Consolidated Kansas

Danz's pic...

Is the coloring of the underside that seems blue? It looks bluish gray. He is pretty.

Josie~ There is no way I'm going to pick up my rooster, look at those spurs!!! He's never been mean or aggressive to anyone but I don't want to make him mad. I will look at those pullets though.

Would I be able to see mites on the hen? I can catch her. It's funny though but I've never seen the rooster giving her any attention although he must because I have some white chicks too, although she's not the only white. It's interesting though, the white chicks haven't been as strong. I can get better pics of her tomorrow.

My buff orpingtons are 6-7 weeks, your roo is 4 months, that seems like a reasonable age difference. I will PM you.
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Good afternoon everyone!

I love looking at the pictures you have all been posting of your chickens! It makes me want my own even more!

I am writing to ask for some help getting my application approved for hens in Overland Park. My Planning Committee meeting is Monday November 12th at 1:30 and I have been told that comments of support may help increase the chances of my permit being approved. I don't know if it matters if you are an Overland Park resident or not but comments can be submitted on the city's website at: It would be even better to have supporters come to the meeting but they put it at 1:30 on a Monday so that's a little hard to accomplish! Anyway I would love any help I can get so thanks for your time and pass the word on if you can. Please keep the chicken pictures coming!! Any coop pics you guys have would be cool too! Thanks again!


Dear friends I want to comment on Natalie Nitz’s request for chickens in Overland Park. I have raised chickens in Bonner springs Kansas for over 10 years. I have never had a problem with my neighbors. My Brother raises chickens in Shawnee Kansas. Shawnee requires permits, no roosters and a limit on chicken numbers. Hey in todays economy you get permit money to help in revenue. You also help stimulate the economy in that home owners have one more avenue to support the food table. It’s a new item for farmers markets and it ties right in to green living. Purchases for chicken wire, feed and other chicken related items are taxable dollars for the city. My chickens recycle my compost and turn it into great nutrients for my garden right away. Please do the right thing and find away to help make a greener community for everyone.

Mike Eubanks
Above is what I wrote. it only takes a minute and its time OP starts doing the right thing. if you got a minute or two click on the link and write a note.
I love that this is such a chatty group,. I was on the hospital again from Sun night till this afternoon. Dang pain won't stay away. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that the procedure did work and I'm not seeing it yet.
Got a couple questions:

First, Josie - The silkie that you gave me, was she in with roos at all? Most of the eggs that I've cracked from her have definite bulls eyes on them.

And second - Can anyone tell me proper protocol on how to care for a broody hen? The aforementioned silkie has gone broody over a pile of 4 eggs she laid when I was in the hospital. If it's at all possible that they are still fertilized, then I will let her hatch them. If not, I'm sure my chicken friend with no Internet can give me a few eggs. Do ya'll put a small thing of water and food in with them? She's taken up residence in the duck house and won't let anyone in there, except me. She lets me pet her and feel the eggs, but DH puts his hand in there and she tries to peck it off. LOL
I love that this is such a chatty group,. I was on the hospital again from Sun night till this afternoon. Dang pain won't stay away. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that the procedure did work and I'm not seeing it yet.
Got a couple questions:

First, Josie - The silkie that you gave me, was she in with roos at all? Most of the eggs that I've cracked from her have definite bulls eyes on them.

And second - Can anyone tell me proper protocol on how to care for a broody hen? The aforementioned silkie has gone broody over a pile of 4 eggs she laid when I was in the hospital. If it's at all possible that they are still fertilized, then I will let her hatch them. If not, I'm sure my chicken friend with no Internet can give me a few eggs. Do ya'll put a small thing of water and food in with them? She's taken up residence in the duck house and won't let anyone in there, except me. She lets me pet her and feel the eggs, but DH puts his hand in there and she tries to peck it off. LOL

Sorry you are still having problems.

Congrats on the broody hen! I do usually put a bowl of food and water in for them so they have the option of eating and drinking without having to get too far from the nest.
Busy afternoon here. I'll see if I can catch up.

I lost my one and only Breda fowl chick today.

I'm sorry about the chick. It's frustrating when you don't even know why they died.

I love that this is such a chatty group,. I was on the hospital again from Sun night till this afternoon. Dang pain won't stay away. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that the procedure did work and I'm not seeing it yet.

I'll keep my fingers crossed, too. It will take your body a little time to heal and adjust, and then you'll probably know better whether or not the procedure worked.
Danz's pic...

Is the coloring of the underside that seems blue? It looks bluish gray. He is pretty.

Josie~ There is no way I'm going to pick up my rooster, look at those spurs!!! He's never been mean or aggressive to anyone but I don't want to make him mad. I will look at those pullets though. Chicken!
I looked at those spurs and thought I would have to trim them or file them down. I can't stand huge spurs, I don't remove them but I keep them filed down!!! I pick up my boys all the time, keeps them respectful, they avoid corporal cuddling!

Would I be able to see mites on the hen? I can catch her. It's funny though but I've never seen the rooster giving her any attention although he must because I have some white chicks too, although she's not the only white. It's interesting though, the white chicks haven't been as strong. I can get better pics of her tomorrow.
You may or may not see mites. Sometimes they look like tiny bugs down near the feather shaft close to the skin. Look around the vent too. There is one type of mite that causes a lot of head scratching because it lives in the hackles in the neck and ears. If she is digging or scratching at her head I would treat her with adams flea spray at the very least.

My buff orpingtons are 6-7 weeks, your roo is 4 months, that seems like a reasonable age difference. I will PM you.
My orp boys are very, very slow to mature. They won't try anything with the girls until they are almost a year old most likely! Plus they are in with a more dominant roo so they are very submissive to him. A young roo won't bother your girls until they are getting close to laying. These guys are super gentle and sweet, you will love having a roo you can pick up and carry around!

I love that this is such a chatty group,. I was on the hospital again from Sun night till this afternoon. Dang pain won't stay away. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that the procedure did work and I'm not seeing it yet. Bummer, hope you feel better.
Got a couple questions:

First, Josie - The silkie that you gave me, was she in with roos at all? Most of the eggs that I've cracked from her have definite bulls eyes on them.
Yes, she was in with a splash bantam cochin roo! So you should have fertile eggs for a bit. There was a blue silkie roo in that pen too but I doubt he stood a chance at getting to her!

And second - Can anyone tell me proper protocol on how to care for a broody hen? The aforementioned silkie has gone broody over a pile of 4 eggs she laid when I was in the hospital. If it's at all possible that they are still fertilized, then I will let her hatch them. If not, I'm sure my chicken friend with no Internet can give me a few eggs. Do ya'll put a small thing of water and food in with them? She's taken up residence in the duck house and won't let anyone in there, except me. She lets me pet her and feel the eggs, but DH puts his hand in there and she tries to peck it off. LOL
Oh how fun! You will have splash silchin babies! How cute that she lets you but not DH visit, must be that girls know best!
You can put a small bowl of food and water in with and be sure to mark the eggs she has in case someone else lays a random egg in there with her. Make sure she gets off the nest at least once a day to stretch and poop. Some birds will just waste away on a nest if you don't encourage them to stretch from time to time. That can be the only problem with putting food and water too close is that they just don't ever get up which is also really important. Plan on a cage or something once the chicks hatch as she will take them out with the flock and the other birds can kill them. You can keep her in a dog kennel or something for the last few days or move her once all the chicks hatch but she hasn't gotten off the nest yet. If you move her during her brooding it is best to move them at dark, it is less upsetting and they are less likely to abandon the eggs. Good luck!!
I had to laugh! This ad was on craigslist in Lawrence in the free section!

I have the meanest, worst tempered rooster in the county, alrhough he does a good job of keeping the hens in line. He is inside a coop, and easy to find (he will come to you). He is about 2 years old, and answers to "Bad Bob".

If I have to catch him- $1,000
If you catch him- Free

Don (785) 550-7321
You gotta love a sense of humor.
I had to laugh! This ad was on craigslist in Lawrence in the free section!

I have the meanest, worst tempered rooster in the county, alrhough he does a good job of keeping the hens in line. He is inside a coop, and easy to find (he will come to you). He is about 2 years old, and answers to "Bad Bob".

If I have to catch him- $1,000
If you catch him- Free

Don (785) 550-7321
Mike, hopefully we've flooded them with so many comments they will have to give it serious consideration.

Tweety, I'm so sorry that you are still having pain. When did they say it should take effect? When do you go back for a follow up?

Josie~ I am admitting I am sooooo chicken. You can say it. We've had him for a long time, long before I started handling chickens. We've always taken the attitude that if we respected him he would respect us and that has worked for the most part. Yeah, but now look at those spurs and he's not used to being handled. He will come up and eat from my hand through the fence. I talk to him every day, I say Hi Daniel, and if I crow at him he will crow back. Shhh, don't tell anyone, but it's fun. I pick up the new ones, so do the kids, but they don't have spurs yet just little nubs. So I take it keeping them filed down should be part of the routine. :) Fleas wouldn't surprise me a bit, they were sooooo bad this year. We would just walk outside and they would be everywhere. We don't even have animals in the house and I had to get very aggressive about cleaning everything because they were in here too. I haven't seen any of them scratching. Can I pluck just one feather to look at it under the microscope? I'm not against using medicines but I'd like to try something natural first if she does have mites and recheck. I was able to rid the fleas from the house by natural means. What does the flea spray have in it? How long should she keep her separaated and how long until her feathers grow back? I thought she was just always that way. I feel really badly that she may be inflicted with something and I've just thought it was just her. That ad on craigslist is hilarious!!! That must be one mean rooster.
I love that this is such a chatty group,. I was on the hospital again from Sun night till this afternoon. Dang pain won't stay away. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that the procedure did work and I'm not seeing it yet.
Got a couple questions:
What an awful time you are having. I so hope you will start to improve soon!
Originally Posted by mikeksfarmer

Dear friends I want to comment on Natalie Nitz’s request for chickens in Overland Park. I have raised chickens in Bonner springs Kansas for over 10 years. I have never had a problem with my neighbors. My Brother raises chickens in Shawnee Kansas. Shawnee requires permits, no roosters and a limit on chicken numbers. Hey in todays economy you get permit money to help in revenue. You also help stimulate the economy in that home owners have one more avenue to support the food table. It’s a new item for farmers markets and it ties right in to green living. Purchases for chicken wire, feed and other chicken related items are taxable dollars for the city. My chickens recycle my compost and turn it into great nutrients for my garden right away. Please do the right thing and find away to help make a greener community for everyone.

Mike Eubanks
Above is what I wrote. it only takes a minute and its time OP starts doing the right thing. if you got a minute or two click on the link and write a note.
Very well written Mike.
Mike, hopefully we've flooded them with so many comments they will have to give it serious consideration.

Tweety, I'm so sorry that you are still having pain. When did they say it should take effect? When do you go back for a follow up?

Josie~ I am admitting I am sooooo chicken. You can say it. We've had him for a long time, long before I started handling chickens. We've always taken the attitude that if we respected him he would respect us and that has worked for the most part. Yeah, but now look at those spurs and he's not used to being handled. He will come up and eat from my hand through the fence. I talk to him every day, I say Hi Daniel, and if I crow at him he will crow back. Shhh, don't tell anyone, but it's fun. I pick up the new ones, so do the kids, but they don't have spurs yet just little nubs. So I take it keeping them filed down should be part of the routine. :) Fleas wouldn't surprise me a bit, they were sooooo bad this year. We would just walk outside and they would be everywhere. We don't even have animals in the house and I had to get very aggressive about cleaning everything because they were in here too. I haven't seen any of them scratching. Can I pluck just one feather to look at it under the microscope? I'm not against using medicines but I'd like to try something natural first if she does have mites and recheck. I was able to rid the fleas from the house by natural means. What does the flea spray have in it? How long should she keep her separaated and how long until her feathers grow back? I thought she was just always that way. I feel really badly that she may be inflicted with something and I've just thought it was just her. That ad on craigslist is hilarious!!! That must be one mean rooster.
I had to chuckle. Sorry. I only feel sorry for the hens when the spurs tear into them. I haven't even thought of my roosters spurs as a threat to me. You could have one of your kids pick him up for you to examine his feet.
Yes the color underneath is considered blue. He is a blue copper which is why the back is red or copper colored. The females would be predominantly blue with lacing. If I remember later I have an older blue barred rock chick and a blue d'uclle I would take pictures of for you. I also have blue slate turkeys.

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