Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)

Those are really pretty, Bleenie
I especially like the blue one and the green one.
Sunny Dawn, I agree! An even number works so much better. I was planning on making mine into a long, thin pillow, 2 x ? But that won't work with an odd number. Still pondering on that one...
I have 15 squares done, and I'm hoping some others will sign up because I love making that square pattern! But now I am just doing my squares for my blanket. I really want to get it done, but I get sooo bored working with the same three colours over and over 112 times! lol I only have to make 20-some more, though.
Well, goodnight, all!
You ladies are really cranking out the squares!

I love that everyone is posting pics of them! I only have 4 done, so need to get my booty in gear.
I'll post a pic soon. I have company coming in town soon, so been doing a little fall deep cleaning-purge.

We'll see how many people sign up by the deadline and then we can adjust the number of squares required if need be. That is if everybody feels comfortable in completing our discussed amount to be finished by deadline.

Bleenie~ Thanks for posting pics of your beautiful squares!!!!
I love seeing everybody's hard work!

Good night Lealonna, sleep tight. LOL!!

We should all get to know a little bit about each other, your flock, etc. I am so lame. I noticed my little 4 yr award for being a member popped up last week and I don't have a signature or my BYC page complete. Shame on me!

keep the pictures coming.......

Here's a little Friday Fall Bling ~ Bling for inspiration!!!!

SunnyDawn~ Hang in there w/ the moving. Were you able to move your coop for your peeps? Think of all the room you will have to add more peeps. How exciting!!! Or should I say EGG-citing!!!
As soon as I get this house back in order I can get in full swing of hookin' as well.

MullersLaneFarm~ The deadline to sign up is (Sun) Sept 4th. It's all listed on page one of this thread along w/ the participants if you ever need to refer back to it. Girl you've been hookin' away! Way to go!!!! At the moment we are only required to do as many as the number of participants that are sign up, which at the moment stands @ 15.

Lealonna~ Oh your square is gorgeous!!!! So sweet w/ the little heart in the center. I love it!!!!
I'm partial to anything w/ hearts!

If any of you know of any other BYC hookin' peeps, please spread the word about the swap. We love meeting new people to crochet with, exchange ideas, chicken chat, etc...
I hope everyone has a fantastic day! TGIF!!!!!!
Hi Everyone
My name is Donna.....
Hope everyone is starting off the weekend well. I am working most of the weekend (shift work) but hope to get a little crocheting in too. Have picked my fall colors (rush, browns and greens) and my pattern (window pane ). Hopefully to put pic up in the next couple of days. I am also knitting Newfie Mittens, so have to get some done, I am running a little behind.
Well hope to chat with every one soon.


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