Cookie Tin water heater

Love those cups! Where did you find/get them? I use water buckets w/ 2 or 3 nipple waterers in the bottom hung in the coop or sitting on top. I use reflective insulation around the coops if the temp is supposed to drop below freezing and heat lamps plugged into a thermocube to come on at 34*. So far ................ KOW .......... nothing has frozen.
If you have any problems, I would think a bucket heater or fish tank heater in the bucket would fix it. Outdoors, I have a regular heated waterer which I love/hate. Water never freezes
, it's a pain to fill.
When it goes, I'll replace it with a cup/bucket system.

The cups are part of an automatic watering system. A lot of places have them. I actually bought the pre-assembled breeder cage kit and then extra hose from the hardware store and re-assemble things as needed when I change things around. Shop around and price out. Depending on offers, shipping, etc. the best deal changes.

When I get to it, I'll be making one of those PVC tubes with the outdoor Christmas lights and thermostat for snuggling, roosting that someone else posted. Not a fan of heatlamps.
averytds! The cups mounted directly into the bucket looks like an ideal system for my coop. Thanks for posting the pictures of it!

It looks like you mounted the cups directly into the bucket with no brackets? Did you just drill a little hole and stick the end of the cup in there? Or did you do something else to make sure it stayed put and doesn't leak?
The cups are threaded, so they screw in. I just drilled a couple of holes, wound some of that white plumbing tape around the cup threads and screwed them in. I set the bucket on the kitchen counter with the cups hanging into the sink and filled with water to test everything out. They didn't leak, but if they had I would have probably tried a washer/gasket next and then if nothing else, some silicone. So same as the threaded nipple/bucket assembly.

You can fit up to 3 cups with the popcorn tins and standard 5 gal buckets with the bucket offset. If you need varying heights on the cups or have an old heated base to re-use or whatever you can get a tank connector and use it on the side of the bucket and tube in the cups. As long as it's a short run, it should be fine. You could even run them around the upper part of the tin/lower part of the bucket to be sure. Depending on your set-up, one system could water several adjacent areas with just the one heater.

One thing to look out for is be sure to clean the bucket after you drill, check for leaks before installing and put either a screw top lid or weighted lid on the bucket. Bits of stuff from the tank can get stuck in the cup valve and cause a leak. I haven't had it happen with any of my tubed or outside systems, but had it happen once with a 2-liter/cup set-up similar on an inside pen.
Like others here, I'm struck by what I have paid for waterers that have not lasted well and cost dearly, when I could have been feasting on butter cookies and recycling the tins for my hens. I'm shopping for cookies tomorrow and, if we eat them fast enough, I can get new heated waterers ready for the current deep freeze we're in! Thanks:) ~G

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