Consolidated Kansas

I've not had many problems with dogs and chickens. The pups want to play if they get bored but one firm no and standing over them in a superior stance seems to get the message across. I have an advantage though where I raise my own pups and get them use to having chickens around.
Been a very busy couple days for me. I gathered up 16 geese and transported them to Oklahoma City yesterday, and picked up a peahen I got from Texas Peafowl. Long long drive for us. We stopped in Wichita on our way back and got my tiller from my son's house. Then took my son and his wife to dinner. Had an excellent meal at an Italian restaurant. Very nice place.
Then back on the road and didn't get home until 11:30 last night. I got up this morning and went to my uncles funeral and just got back home. I feel I need a recharge. I still have to go check and care for all the birds.

got lots more work done
Well one of my americanas was out of the coop all night and all day today and my pups left it alone. I had to catch the thing and when I did they took chase again but I quickly sad a strong no and they left it alone still running but with me instead of after the bird. If it happens again, that they kill a bird I might try the crying thing with the pry mix pups but I might just smack my pug with the bird if she goes after any and kills one. She is a little hard headed. ( I won't smack her hard just enough to get my point across) I know it's a learning curve for them and like kids they will test.

On a good note my male pyr is warming up to me! :D he moved from 30 yard to 4 feet away in the little time I have had him. I do not pen him in the yard or nag him. I just sit on the porch and toss cheese at all the dogs and he comes and gets his share. He also comes for feeding in the morning and night. He has the strangest double dew claws on his hind feet does anyone know why?

got lots more work done
Looking good. Very nice.

Well one of my americanas was out of the coop all night and all day today and my pups left it alone. I had to catch the thing and when I did they took chase again but I quickly sad a strong no and they left it alone still running but with me instead of after the bird. If it happens again, that they kill a bird I might try the crying thing with the pry mix pups but I might just smack my pug with the bird if she goes after any and kills one. She is a little hard headed. ( I won't smack her hard just enough to get my point across) I know it's a learning curve for them and like kids they will test.

On a good note my male pyr is warming up to me!
he moved from 30 yard to 4 feet away in the little time I have had him. I do not pen him in the yard or nag him. I just sit on the porch and toss cheese at all the dogs and he comes and gets his share. He also comes for feeding in the morning and night. He has the strangest double dew claws on his hind feet does anyone know why?
The double dew claws is a pyr trait. That proves there is pyr in them.
Well they changed the forecast and it's supposed to rain today. Grrrr! I was hoping to finally move some dirt today but it probably won't happen. I have to get some chores done early then if it rains I won't have time to haul dirt. Drat. I still have tons of birds to move here and there and I sure won't have time for that. I was hoping to pump put and clean the Mandarin pond today too. The boys are molting and they get the water full of feathers so it helps to clean it all out before it gets too bad.
Well one of my americanas was out of the coop all night and all day today and my pups left it alone. I had to catch the thing and when I did they took chase again but I quickly sad a strong no and they left it alone still running but with me instead of after the bird. If it happens again, that they kill a bird I might try the crying thing with the pry mix pups but I might just smack my pug with the bird if she goes after any and kills one. She is a little hard headed. ( I won't smack her hard just enough to get my point across) I know it's a learning curve for them and like kids they will test.

On a good note my male pyr is warming up to me!
he moved from 30 yard to 4 feet away in the little time I have had him. I do not pen him in the yard or nag him. I just sit on the porch and toss cheese at all the dogs and he comes and gets his share. He also comes for feeding in the morning and night. He has the strangest double dew claws on his hind feet does anyone know why?
Your pups will get it they just take awhile to mature & learn. Mine lay in the middle of birds all day long & don't bother them at all, but mine are going on 5 years old this year. I guess chicken danz answered already but yeah the dewclaws are normal for GPs.

got lots more work done
That's looking great! Give us updates as you get finished, we love seeing pics of coops.

It's been pretty crazy here lately with slogging around in the mud to care for birds & animals. I sure hope it can keep from raining for awhile so things can dry out. My sheep pen is still just a mud bog & I was telling my DH that after it dries up I think we may have to dig around the shelter & see if we can jack it up & put cement blocks under it, the whole thing has sunk into the ground, ugh. I still can't bring my sheep back up to their pen yet. My GP Lily has been staying with the sheep 24/7 to guard them & she is doing great. Yesterday I went out & she was laying right in the middle of the herd, you had to look close to pick her out of the group. I'm so proud of her because she has never stayed with the animals like that, she has always had free reign of the property & both dogs work together. With her out in the field shut in my other one Jasmine has had to take over with watching the rest of the place.

I have a ton of chicks too here so if anyone needs any chicks I have a bunch of extras right now & some really nice young roosters that are pure bred as well if anyone lost any. I hate to have to cull those since they're going to be really pretty roosters, but I sure can't keep them. I have quite a few chicks I'm growing out for my laying flock as replacements this year & additions & then am changing out some breeding stock too. I'll be glad when I get down to only the chicks I'm keeping for myself. The cost of the chick starter every week is killing me.
Really, people? 42 posts in 4 days? Lol! Got the call at 5pm Tuesday to work at 10pm that night. I've been working nights all week doing a Target remodel here in Wichita. I really don't like to be locked into a building at night, but the pay is good. Glad you all are doing well, I loved catching up through your posts this morning. My four girls/layers are doing great and getting big. Can't wait till I start getting eggs! Their new favorite treat is frozen watermelon. I'm still working on the new coop. Hoping to get some more work done on it this weekend. We'll see. Alright, tons to do! Have a great day!
I'm hoping for a catch up today. My customer had to cancel due to vehicle problems so maybe I'll have some time to do some work out there. My whole week is going to be tied up doing some remodeling projects in the house so I need to get my outside work wound up.
Late last week, I sold my geese (1 white chinese gander and 2 white embden geese). it is SOOO much quieter around here without them. I have to say, I kinda miss them, but I also ahve to admit that the peace and quiet is also nice. I've been wanting to get some younger ducks added to my flock, as my current ducks are getting old (probably 7 years old by now). My hubby's aunt hatched a few as a project in school and had some breeds I was interested in, so I went to pick some up. The problem was that she doesn't know what's what, so it was a guessing game on my part. the person she got the eggs from said that these were the possibilities...

Pekin, White Layers, Khaki Campbell, Welsh Harlequin, and brown or blue runners.

And, of course, crosses between the above breeds are also possible.

I got 5 birds and am fairly confident (by voice sexing, though they're a little on the young side) that I got at least 2 females. Any thoughts on breeds? I'm hoping the brown one on the far right is a Khaki campbell. I'm hoping the yellowish two on teh far left are Welsh Harlequins, and I have no idea about the two in the middle. Anyone wanna take a stab at guessing breeds?


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