Consolidated Kansas

Lucky you. We do unfortunately. We had another major storm last night. I just have no idea what I'm going to do to get the pens dry. I discovered a girl that had a cold in the worst wet pen yesterday and noticed she had a case of lice. It hasn't been that long since I dipped every bird here for preventative care for lice and mites. It's got to be something to do with the wet weather. So on top of needing to get them out of that pen now I need to treat them all. Does it ever end?
I have customers coming to day that I have a feeling will stay quite a while. They are interested in many birds. But at least I hope to move some excess.
I have such a full day today. I sure hope the rain doesn't hold me back like it did yesterday. I need to finish up my pop door and move some birds in the building. I need to clean out the brooder house. I have several birds there that are old enough to go outside but I don't have a place to put them.
DH is on night shift and I need to move some pens so the birds have access to grass but I don't think I can do it without having someone standing guard to keep them in there while I move panels.
I also want to get the brooder area in the building pressure washed and cleaned out so I can use it. Arg!!
My sweet little Araucana broody took the 4th incubator chick without fuss this morning about 5. She and the 4 babies are confined to a pen in the coop for today. We are going to Topeka, and I don't want anyone falling off the ramp into the puddles. Sis's one chick is running around dodging big chickens feet like a pro. It hatched out of a medium brown egg, so I think it is from the BR or the Speckled Sussex hen with a Breda dad, but it is smaller than the other new hatched chicks and appears to be turning blue. This one will be a surprise.

I heard frantic peeping when i was cleaning coops and one of the white orp's babies had managed to get out of the big coop and couldn't figure out how to go back up the ramp. She needs to teach them that, I guess. It yelled its head off when I pulled it out of a crack between the fence and the coop by the tail but I didn't want it to get stuck further in. Criminy. How did chickens do this for thousands of years without me LOL.
I have to laugh at .43 inches. If this keeps up I'm afraid our totals will be more like 43.00 inches. Exaggeration of course, but if the rain doesn't stop soon it isn't going to matter what the total rain fall is. Too much is way too much.
Yeah me too, we've had gobs & gobs of rain, it rained 3 times hard yesterday.

While you guys are complaining about too much, we could still use more. We're nowhere near the "too much"mark.
We would gladly send it your way just to dry out a bit here, ugh.

Oops!!! I think I've been complaining too much lately. Not too much positive coming from my mind these days. I never have done well with gloomy weather. I would much rather have all the curtains wide open than to reduce sun light.
I built a make shift trellis out of old dry wood that otherwise would get trashed. I put it where my cucumbers could grow up it and hopefully save some ground space. I am dealing with a much smaller garden area than I've used in the past. I still need to split some more lumber to finish it but maybe I'll do that later. I'm worn out for now. I still need to put up something for tomatoes to grow on but I will have to trudge in that mud another day. I also put in another pop door in the building but I have to cut the hole for the opening yet. It was raining here so I spent my day working on these projects in the building. I still need to finish feeding and watering cause I put it off while it rained.
I was trying to open up some more outside space so I could move some birds around in the building and hopefully get some of these poor things standing in water somewhere dry. .
It's hard to be positive when you're slogging through mud day in & day out. My sheep can't even go into their pen, I had to try to get them out to the barn last evening & they're not used to going there. I was chasing a stray lamb around that isn't the smartest to try to get him to join the others & sunk right down in the mud completely over the top of my shoe. It went inside & up my leg, it was so gross! It was not a fun evening trying to herd sheep when they were freaked out over the storms. I had gone out inbetween rains to try to get them in & they weren't having it. Half of them ran one way & the other half the other & then that one lamb was just running in circles around & around the yard because he couldn't find the others, ugh.

I have a hatch of chicks due tomorrow, I'm getting down to the last few hatches I hope. I did have a late order come in the other day that I went ahead & set eggs for. I really need to clear out chicks around here.
LOL Trish. I know it was awful but the story about the sheep made me smile. Reminded me why I got rid of the hooved animals.
It's so muddy out there. I am trying to get some birds ready to move and do laundry etc at the same time. My customers came and left so I think I have the rest of the day to work if I don't get rained out again. So much to do. I wish I could have a day off.
It is a sunny day here thank goodness. We've had 5" of rain in the past few days and yesterday the entire property was under water, with the pond overflowing and creating rivers that didn't exist before. The poor birds have been slogging through it as the chicken yard is at the low side of the property so it all flows that way. At least their coop stays dry so they do have somewhere to retreat to at night.

I butchered a rooster yesterday so there is a little less testosterone out there. A few of my hens are looking a little ragged so I figure that's a sign there are too many males. I had three project roosters but never even used one of them as he wasn't as good for the project as the others so I decided to just cull him. He was a nice boy and always tried to find treats for the hens so I felt bad about it but the reality is no one wants roosters and since he is a project bird, he isn't even a special breed that someone might want.

I am still trying to downsize but have had several no-shows. It is frustrating to me that people will make an appointment and then just never show up.

I just got stung by a wasp so I am not a happy camper. DH was on a ladder cleaning out gutters and we have a downspout that constantly clogs so I reached into it from the bottom, to see if there were any leaves up there. Due to the 5" of rain in the past few days and with the volume of water that has washed down there, it never occurred to me a wasp might be in there but when it stung me I sure knew about it and even an hour later my finger is still throbbing.

Quote: @sharol I love it when people can laugh at themselves.

My garden is doing well in spite of the flooding. I think the heavy mulch layer really helps as it keeps the soil draining well so the roots aren't standing in water. I just picked a bundle of garlic scapes and we've already eaten chard and kale. Almost all of the tomato plants have tomatoes on them, with one high achiever already having 30-odd fruits on it! The corn is really starting to take off so I planted some climbing beans and peas in between the corn plants last week and some of them are already coming up. I still have more planting to do but there are more storms forecast in the next few days so I guess I'll wait.
My garden doesn't look all that bad with the rain either. I replanted some beans that had washed out from the first round and they are coming up after only a couple days. The green leaf crops are looking great and the tomatoes seem to like this even though last spring the rain flooded all my plants out. I went out and picked strawberries and gave them to the geese. They are in a pretty muddy area and I don't have any mulch down . I really need to find some straw cause I am totally out. It was cooler this morning so I had jeans on. I decided to go across the road and walk into the poison ivy. Just followed the boys and found a nice nest of guinea eggs. I was so afraid they coyotes were going to grab that hen and some of the boys over there. I really didn't want to hatch guineas this year but since I only have a couple girls and a lot of boys I figured it wouldn't hurt. I've had several people ask me for them. I've got a couple customers who only want boys. I sold a friend some boys with no girls last year and they are perfectly behaved and quiet. It makes a difference when there aren't noisy girls around. So she wants more and has a relative that want some boys as well. Worst part is growing them up enough to tell the difference.
I just finished with chores and haven't got all the extra projects done but I am just dragging. I got up early this morning and I think my internal time clock said I had put in a full day. I was going to do a lot more today, but slogging through all this mud just wears me out.
I sold a few turkey poults and the last of my 2015 peafowl. I still have a lot of birds I need to move around but it may have to wait until tomorrow.

Phone updated this morning. Appears to be working. Not in Chrome. I'll have to try chrome. Thank you!! This in my cuckoo maran hen. I bought 2 of them. Unfortunately, the other one looks like this...
Chewie Chicken Dinner is right behind Penny Pinguino.
Ruby Tuesday
Dottie Marvin
Mrs. Wilbur (named after a favorite rooster that was stolen by a coyote)




I know that Chewie is a rooster. I'm suspicious about Omelet. Not too worried about the rest, but know it's too early for my 3 Ameraucanas.
Funny - one of my very first chicks ever was named Scramble. She was a Buff Orpington and it looks possible your Scramble is as well.

Danz that's interesting that an all male group of guineas is quieter. I don't care for the noise of guineas so if I ever get them again (unlikely) I'll keep that in mind.

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