Consolidated Kansas

Well, I brought "Spikey boots" home a little while ago. I feel so evil, cause if not for the "problems" we were having, there would have been no problems. I have to wait for my husband to get home, and then we will lay him to rest.
Thanks for all the thoughts, it is helping. I always thought I would just find him alseep somewhere, as he loved to sleep.

hawkeye the picture with the blacks looks like the cock bird has the pumpkin attached to him. Oh, and I am bringing 11 birds to Hutch too! Other than 1 silkie in junoirs, there were not silkies at Fayetteville.!

maidenwolf. where are you close too? Missouri rifle season for deer will be opening soon, are you where you can go huning? I have to talk to my son, but I could get a game tag, and see if it is legal to give the meat away. Have you ever made Hamburger soup. I make that,
1 lb burger
2 cans, or l bag frozen vegtables
l can diced tomatoes
brown the burger, at the remaining ingredients, bring to a boil, simmer. Really good with corn bread and butter. I like it better than any canned soup.
So many posts, and I just don't know all who has been here today, my mind is numb.
Yes my dh hunts every weekend. I cannot this year, his rifle is too powerful and the gun I used to borrow is now sold... I love hamburger soup I havent made that in so long I almost forgot about it. I love homemade soups.

I swore I put this but I did not find it when i posted,, I am greatly sorry you lost a friend today. You did what was best.
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I am so far behind I am never going to be able to comment on everything. First and foremost Checoukan I feel for you! I am tearing up now as I think of loosing my cat in September. She was more like a child. It still breaks my heart. I so understand how hard this is. I have two more very very old cats and I pray they will just fall asleep someday and not wake up. I don't know if I cna handle having to have another one put down.
What on earth is going on with this site? I tried doing multi quote and I've lost my post twice, this will be my third time. I'm sure it'll be shorter and sweeter. Sorry.

Danz, I didn't notice that the hens minded his spurs. He's a bit quick you know. :) My boys would probably be brave enough to pick him up for me. I just don't want to do anything to make him mean. If he gets mean he'll be out of here, I just can't have meanies by young children. Those spurs do look mean and scary, I've just never wanted to try my luck. If you have time to take more pics I love to see them and it does help in understanding.
Have you heard of the using a baked potato to remove spurs? To me this seems like an awesome way assuming you have a potato to use.
HEChicken, I'm so glad that you got that darned mouse.
X2 I would freeze and save mice for you if we plan another get together.
Hawkeye, I'm sorry to hear about your internet issues, that is always frustrating. I'm so glad that you were able to copy your post to rescue it. The brooder with the fridge shelves is ours. Thanks. I was a little concerned about it at first but it's working great and was very cheap so I'm happy with it. I enjoyed hearing your stories about how your family came up with meals when you were a child. I never remember food shortages when I was a child, but that's not how it is here. I think a survival recipe book would be an amazing idea. We have a couple of those meat grinders adn we use them once in a while.
I have one of those meat grinders but don't have a place I feel good clamping it. I had two of them but my daughter talked me out of one of them.
I had to chuckle at your post Hawkeye. I used to think my mother overcooked hamburgers cause they were dry and crispy like. After getting older I realized that she made 8 hamburgers out of one pound of meat. To make a 8 full sized hamburgers out of one pound they would

be so thin they would have to be dry and crispy!
At least we thought we had a hamburger!!! We also used to have soupy taters which was what Mom called a particular soup I used to love. When I got older I learned she would take a bare ham bone, and boil it in water until it boiled all the marrow out. Then she added little chunks of potatoes and celery salt. We were actually eating ham flavored water with potatoes and a little celery flavoring. At least we thought it was food.
I didn't know that ham salad was actually made with ham until I was an adult. My Mom always made it by grinding balogna.

I feel reasonably comfortable with Sevin Dust. I do think that if mites are just tiny insects that I should be able to rid them by our usual natural means but that involves water and I don't want to get them damp when it's cold out. Do I need to treat all of the chickens? Kansas Priarie mentioned using wood ash. We were considering that but then thought about wood ash and water make lye so it would have to stay dry.
I think there are natural ways to kill mites. I think wood ash is a great way to treat mites. As far as Lye goes I used to use it in my dog kennels by sprinkling it on the floor, then spraying them down with water. We never has a single flea or tick on our dogs. (this was a concrete floor). I also believe that DE will kill them along with many other insects. I have seen it work quite well, but it needs to be mixed in shavings or wherever your chickens dust bath to work. Oil will also suffocate mites, but who wants a bunch of oily chickens.
I use sevin and DE but don't like using sevin because it is hazardous to fish if it gets in the waterways. I won't use it on my yard, just my coops, chickens, and dogs. I really like using pour on ivermectin for mites. It seems to work better than anything else I have tried. It's just necessary to be able to treat all of them. Not easy in my case.

I hope that no one minds that I'm copying the breeding info only for future reference. I seem catch more of it everytime I read it. I don't want to make you all crazy asking questions that were already answered so I will refer to the notes first.

HEChicken, your story about your cat was beautiful.

checoukan, I'm so sorry about your kitty but I would have to do the same thing. It's that part about not knowing if anything would really help and quality of life and I don't want to make them suffer longer than they need to.

Quote: I had a picture of my self blue d'uccle but lost it somewhere. Duh!
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I will check around CL and see what I can find, good idea. I guess it is mainly the produce that is awful. It is that the more ingredents you have to buy for one dish takes money from another dish. I am compiling a bunch of reciepes for things that take about the same ingredients give or take something here or there.
I have talked to my husband about finding another way to save on paper products, I mentioned this to him a couple years ago and you would have thought I asked him to go naked in public. I always look for ways to reuse,reduce or recycle. that is how I was brought up. We were poor growing up but my dad always found a way to teach us how to make it better. My family comes from farmers who didnt have much and you used what you had,, all of it. My DH's family comes from the city, no past poor farm families, so they are all about prepackaged precooked food. I had never had instant potatoes or instant rice until I started dating him and we went to dinner at his mom and dads and I felt terrible because I had to fake a stomache upset because the food was terrible. Not because she cant cook but because she was never taught to do anyting but tear open a box and pour it ina pan. So when I started cooking for my DH he was amazed at how things tasted. I want my kids to grow up cooking like I do and knowing how to do it. So many families dont know how to cook let alone a homemade meal. That is my goal, to teach kids how to cook and to teach them were the food comes from.
Oh, I did think of one other thing this afternoon. Does your DD like hard-boiled eggs? I find they are a great snack and I used to throw them in my kids' school lunches all the time. Perhaps you can boil up a few and let her take one to school on the days she needs a snack?

For all those that asked, they told me that it might be 7-10 days before I feel the full effects of the botox, so I"ll only get worried about it if I don't notice a change by the middle of next week.
Took today off to catch up on the sleep that missed while in the hospital. It's funny how you are supposed to be there to start feeling better, yet you can't get more than a couple hours of sleep at at time!
I sure hope you get to feeling better soon!

Well, I brought "Spikey boots" home a little while ago. I feel so evil, cause if not for the "problems" we were having, there would have been no problems. I have to wait for my husband to get home, and then we will lay him to rest.
Thanks for all the thoughts, it is helping. I always thought I would just find him alseep somewhere, as he loved to sleep.
So sorry about Spikey Boots.

One of my favorite family recipes is milk chicken. It looks awful but it is to die for. You take a whole chicken or chicken pieces with the skin on. Cut it into the normal pieces. Roll damp chicken pieces in a mix of flour, salt and pepper. Be sure there is lots of coating.
Lay the chicken pieces in a baking pan (sprayed with Pam or something unless you enjoy cleanup) Pour over any leftover flour mix on top. Cover the chicken with milk, and throw in a stick of butter just to add some more fat!!!
Cover it and put this in an oven and bake it for at least an hour - longer is even better. It is done when the chicken is ready to fall of the bones. It looks pretty gross with kind of chunks of white and the juices from the chicken forming the gravy. Serve with mashed taters and I guarantee you'll be hooked.
I have saved this recipe to try next time I have chicken - it sounds awesome.

Hawkeye - great letter!
HeChicken I have never had it anywhere except my family. My paternal grandmother used to make it. They were a farm couple originally and l suspect it resulted from hard times. My DH is an extremely picky eater and doesn't care much for chicken but he will fill up on this.
I haven't felt good all day. Just been kind of dragging and feeling like crap. I am running a fever tonight. I sure hope DH hasn't brought me a flu bug. I still haven't had my flu shot.
Hawkeye, how did you get your Silkies to pose like that? Are they trained? In the splash ones (not that I really understand splash), the one on the left is the girl, right? I like the contrast in the color on her head. I don't know why I like that, but it strikes me as pretty. Now, are these blue or black?

Kansas Prairie, did you ever find out if the foot was from your neighbor's guinea? I wonder if they could lock them up. Now they're probably down to just 2.

Katoranger, what kind of chickens do you have in mind when you close on your new place?

HEChicken, I like your idea of buying freshly ground flour a lot. I want a food mill so badly but I'm really not ready to go completely whole wheat either. I've done it before though. You have a good idea about using cloth instead of paper, I mean why not we use cloth diapers on our children, cloth baby wipes. I haven't done that before but why would it matter? They did that in olden days, each family member had their own little rag. I use cloth for, ummmm.... other things because of a reaction to the usual disposable ones and that's become no big deal so why not? We all play in chicken poop, well, not really play in it but there are times when I go cleaning and I've had it in my hair or on my face and YUCK but we deal.

For our 'survival recipe' for lunch today, we did canned beef/rice pilaf, it was sort of like dirty rice but it tasted good. I left it bland for the kids and I added salsa to mine to kick it up. The canned beef was a trade from a friend, she needed eggs so that worked. I've had it for a long time and I want to get it used up. You can can beef yourself, pressure canning methold only. The salsa was just fresh from a few of the green tomatoes that ripened in the house. The rice was purchased in a huge bag from Sam's. I did sweet potato fries, the kids love those but they take forever for me to cut up. We ran out of ketchup, so my 15 yo looked up a recipe and made some, it wasn't too bad. The little ones had milk, older ones didn't want it and they could have all the bread they could eat. Lunch was very VERY cheap. I try to save the store bought meat for dinner. I feel good about feeding everyone cheap, if I save money here I have more money for other things, like CHICKENS! Our dinner was a splurge, we used 2 lbs of ground beef and made goolash with corn, green beans, tomatoes and egg noodles. Of course we had bread too. The only part we bought was the ground beef egg noodles, this fed 9 and we have enough left overs for tomorrow's lunch which will feed 7 of us.

I have potatoes to use Danz, even some that I probably out to use ASAP. I have sweet potatoes coming out of my ears. We pray, give us this day our daily sweet potatoes and of course we already have bread, one more thing to be thankful for. I don't know if I want to remove his spurs. I don't want to make him feel less manly or anything. :) Will it change him? I love him. I don't have DE but I spent some time reading about it when we were dealing with fleas in the house, that was going to be my next step but I didn't need that next step. I read that once it gets wet or even damp it's useless. If the wood ash didn't hurt your dogs then it's probably not going to hurt the chickens either. OOOOOOO, custard, I haven't done that in ages and that sounds so good. Thanks a bunch. I will do that. Your milk chicken sounds a lot like chicken a la king, only it doesn't look gross. That does sound good. I have 2 chickens to cook, yay! I love good ideas and I love having a plan. It makes things so much easier and nicer. Your chicken and milk, does the flour sort of turn into a dumpling kind of consistency? I didn't know that freezing would kill those weevil eggs if they were there, my husband told me that it won't when I asked him to carry the 50 lb bag out. I use our 50 lb bag of flour in a month and it's not an issue anyway. I keep extras in buckets, I have some that are 2 1/2 gallon and a couple of 5 gallon buckets, I also use gallon glass jars. I'm pretty obsessive about making sure the basics things are always available. I feel like if I have those things I can always come up with something. Your birds are beautiful, I LOVE the color. What does self blue mean? Nevermind, I will look it up.

I went to check on my chicks in the brooder room. The red light has been removed and replaced with a green one. When I went out, they were still all the way on the right but they were huddled together like they didn't want me near them and they never act this way. These are my most social chicks that I've had so much fun with. I tried to entice them with their sweet potatoes and they wouldn't come to me at all. Is it because the boys had the radio blaring out in the barn. Would that scare them? I ended up putting their sweet potatoes in and when I backed away they started their ususal feeding frenzy. Later this evening, they seemed hyper. They were flying at each other like the roosters do, they were being very very active. Maybe the sweet potatoes gave them too much energy. It was absolutely beautiful outside today. Do you think it would be shocking to their bodies if I put them back in their outside pen during the afternoons so they can still have time to scratch in the dirt? Maybe they are bored in there, especially considering they had been enjoying being outside daily for a little while. They're 3 1/2-4 weeks old.
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Thank you all for the tips and advice, sometimes you just need that reassurance and guidance and I appreciate you all helping. My DD loves hard boiled eggs, that would be a great snack for school. The chicken recipe sounds great I will have to try that.
Whew.... This week is kicking my backside..... I have tried to skim the posts, but am sure I missed a lot since my old brain is not very alert.

I am sorry Spikey Boots is gone from his physical life. He sounds like he will leave some good memories to cherish. (( hugs))

Danz, feel better! These flu bugs are no fun!

Maiden wolf, I am sorry things are so tight. As a single parent on a teachers salary, I too understand the need to be frugal. It is hard. Hang in there. I wish I were closer to help.
I buy bags of potatoes and head of cabbage to stretch our food budget. Good old Irish and Brittish cooking in my family background makes them a large part of our comfort foods, as well as beans and homemade tortillas from being transplanted yet again from the southwest. Tonight we had roasted cabbage with a little oil, salt, lime juice and worstershire sauce and Welsh rarebit ( butter, milk , flour gravy with sharp cheddar, worstershire, a dash of cayenne and a bottle of dark beer, on toast. I make a big batch and package it up for packing lunches and leftovers later in the week. Boiled potatoes with milk and a bit of cheese and bacon crumbles with Saltine crackers is good too, and very cost effective. Dillons has 5 lb bags of potatoes for 99cents this week. I have a homemade pantry recipe for saltines my kid like to make and cut out with cookie cutters for their school lunches and for home.



I don't use the flax seed every time. The kids really like their homemade snacks. Popcorn popped on the stove is also cheap and filling. It's easy to drizzle a bit of almond bark on it or make quick caramel from sugar and butter to make homemade popcorn balls or munchy sacks. My dad still loves a glass of milk and popcorn for dinner or milk and crackers, which is what his family ate often during the depression. I watch for sales on big bags of popcorn kernel bags too. Bread pudding with day old bread, homemade or from the day old bread store, with egg custard uses up eggs and works as a sweet breakfast items with dried fruits added or as a savory item as a stuffing with herbs. Cheap, fast, easy and home made goodness :) Scones and home made soft pretzles are easy to make too for meal items or snacks. My kids love them anyhow. We could easily be vegetarian, but we do love pasta cooked in broth with veggies too.. Dillons has several Kroger brand veggies for 50 cents a can this week too.

Love the new silkies, Hawkeye!! The show picks of silkies and rosecombs are really interesting! Win or lose, it looks like lots of fun!

I think I missed Lucy's update. How is it going? Please repeat :)

I am so amazed at how super friendly our Marans chicks and Sussex chic are. They all come running and want to be held. So sweet! The Marans I bought from Ivy is laying now and is also ver sweet and friendly.

Tweety, hoping you are able to eat comfortably now!

I hope the ordinance in Overland Park goes through. I am using my phone and will try the email link to send some support.

Oh, I absolutely loved the fancy coop!!! I also loved the idea of the refrigerator doors on the brooder! Very cool!

Must get kids tucked in and prayers said. Hope everyone stays safe and healthy!

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Tweety-- sorry you are still having issues.
I wish you well soon..

Hawkeye-- I love making dinner out of things that we just pull out of the cabinet. I love to cook from scratch all homemade meals because that is what I was raised on. It is so expensive to cook from scratch versus those cheap processed box tasteless so-and-so's.. Hate it, but sometimes that is all Ican get, so I have to get creative to make it taste somewhat foodlike.. I am going to really work the soil for the garden so we can get all teh veggies and fruits going next spring. We hunt alot too, whatever it takes to put meat on the table and I like game meat alot. Thank you for sharing your story. Hearing everyones stories about what they have endured is uplifting in a way.
Wow nice note about you. I totally love to cook from scratch. with a huge garden and tons of fruit trees I love just picking a few minutes before i cook. Oh man when it gets cold I love to pick some herbs and make chicken soup from scratch and then some fresh homemade bread. Since I cook for the people I work with, I dont get to cook at home much more. Takeing some time off and having some good friends over so i can cook some real food and enjoy some good country life.
medawinks- wonderful stuff thank you so much. I do not know where a Dillions is maybe there is not one near me.

Mike- I grow herbs for cooking with too I prefer fresh herbs so much over store bought.

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