Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)

How exciting!!!!
YAY!!!! New Yarn!!!
Everything is good here! I went and got some yarn, but I can't start yet b/c I don't know where my hooks are AND I have to finish up the quilt swap!

I bought three RH colors: Medium Thyme, Cafe, and Carrot.

Hubby was with me, but he didn't bat and eye. He was probably glad I wasn't buying fabric
Hey JC~
Whew... so glad you are ok! I was worried when I turned on the news and saw all the flooding and had remembered you saying your run was flooded. Ooo la la those colors sound fantastic! Oh good hubby!!!
Don't stress b/c you can't start yet, b/c we really do have plenty of time to finish them.
Happy Saturday!!!!!

Just wanted to check in with everyone and say hello!!!!!

I'll be away from the computer most the day. Hubby & I are hosting a memorial party in memory of a dear friend we lost to colon cancer 10 years ago. We are going to auction off some of his signed photography and art work and all proceeds will be donated to the Cancer Siteman Center locally. He was a very bright, talented young man. It will be bitter sweet. Really looking forward in sharing happy memories and celebrating the fun times we had with him. My DD's band is performing for their very 1st time. Hubby and some of his old band members are going to get up there and wing it on one song. They haven't been toghether in years and no time to practice. It should be a lot of fun! I'm very excited to DD's band perform for their first time!

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!!
That does seem to be the most time consuming shopping. I love to sew but even I get pooped at the thought of going to buy fabric.
Although I did just stock up on some beautiful fabrics! The fall color line up this year is just beautiful!!!
I'm finally seeing some really great textural fabrics as well! Really gives garments an extra special look! Ok that's way off topic now. Sorry.

Wow. You are right bumblebee69! That second one is adorable!

Ok I finally settled on a square (at least til I get bored and change to a different pattern). This is the lowest motif square from the earlier picture but I changed it a bit to show the mid range pattern better and to make it right at 6".
I have to warn you though, the colors aren't quite as vibrant as the flash makes them out to be so don't be dissapointed when you see it in person. Will probably do them in different colors to break up the monotony. Well I like the beige and brown colors but I'll use a couple different colors on the flower petal portion. Any requests? I have a vibrant yellow, a carrot orange, a dark rust color, this deep red and a brighter true red. Wish I had a variegated fall color yarn. That would look cool.

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