Critical ill baby, am starting to crack

ThAnk you god for giving me praying partners! Hear us and anoint my little Jaeger! (Mean warrior) only jesus touch on dr hand save my baby. I pray in heavenly name, amen!
Gaius is 2 years old.

Honey, praying for your little warrior, and both his parents. Praying for healing for Gaius, peace for you and your husband. Praying for guidance and knowledge for the doctors and staff.

The specialist hospitals are the best place to be, and it sounds like they're being very aggressive in his treatment. This is good! Antibiotics and other medicines into a central line are the best thing for him right now. It won't hurt his heart at all, I've had several. It does let the medicine work faster and be more effective, and does not hurt his veins like an IV in his arm might.

Children can hide being sick until they're so bad, like this. But, they also can get better very fast with treatment.

Be sure to take care of yourself!!! Drink liquids and eat something even if you don't want to. You'll be no good to him if you faint. He's going to need his strong Momma.
I am adding my prayers to those of everyone around the world, because people here are from every part of the globe. Your family and Gauis are important to us all. I know the Children's Hospitals we have here very well, and I can tell you that he is in the very best hands. Rest for awhile. We'll hold down the fort for you with thoughts and prayers.
Hi! We know what this is like to go through. Be encouraged. My daughter goes through this many times-even now. Her heart is not the best and it affects the lungs. She can get sick with bronchitis and pneumonia very quickly. It is not your fault. Please ask the nurses for help! Write on your child's board or post a sign that you do not understand English and speak German. If you have a smart phone with internet try using Google translator. Ask them to write Everything down so you can remember it. And don't be afraid to give them a smile or hug! They care about your son. Ask if he needs or can have a respitory therapist come every 3 or 4 hours and let them work on him. He will cry but that helps to clear out the lungs. Ask if he needs a medicine to break down the mucus if that is an issue. At $1,000 a tiny vial x 2 a day, 5 years ago, it is not given readily. But it works! Ask them what the next steps are for his recovery so you can follow his healing progress.
As for you, If a plane were going down would you put the oxygen mask on you or your son first? :) You! Because if you pass out, he doesn't live. Drink!! Eat,Rest,Walk the floor!! Ask if they can send a meal to you or if things like crackers, applesauce,jello,pudding, yogurt and fruit are available to parents. No one wants a Parent to collapse! They need you there loving your son. And it is okay to walk away and cry or be upset or to wonder what is next. God loves you. He will give you special grace and strength to care for your family.


Lastly, give your husband a hug and tell him how much you love him and are thankful for him being there.
I'm so sorry about Gauis! Sending prayers and tons of hugs your way! :hugs :hugs :hugs The hospital will give him the best possible care they can.

Lord, I pray that you will bring healing and strength to little Gauis. I also pray that you'll also bring strength to Gauis's parents and family during this difficult time. And finally, I pray for wisdom in the hospital staff who are treating Gauis.

In Jesus name I pray, amen.
Maybe we all of us that are reading this right now could at 12:30 bow our heads in prayer together. Sending up a unified prayer of healing for little Gaius. That he may have a speedy recovery with no lasting problems. In Jesus name, Amen.
@bigmomma85 Oh, that last picture of Gauis is SO much better than the first one. Take care of yourselves. The Lord is definitely keeping watch over your family.
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