Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)

Wowsers that blue is pretty and your squares are soo nice well I made a heart a week ago but could figure out how to attach ato granny square but I figured it out today !!!
Smitty's Farm :

Ok, I have to hurry up and finish scanning embarrassing pics of DD to put on Facebook.


Love your squares Kim! Now I'm really getting excited about the swap.

WOW bhazell! I am drooling over your beautiful heart square! I'm soooo glad I signed up!

YEAH to all you wonderful women that are making a second set! You are amazing! I want to try to do this too but I will have to wait and see how many I can finish between unpacking. I think with 2 whole months to finish it shouldn't be a problem. I have 2 patterns picked out and am perfecting a third pattern of my own (not quite as easy as I thought it would be). I am happy with the results so far. It is so exciting to see all of the gorgeous things you gals are creating! I don't know about you all but it will mean so much to me to have something homemade from all of you!

Green Valley Farms that is so cool that you are donating your squares to the homebound! I'm too selfish. Though I have made things for preemies and have donated stuff to the hospital for chemo patients I plan to hang on to all of these square and keep them for myself.
~Good Morning~

Fall Granny Square SWAp update: Final count of number of participants is 16!!!!!

bhazel~ Fantastic job!!!
I love the heart! Are you sure you just learned to crochet? I think you've been pulling our legs.

Thank you ladies on the compliment on my squares. You are so sweet! I still have issues finishing & tying them off. I've been trying to weave the tails in as I go, b/c I absolutely hate that part.
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Hi everyone,
Crochet squares are looking gooooood.....I have 5 squares done, whoot whoot!!! I am also on my fourth 12 hour night shift (they eyes are starting to go cross eyed). so I am hoping to tomorrow night to darn the ones I have made and iron them and then post what they look like.

So chat with you again soon.

Donna (Mimm2003)
I got the rose attached, It looks better than I thought it would
I just knew it was going to take up the entire square, lol. I made the "medium" rose and it ended up being pretty big. It's made the square pretty bulky but hopefully it'll fit into someones GS project!


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