Crazy easy way to make hard boiled eggs

I tried it this morning, but the boiling water cracked three eggs out of the dozen. I was gently lowering them in with a spoon and could hear them pop as I submerged them. Other than that it worked fine.
Yeaaa! I'm glad people are conquering their hard boiled egg fears and frustrations.
Maybe hubby should write a book.

Okay do you have to peel right away for it to peel nicely?

Also how long do boiled eggs last in the fridge peeled and unpeeled.
I am awful at cooking so I apologize for such newbie questions.

Nikki28 - Sorry, I'm not sure about your questions. It would be easy to experiment to see if you have to peel the eggs right away, but I'm not gonna see how long boiled eggs will last in the fridge.

I just thought of the absolute easiest way to make hard boiled eggs! Ask my mom!!!!

*enjoying my last 5 days home!

HaHa! Enjoy your time at home. Maybe for Mother's Day you can make her the perfect boiled egg.

Cant wait for Wed. - I"m going to make a beautiful plate of deviled eggs for New Years.
I made deviled eggs for Christmas and the peeling SUCKED!
I had to stand there for almost 1/2 hour peeling a dozen eggs and man did my back hurt. (next time sit)

I had to keep making excuses for how ugly they looked, but they did taste pretty good.

I am boiling water right now and I am going to try a few of the eggs that just came in the house a few minutes ago.

I'll let you all know if this works for me with eggs fresh from the chicken.
Well, give your hubby another squeeze - it worked for me too! Perfectly done, perfectly peeled FRESH eggs. These instructions should be stickied at the top of the board. Thank you, thank you!
Well I wasn't as successful as everyone else.

I ladeled 6 eggs gently in a rolling boil:


After 14 minutes I drained the boiling water and placed them in a bowl if ice cold water for 10 minutes:


Only one of the 6 peeled easily, the one on the right:


They were all cooked:


I made yummy egg salad:


A few things about my eggs. They were all fresh from the coop, none had been refrigerated.

I noticed when peeling them and handling them to cut them up that the whites seemed too soft, not firm and were sort of sloughy.

Does anyone know what the reason for the whites to be so soft and sloughy?
Alright, I finally tried it. I selected 6 of the freshest eggs I have (1 to 2 days old). Not refrigerated...I keep mine on the counter. I put a pot of water on and turned the stove on to a full boil and ladled the eggs in....and waited. I did 16 min. just too be sure everything was done WELL. Drained the hot water and added ice and water. Waited about 5 min and took a deep breath. NO FLIPPING WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every single egg was PERFECT! I mean 100% perfect. No white stuck to shells anywhere, all my yolks were centered perfectly, the yolks were a gorgeous yellow not discolored at all. I am in a state of serious shock right now. My deviled eggs don't have to hide anymore!!!
Fourteen minutes isnt long enough!! Believe it or not, I set my timer at 15 minutes, and was late to answer it, so I actually probably ran up to 17 18 minutes! If the whites were still soft, then they werent really HARD boiled, try the next ones for longer! I know it sounds crazy! but it has worked for me twice now! I giggled the whole time I did the second batch, must have seemed a crazy lady!

One thing I did notice, was that if the water the eggs were cooling in started to warm up, the eggs got a tad harder to peel, so I would just dump out the warm, and refill with cold tap water, and it worked great.

I didnt use Ice water, I just used cold tap water. I did however make sure that it was in a jug before hand, and filled the pan all at once, and then kept pouring out and refilling to keep them cooling. (my faucet has lousy pressure, and takes forever to fill anything, so I did it in advance!) I wonder if the coolness got deep enough into the egg? or too deep? The idea is to cool the center away from the shell.

My eggs were a mix of fresh and week olds.

Good Luck! They sure looked yummy anyways!
I could be imaginative. But then I'd have him in the kitchen all the time trying to figure out the next miracle.

I wonder if you have told this miraculous Hubby what an amazing stir his method has created here? I hope you have at the very least hugged the stuffing out of him?

I am eating the most lovely egg salad right now because of his little 'miracle'

Hug him good for me!!

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