Consolidated Kansas

Ya'll must be getting what we had this weekend! From Friday through Monday, we had a total of 2.25" of rain, which is a LOT for this area, especially recently. We needed it something terrible, though. Many of you will probably think I'm crazy, but it is so nice to actually have MUD that sticks around for more than an hour or two.

An update on my "injured" goose. I think that your suggestions of feeding the layer pellets was a good one. I got TWO goose eggs this morning. I don't think the "injured" goose had been laying at all yet this year, so this is a surprise to me. I'm guessing this means that she is feeling better, so THANK YOU for the good suggestions!
It's still raining here and I never did make it out to the pens yesterday. It just wouldn't let up. I hope I don't have some drowned chickens. I have a lot of young ones out there that probably aren't smart enough to get out of the rain. There is water setting everywhere so that isn't healthy for any of them. There really isn't anything I can do about it at this point.
I have to make a trip to Emporia today and am expecting someone to buy turkeys today as well. He was supposed to get back to me and give me a time but I haven't heard from him yet. He has already cancelled twice and I have two people waiting for those turkeys so today is his last chance for now. People are so inconsiderate when it comes to buying birds. It costs me time and money to keep them but I try to be fair if things come up.
I have gotten a little more first come ...first served, but I still try to understand that schedules get in the way. At this point I just want to reduce my work load. I have a huge amount of eggs due to hatch in 5 days and I need to make some room for them.
My DH discovered the other day I have guineas laying on the netting on top of one of my pens. Those crazy birds!! I'm not sure how I'm going to get the eggs down.
I have a pretty big group of guineas keets now. I didn't think I'd have many but it looks like I need to sell some. I figured I'd just have enough to restock a few but they've done a great job so far.
I still need to find a way to figure out exactly what I have out there to sell. It's crazy when you hatch all the time and have chicks stuck about anyplace you can.
It finally stopped raining here about mid-night. Today the sun showed itself which is nice. We put up a new play pen outside for the baby geese since they'd outgrown their smaller one. We repurposed an old swing set frame we had to give them a safe and secure place so they can start spending the majority of the day (providing the weather cooperates) outside. It can be moved to new areas as they graze down/mess up the area its at.

oatbucket, I like the old swingset idea just for a day pen for the baby geese. I need to look for an old one to use for that myself. How did you hook the wire onto the poles?
oatbucket, I like the old swingset idea just for a day pen for the baby geese. I need to look for an old one to use for that myself. How did you hook the wire onto the poles?

We took the wire up one side, over the top and down the other. Secured it to the swing set with zip ties, laid the 3x3 poles along the bottom (we did lay the poles on the edges of the wire to keep it from rolling back up). Once we had all of the wire up on the frame and secured good, we wrapped the ends of the wire on both sides around the poles and stapled it to the poles.
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I had seen that swingset idea on some page earlier. I looked for a swing set but couldn't find one that wasn't total junk or was in decent shape. Someday maybe I'll find one that looks abandoned some where. People used to haul them to the dump but with the price of metal that doesn't happen any more.
What a long day I had today. It finally stopped raining after noon. But I had to make a trip to the dentist and to get chick starter so I was gone most of the afternoon. I was in a mood to spend money. I tend to want to do that when I'm broke. I found a new store and just stopped in and got some new kitchen towels and a couple throw rugs for the bathroom on the cheap. I love the towels so far. They are so absorbent.
Then of course I went to walmart and picked up a couple things which cost me 10 times more than I planned. I came home and mixed up some custom poison for the rodents. I used ground toxic beans, peanut butter and oatmeal. I sure hope it works. It makes me kind of nervous in case the dogs would grab one of the containers. I just hope I find a bevy of dead critters tomorrow.
Yeah swingsets in good condition are usually hard to find, they're usually not free any more for sure. I would just like to find something I could re-purpose to use for a pen like that for my baby ducks & geese so they can be safe but get out & eat some grass.
Hi everyone , haven't stopped in for a while .Seems like we've all gotten some much needed rain, which leads me to this question. ...
When it rains a lot the eggs get pretty dirty from all the muddy feet going in and out of the nest boxes. Usually I try not to wash the eggs and I keep about a dozen out on the counter for regular use. But if I have to wash them they should go right into the fridge right? I've heard different opinions on egg storing and was wondering what you all do?
22qzoo, yeah I wash mine when they're really dirty like that & they go into the fridge. I do if they're not dirty leave a few out on the counter at times to use within a few days. I always wash eggs I'm selling to anyone.
Yeah I refrigerate if I wash them. But most of the time I don't refrigerate at all until then. It's just a waste of space in my opinion. I always wash eggs for customers but I don't worry about it much for myself. Except when it's muddy. I picked some up yesterday that looked like the girls went mud bowling with them.
It rained like crazy from 4 am on and it's still raining. They said on the weather it would be cleared out by noon today but it hasn't yet. Then it's supposed to rain all weekend. My poor birds. I feel so awful for them living in lakes out there.
I spent hours sorting more stuff from my DHs shop yeserday into bins and didn't realize until the forecast last night that it was supposed to rain again. Now I have to start over draining every thing out.
I moved the pen for the goslings yesterday too so they'd have more grass but it is sitting in kind of a low spot so they are in the water. I really wish this stuff would stop and just give us an inch of rain a week at night for the rest of the summer. Wouldn't that be nice?
This is quadrupling my work.

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