Consolidated Kansas

Chickens are still sneezing, not getting worse, no more deaths. Never got any more advice on what to do, vet never called back, can't find anything else to use from the feed stores, can't afford the stuff they sell on-line. Irritated, but nothing I can do.
Got another pen and got my SLW's separated. BLCM chicks still in the house and doing well. Incubator full of red mix, barnyard mix, and bantam cochin eggs.
Dog keeps pulling the hose out of the duck pen, won't use his dog house.
Rabbits bred, hoping for babies this time.
Awwww....sorry you're having a rough time. I wish I knew what to tell you on the sneezing chickens but I'm at a loss on that too. People often refer to it as having a "cold" but unlike a cold in a human that is a virus that will play itself out regardless of whether you do anything to help or not, in a chicken its really not a "cold" - it is a respiratory infection and it does seem like one of the more frustrating things we face as poultry owners, because while antibiotics should help, it can be hard to find the right one to work on the particular infection you are facing - and we're shooting in the dark because without labs, there is no way to know what the infection actually is. I know several people on here have tried one after the other, trying to find the one that works, to no avail. I haven't had to deal with it in a whole flock but had one sneezing chicken who unfortunately died before I could find the right med, and I've had a turkey making a barking/sneezing sound for weeks and I still can't figure out if its a problem or just a sound she makes.

Nothing exciting going on here, either. I got the blasted flu and felt like I would rather die than put up with the body aches any longer. I had a fierce headache also and lots of upper respiratory congestion. My fever kept breaking and spiking over and over. I had the most miserable night of my life and spent most of today in bed. My eyes wouldn't even focus! Ridiculous! Finally I'm feeling some better this evening and I'm hoping it doesn't go into my lunges like it usually does. I have high hopes for tomorrow!
Oh, that sounds miserable - so sorry. Hopefully having had flu this early in the season, you will be healthy for the rest of the winter now. And to have your line back up too? Your poor DH.

Not much is happening here. My broody hen's eggs were due to hatch yesterday, I think, but no activity. I'm not surprised because towards the end she really lost interest in sitting. In the beginning all she wanted to do was sit aside from an hour first thing in the morning. But as the three weeks passed, the hour became longer and longer, until by the third week, she was off the nest all day, only sitting on them at night. They hung in there as long as they could but I think that was too much for them. Sad, but - I think she is just too young yet, being only 6 months old herself.
I just lost a long post. I am not even going to try to remember all my ramblings.
Josie the stupid geese used this same shelter until it was more enclosed....but now they sleep outside. Dumb geese! I'm not sure what I am going to do! I really need to figure out something. Just not sure what. I hate to ask DH to remove what he has done.
Maidenwolf, you're very sweet. I am very glad to help.
Tweety I do hope this works for you. Do you have to have more than one injection? Just thinking back when I had some severe problems with my digestive system, I had to start eating things like baby rice and then gradually increase to more solid foods and of course eat something every couple hours to get my stomach used to having foods. It wasn't at all the same problem and I am sure you have tried everything. I am just wishing you the best.
I love reading about the cloth diapers. I love seeing things going back to a more natural way. I wonder if the wool diaper covers are something they used back before they used rubber or plastic. I wish I knew someone still alive I could ask.
OH Karen, I'm so sorry you've been sick. I really really need to go get a flu shot. It's just taking the time and driving to town!
I got back fairly late yesterday and had to rush to get everyone fed, watered and put up for the night. I came back with an extra peacock. The guy must have sold one of the 5 cause he had 4 left. He convinced me to go ahead and take all 4. I will just sell my excess next spring or sell one to Trish later. I need time to observe them and see what I have for males and females. There is one female for sure and the others are questionable. The whole point was to get a female. I penned up my peachick and his chicken friend in the smaller pen for the night and wormed the new group first off. I just want to be sure they don't carry any disease with them that they could infect my turkeys. I'm really needing the other half of my lean to building built so I can house all the birds I need to. Probably not going to happen. Then if it was I would have to have pens built for them as well.
Anyway they seemed to settle right in and had found the roost and jumped right up there for the night.
Another busy day today. I have some more ducks to take out of the hatcher. It looks like I have a couple of the campine chicks hatching as well. I have some more chicken eggs that go in the hatcher today as well.
My duck buyer is coming so it will be pay day. Hopefully I'll get enough to pay for the peafowl I bought yesterday.
I've got to get around for church. After church we are having a dinner so that will run me a little later than normal getting home.
I was tickled when I got home to walk in the house and not smell sewage. I guess the oxine worked. Yippee!
Now to get the time to go down there and clean for a week!!!
Just a short post. Sort of status report.

I'm in Reno at my daughter's house. We got her moved yesterday to a new place with better heating (gas instead of heating oil) and lots more room. Her cat went "walkabout" while we were going in and out, and we though he was gone forever, but he came home about 10 minutes ago covered with leaves and dirt. He had a GOOD night apparently. My grandson is wonderful. Very sweet and cuddly. He is 6 days old in the picture.

I don't want to leave out my beautiful granddaughter, though. This is Lina in her ladybug dress that the sweet-sprite brought her. The Sweet-Sprite is a creature that picks up all the leftover Halloween candy (except for one piece for each year the child is old) the night after Halloween and leaves a nice present in return.

Of course there is still the trauma with Scout (my Campine) at home. She is apparently moving around with one leg and using her wing for balance. My DH says she is in good spirits, but she isn't eating much. She even turns her beak up at scrambled egg. I suppose it is only a matter of time. He says she will eat scratch and sunflower seeds, so we are going to try to give her some time to heal. He says she has made herself a nest in one corner of the hoop/coop and goes out during the day when the pop-door is open. The right leg is just dragging, though, and really seems to get in the way. From 1500 miles away, there isn't much I can do about it.

I think in the SPRING, I'll be looking for a couple of golden campines and a couple of dark egg layers of some kind. NOT NOW. I am expecting to lose one of my Delawares and maybe one of the EE's over the winter. They aren't doing very well and I've done all I can for them. They are both 2 1/2 years old. The Del has always laid the occasional softshelled egg since her first molt. Maybe the second molt will put her back on track?????

Well that's it from Reno. Be sure to vote. If you don't vote, you can't gripe.
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Nothing exciting going on here, either. I got the blasted flu and felt like I would rather die than put up with the body aches any longer. I had a fierce headache also and lots of upper respiratory congestion. My fever kept breaking and spiking over and over. I had the most miserable night of my life and spent most of today in bed. My eyes wouldn't even focus! Ridiculous! Finally I'm feeling some better this evening and I'm hoping it doesn't go into my lunges like it usually does. I have high hopes for tomorrow!

Tweety, I'm so glad you got the procedure behind you. Now, we can hope things will start to work like they are supposed to.

Danz, Congrats on the peafowl and getting the line unstopped. What a mess, for sure. Our line stopped up so everything came up the clean out into the yard. Gross, but better than in the basement. DH was not pleased but he got it taken care of.
sorry you have been sick, hope today is much better! Did you get the flu shot this fall?
Just a short post. Sort of status report.

I'm in Reno at my daughter's house. We got her moved yesterday to a new place with better heating (gas instead of heating oil) and lots more room. Her cat went "walkabout" while we were going in and out, and we though he was gone forever, but he came home about 10 minutes ago covered with leaves and dirt. He had a GOOD night apparently. My grandson is wonderful. Very sweet and cuddly. He is 6 days old in the picture.

I don't want to leave out my beautiful granddaughter, though. This is Lina in her ladybug dress that the sweet-sprite brought her. The Sweet-Sprite is a creature that picks up all the leftover Halloween candy (except for one piece for each year the child is old) the night after Halloween and leaves a nice present in return.

Of course there is still the trauma with Scout (my Campine) at home. She is apparently moving around with one leg and using her wing for balance. My DH says she is in good spirits, but she isn't eating much. She even turns her beak up at scrambled egg. I suppose it is only a matter of time. He says she will eat scratch and sunflower seeds, so we are going to try to give her some time to heal. He says she has made herself a nest in one corner of the hoop/coop and goes out during the day when the pop-door is open. The right leg is just dragging, though, and really seems to get in the way. From 1500 miles away, there isn't much I can do about it.

I think in the SPRING, I'll be looking for a couple of golden campines and a couple of dark egg layers of some kind. NOT NOW. I am expecting to lose one of my Delawares and maybe one of the EE's over the winter. They aren't doing very well and I've done all I can for them. They are both 2 1/2 years old. The Del has always laid the occasional softshelled egg since her first molt. Maybe the second molt will put her back on track?????

Well that's it from Reno. Be sure to vote. If you don't vote, you can't gripe.

Awww how precious he is! Cute ladybug! I have to admit I'm jealous. Maybe someday..........
Sorry about Scout, I was hoping she would start showing signs of improvement. How kind of your DH to look after her.
Just a short post.  Sort of status report.

I'm in Reno at my daughter's house.  We got her moved yesterday to a new place with better heating (gas instead of heating oil) and lots more room.  Her cat went "walkabout" while we were going in and out, and we though he was gone forever, but he came home about 10 minutes ago covered with leaves and dirt.  He had a GOOD night apparently.  My grandson is wonderful.  Very sweet and cuddly.  He is 6 days old in the picture.

I don't want to leave out my beautiful granddaughter, though.  This is Lina in her ladybug dress that the sweet-sprite brought her.  The Sweet-Sprite is a creature that picks up all the leftover Halloween candy (except for one piece for each year the child is old) the night after Halloween and leaves a nice present in return.

Of course there is still the trauma with Scout (my Campine) at home.  She is apparently moving around with one leg and using her wing for balance.  My DH says she is in good spirits, but she isn't eating much.  She even turns her beak up at scrambled egg.  I suppose it is only a matter of time.  He says she will eat scratch and sunflower seeds, so we are going to try to give her some time to heal.  He says she has made herself a nest in one corner of the hoop/coop and goes out during the day when the pop-door is open.  The right leg is just dragging, though, and really seems to get in the way.  From 1500 miles away, there isn't much I can do about it.

I think in the SPRING, I'll be looking for a couple of golden campines and a couple of dark egg layers of some kind.  NOT NOW.  I am expecting to lose one of my Delawares and maybe one of the EE's over the winter.  They aren't doing very well and I've done all I can for them.  They are both 2 1/2 years old.  The Del has always laid the occasional softshelled egg since her first molt.  Maybe the second molt will put her back on track?????

Well that's it from Reno.  Be sure to vote.  If you don't vote, you can't gripe.

love the pictures your grandbabies are beautiful.

How long do you quarantine new birds for? I'm going to pick up some 9 wk old bo's today. From the same breeder I got my others from this summer
My DH and DS are gone hunting, Since my body hasn't adjusted to the new time I got up and hour early and couldn't go back to sleep. I decided that was enough time to make some loaves of pumpkin bread before church. I cooked two loaves in the oven, and 1 loaf the convection, we'll compare.

I have a weird hen, she is a hatchery RIR, we call her Texas Tornado because she starts a spin move when the Rooster is doing his duty, it turns into a loud rowdy rodeo event. Simular to the sound they make when a hawk has them in their claws. She's always been feisty, I thought she'd out grow it. I've had to boot her occasionally and she doesn't like my son, it's not a problem, he's 6'3" he isn't going to get an eye poked or something. (I was always worried when my children were small that they would get an eye poked.) I've never had a hen this weird, I don't want her to reproduce. I sure hope I can get some good girls, I want a good utility flock
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Tweety-- I was shocked and devestated and confused about my hatred for this beautiful bird. It isnt our way and you know what I mean, I wished him to fall from a tree like a rock I was sickened. Thank you for your conern, I really hope the things move on. I love the zombie baby pic gave me a nice laugh this morning. I am so happy you are trucking along after your surgery, I have been lighting a candle for you and sending you lots of healing energy.

Everyone has such beautiful grandbabies, i hope it is a very long time before I have any
my kids are 14 and 8 lol

Danz- I love peacocks and hope to see pics soon. I really do wish to have some one of these years lol. I have ALOT of learning to do about them first. Please post lots of pics.

michelleml-- I think alot of people have different opinions on length of time but I quarantine mine for 2-3weeks. I think it is best to make sure there are no possible diseases that can infect my flock. I added chicks 2 times over the summer form the same farm I got my original batch and I quarantined those for 2 weeks anything else I have gone a whole 3 weeks. I hope this helps you. Good luck with your new birds
I built my last house but it didn't prevent "errors" on the part of the builders - even getting "professionals" in to do it doesn't stop them cutting corners to save a buck or two here and there. One notable thing they got wrong on that house was covering a vent! It was in the master bathroom and the vent came up against the wall, between the toilet and the cabinet under the sink. Needless to say, that is not a place one steps terribly often. I had always thought it was weird there was no vent in the bathroom but hey, what can you do after the fact, right? Then one day, for whatever reason, I did need to step on that piece of the floor and felt it give. I traced the "hole" and realized it was the size and shape of a vent, so got out my stanley knife, cut away the vinyl flooring, bought a vent cover to put in and voila - we had a vent in the bathroom.
Oh heavens! Our house up here was like that constantly. If I hadn't been here ALL the time who knows what stupid things they would have done! They had the doorway to the bathroom framed in and didn't leave enough space to put the washer and dryer through the doorway! I am so glad we measured before they hung the drywall and told them so they could change it but it was like that all the time.

Absolutely - diapering in cloth saves a ton over disposable, when you think about the cost over the average of two years that you will be diapering. And if you have more than one child, the cost of disposables just continues to climb with each baby, whereas once you have bought the original set, you can use them for subsequent kids as well, saving even more.


Oooh....I'm glad to hear your explanation for why you chose your name. Sometimes it is obvious how a screen name came about - like Mommahen10 or Danz - other times it is harder to guess.

This is so true! Hawkeye thought my name was Josie for the longest time but Josie is the name of one of my original five laying hens! I had such a hard time coming up with a name that BYC would let me use that hadn't already been taken!

Josie, it's been so long since I used diapers! I don't remember actually washing the wool cover much, I think I rinsed it out more often than an actual wash. I also only lanolized it a couple times. Now, I had it when dd was older, like 18 months - 2 years, so maybe that made a difference. Hopefully someone with more recent experience will help you out with that question!
I will look into them. I would like to have a couple for overnights. I love wool too so I really like the idea!
LOL.... so do we :) That's why I thought it would be hilarious to put her in there.. you think that one's funny... While we were setting up our halloween decorations, I gave Kaylea a severed hand to play with, she decided to chew on the "appropriate" end.. hence.. Zombie Baby!

Mmmmm, yummy!! Glad to hear you are doing well and hope you are back to feeling like your normal self soon!!

Chickens are still sneezing, not getting worse, no more deaths. Never got any more advice on what to do, vet never called back, can't find anything else to use from the feed stores, can't afford the stuff they sell on-line. Irritated, but nothing I can do.
Got another pen and got my SLW's separated. BLCM chicks still in the house and doing well. Incubator full of red mix, barnyard mix, and bantam cochin eggs.
Dog keeps pulling the hose out of the duck pen, won't use his dog house.
Rabbits bred, hoping for babies this time.

Bummer, hope your birds get over their sneezing. If they have a sulfa liquid at the feed store you could try that? It is usually in a gallon and has sulfa in the name. Or offer lots of vitamin rich dark green veggies and fruits to help boost their immune systems and support them.

Nothing exciting going on here, either. I got the blasted flu and felt like I would rather die than put up with the body aches any longer. I had a fierce headache also and lots of upper respiratory congestion. My fever kept breaking and spiking over and over. I had the most miserable night of my life and spent most of today in bed. My eyes wouldn't even focus! Ridiculous! Finally I'm feeling some better this evening and I'm hoping it doesn't go into my lunges like it usually does. I have high hopes for tomorrow!

Hope you are feeling better and on the mend!

josie will you be using any flats? I think I have about 2 dz flats that are too small. The other place you can check out is or spots on hyena cart. If you like bgs on the bumgenius site they sell gently used one
We aren't using flats. I have bought pre formed mother ease with inserts and we will buy covers for them. I also have a good stock of bumgenius all in one pocket diapers that are all gently used and well cared for. It was about half the cost to buy them used than new. They run about $20 new a piece so I got some really good deals. They are adjustable so they grow with the baby from 7-35 pounds with snaps on the front of the diaper. They look like a disposable diaper in that they are shaped and you just velcro them on so they will be easy for DH and any potential day care providers to use. If we have to use childcare I wanted to do something that would be reasonably simple for someone who doesn't know how to cloth diaper.
I just lost a long post. I am not even going to try to remember all my ramblings.
Josie the stupid geese used this same shelter until it was more enclosed....but now they sleep outside. Dumb geese! I'm not sure what I am going to do! I really need to figure out something. Just not sure what. I hate to ask DH to remove what he has done.
I hear you on not wanting to ask him to undo all his hard work but they probably don't like it so enclosed. They seem to prefer being in the open, my gang won't even go into their three sided hoop except to eat. They don't sleep in there, they sleep outside. I think they like to keep an eye out for predators.
I got back fairly late yesterday and had to rush to get everyone fed, watered and put up for the night. I came back with an extra peacock. The guy must have sold one of the 5 cause he had 4 left. He convinced me to go ahead and take all 4. I will just sell my excess next spring or sell one to Trish later. I need time to observe them and see what I have for males and females. There is one female for sure and the others are questionable. The whole point was to get a female. I penned up my peachick and his chicken friend in the smaller pen for the night and wormed the new group first off. I just want to be sure they don't carry any disease with them that they could infect my turkeys. I'm really needing the other half of my lean to building built so I can house all the birds I need to. Probably not going to happen. Then if it was I would have to have pens built for them as well.
Anyway they seemed to settle right in and had found the roost and jumped right up there for the night.
Another busy day today. I have some more ducks to take out of the hatcher. It looks like I have a couple of the campine chicks hatching as well. I have some more chicken eggs that go in the hatcher today as well.
My duck buyer is coming so it will be pay day. Hopefully I'll get enough to pay for the peafowl I bought yesterday.
I've got to get around for church. After church we are having a dinner so that will run me a little later than normal getting home.
I was tickled when I got home to walk in the house and not smell sewage. I guess the oxine worked. Yippee!
Now to get the time to go down there and clean for a week!!!

Just a short post. Sort of status report.

I'm in Reno at my daughter's house. We got her moved yesterday to a new place with better heating (gas instead of heating oil) and lots more room. Her cat went "walkabout" while we were going in and out, and we though he was gone forever, but he came home about 10 minutes ago covered with leaves and dirt. He had a GOOD night apparently. My grandson is wonderful. Very sweet and cuddly. He is 6 days old in the picture.

I don't want to leave out my beautiful granddaughter, though. This is Lina in her ladybug dress that the sweet-sprite brought her. The Sweet-Sprite is a creature that picks up all the leftover Halloween candy (except for one piece for each year the child is old) the night after Halloween and leaves a nice present in return.

Of course there is still the trauma with Scout (my Campine) at home. She is apparently moving around with one leg and using her wing for balance. My DH says she is in good spirits, but she isn't eating much. She even turns her beak up at scrambled egg. I suppose it is only a matter of time. He says she will eat scratch and sunflower seeds, so we are going to try to give her some time to heal. He says she has made herself a nest in one corner of the hoop/coop and goes out during the day when the pop-door is open. The right leg is just dragging, though, and really seems to get in the way. From 1500 miles away, there isn't much I can do about it.
Such cuties!! Sorry to hear that Scout isn't doing well, such a bummer.
love the pictures your grandbabies are beautiful.
How long do you quarantine new birds for? I'm going to pick up some 9 wk old bo's today. From the same breeder I got my others from this summer
I quarantine for 3 weeks. They say the new birds should be at least 100 feet or more from your resident coops. I also care for new birds last and don't travel past them while caring for my original birds. So don't care for the original flock, wear the same cloths and shoes to care for the new birds then go back to the older flock wearing the same cloths, shoes and not washing hands.
michelleml-- I think alot of people have different opinions on length of time but I quarantine mine for 2-3weeks. I think it is best to make sure there are no possible diseases that can infect my flock. I added chicks 2 times over the summer form the same farm I got my original batch and I quarantined those for 2 weeks anything else I have gone a whole 3 weeks. I hope this helps you. Good luck with your new birds
Ditto to this. 3 weeks is a good rule of thumb.

Well we need to get outside and get more cleaning done. Doing lots of yard work and getting brush hauled to the brush piles. I have a ton of chicken stuff to disinfect strewn all over the driveway so really need to get after that!
Just emptied the hatcher. I have 42 dried ducks I moved out to the brooder pen. My darn bale of straw got wet so I sprayed it with oxine. I sure hope I killed any mold. I would hate to kill all these ducklings. I have several more pipped and some hatched and drying still on the hatcher. I had two that died while hatching and one that got stuck and is pretty crippled up. He might come out okay. Here are this mornings ducks.
Wow those are so cute. I am just amazed at how many you have. I work with some people from Kenya who would love to eat those you may want to sell in the future. They want goats, ducks and chickens. Anyway looks like there are a couple of months before that in this case. Danz you must truly have a ton of animals. You go Girl!

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