Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)

Kim I hope your party is a huge success and makes a lot of money for your chosen charity!
sunny, that one is just beautiful. the colors are wonderful.

I have done 6 of mine
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OMGosh!! look at all the Squares!!! Love, LOVE, LOVE THEM!!!
The colors, the textures.. We are gonna have a REALLY lovely looking blanket out of them!! Especially if peeps do 3 sets!
Heard the geese flying south overhead this morning... GONNA NEED the squares!

Keep up the great job Ladies!! I'll try and post pics of mine set done next week!


WOW!!! I'm so excited!!! We are going to have some gorgeous cozy fall afghans! I can't wait!!!!

Sunny~ I absolutely love your square!
I'm really diggin' the color scheme!

Thanks for holding down the fort everyone!!! We had a great time at the party, but I'm sooooo tired today. People flew in from all over the place. DD's band did fantastic job for their first gig. We spent most the day loading all the band's gear, food, stuff for the party and cleaning the party space. I was too pooped to do anything, so I crocheted.

Please keep the pictures of your squares flowing. Oh yea, I'm a photo junkie too!
Smitty's Farm :

WOW!!! I'm so excited!!! We are going to have some gorgeous cozy fall afghans! I can't wait!!!!

Sunny~ I absolutely love your square!
I'm really diggin' the color scheme!

Thanks for holding down the fort everyone!!! We had a great time at the party, but I'm sooooo tired today. People flew in from all over the place. DD's band did fantastic job for their first gig. We spent most the day loading all the band's gear, food, stuff for the party and cleaning the party space. I was too pooped to do anything, so I crocheted.

Please keep the pictures of your squares flowing. Oh yea, I'm a photo junkie too!

Glad the party went so well! Now maybe you can rest up for a bit.​
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Hello everyone!!!!!

It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL...just gorgeous here on Smitty's Farm this morning!!!! No humidity, not hot or too cool and the sun is shining! I opened the front door to the coop and let everybody out to freedom. I love to see the backyard scattered w/ chickens, ducks & turkeys. I took just a wee bit of time to enjoy it this morning. I sat out there w/ by first cup of coffee and my laptop, but too many chicken friends kept hopping up on my chair to say hello, so I came inside. I was afraid I'd spill my coffee on my laptop. Just wanted to stop by and say hello!!!!

Whew, I was so tired from the party, but slept in today. I must have needed it b/c I didn't even stir this morning to make sure DD got out of bed to get ready for school. I didn't even hear DH get up this morning either. DH & I usually rotate making DD breakfast on most mornings, not ever morning..but most. Now it's time to bust a move. One uncle is in town, but we haven't seen him yet and my house is so trashed!!! I will spend the whole day cleaning. I can't seem to catch up. Hope to make some leeway today. I will reward myself w/ crocheting tonight the mum looking pattern.

Oh yea I wanted to ask everyone their opinion on what solid color to make my 2nd set to tie in everybody's squares???? Do you think rust, beige, brick, or mustard? Hmmmmm.....Keep the pics coming!!!

I hope everyone has a beautiful day!!!
Smitty, I think the colors you mentioned if fine. I love the warm dark colors of fall and then into Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. My favorite time of the year. Love it all. Thanks to all. Have a good day.

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