long, though, because the ground was still warm enough to melt it.
Same here! But.....last night was supposed to stay in the mid-30's and I woke up this morning to the thermostat telling me it is 28 outside. I didn't cover the garden so I guess today I will have to bring in all the green tomatoes and make green tomato chutney out of them because the freeze will have killed the plants. It seems like the first freeze gets earlier and earlier every year. And its especially frustrating because today is supposed to be 72 so if it would have just stayed above freezing last night we could have had a week or more longer of the garden this year.
So, I have a pullet that is really having a hard time walking. It is so pathetic, it had me tearing up. One of the toes on its right foot is aimed sideways instead of normal. It tries to walk on it with its foot curled up, but stumbles a lot and has trouble. I'm wondering if there are any options other than culling.
"You might want to be sure and worm those peachicks soon. I found worms in a baby that died. I wouldn't worry except I also read that they can be infected through the egg. I just want to make sure they stay well. I have only had a problem in the pen where the Mom and Dad are raising their chicks but I am worming everything to be sure. This is my first case of ever finding worms in a bird so I am kind of freaked out."

Don't forget the Diatomaceous earth is a great wormer, too!

I have been down with a sinus infection, then busy busy, so have hardly even read a post in a couple of weeks! I was feeling punky when I had the sinus infection, and the Dr. did an ultrasound for gall bladder problems. He says I have gallstones and I should get rid of the offensive gall bladder. Since this is the second time they have found them, I guess I will have the silly thing out. I scheduled for the week before Thanksgiving. I figure work won't miss me much around a holiday, so that seemed sensible. Guess DH will have to "buy" us a Turkey Day feast this year instead of me cooking. Though doing Thanksgiving is one of my favorite things. No family around this year either, so no harm done. It will give me time to catch up on here, too!

Our various birds are deciding since it is getting cold, they should just go to bed when they are supposed to. This is a novelty and a blessing. For two nights I have just locked everyone up (with a little corn) and not had to chase anyone around or coax them with goodies.

Last night I had to bring in all my California (not winterproof) plants. Looks prettier inside, except that the semi-jungle effect is a little disturbing. One cat seems to be a plant connoisseur and tries each of them out for flavor every year. Lots of barfing, but I can't seem to get them high enough that he can't get to them. Little creep! I don't have any poisonous or dangerous ones, but they really aren't for cat food.

Glad you all are still here! Hope to be around a little more now.
I was reading the above and thinking "glad its them and not us" and I looked out the window and it is snowing
If she isn't sick and just has a toe that goes the wrong way could you make her a shoe? Something to stabilize the toe that flops around so she has support instead of it getting in the way? You can look up shoes for chicks on here when they are hatched with curly toes but you could make it out of something more permanent than cardboard?
So, I have a pullet that is really having a hard time walking. It is so pathetic, it had me tearing up. One of the toes on its right foot is aimed sideways instead of normal. It tries to walk on it with its foot curled up, but stumbles a lot and has trouble. I'm wondering if there are any options other than culling.

Sorry to hear you aren't well. Our cats do the same thing, we don't have any houseplants left, I gave up on them due to the cats destroying them.
I have been down with a sinus infection, then busy busy, so have hardly even read a post in a couple of weeks! I was feeling punky when I had the sinus infection, and the Dr. did an ultrasound for gall bladder problems. He says I have gallstones and I should get rid of the offensive gall bladder. Since this is the second time they have found them, I guess I will have the silly thing out. I scheduled for the week before Thanksgiving. I figure work won't miss me much around a holiday, so that seemed sensible. Guess DH will have to "buy" us a Turkey Day feast this year instead of me cooking. Though doing Thanksgiving is one of my favorite things. No family around this year either, so no harm done. It will give me time to catch up on here, too!

Our various birds are deciding since it is getting cold, they should just go to bed when they are supposed to. This is a novelty and a blessing. For two nights I have just locked everyone up (with a little corn) and not had to chase anyone around or coax them with goodies.

Last night I had to bring in all my California (not winterproof) plants. Looks prettier inside, except that the semi-jungle effect is a little disturbing. One cat seems to be a plant connoisseur and tries each of them out for flavor every year. Lots of barfing, but I can't seem to get them high enough that he can't get to them. Little creep! I don't have any poisonous or dangerous ones, but they really aren't for cat food.

Glad you all are still here! Hope to be around a little more now.
Is there anybody going to the Fayettville, Arkansas Show. If so I would like to talk to them about transporting some chicks for me.


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