Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)

Smitty's Farm :

Hello everyone!!!!!

It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL...just gorgeous here on Smitty's Farm this morning!!!! No humidity, not hot or too cool and the sun is shining! I opened the front door to the coop and let everybody out to freedom. I love to see the backyard scattered w/ chickens, ducks & turkeys. I took just a wee bit of time to enjoy it this morning. I sat out there w/ by first cup of coffee and my laptop, but too many chicken friends kept hopping up on my chair to say hello, so I came inside. I was afraid I'd spill my coffee on my laptop. Just wanted to stop by and say hello!!!!

Whew, I was so tired from the party, but slept in today. I must have needed it b/c I didn't even stir this morning to make sure DD got out of bed to get ready for school. I didn't even hear DH get up this morning either. DH & I usually rotate making DD breakfast on most mornings, not ever morning..but most. Now it's time to bust a move. One uncle is in town, but we haven't seen him yet and my house is so trashed!!! I will spend the whole day cleaning. I can't seem to catch up. Hope to make some leeway today. I will reward myself w/ crocheting tonight the mum looking pattern.

Oh yea I wanted to ask everyone their opinion on what solid color to make my 2nd set to tie in everybody's squares???? Do you think rust, beige, brick, or mustard? Hmmmmm.....Keep the pics coming!!!

I hope everyone has a beautiful day!!!

When you started that question I thought "Let's see brown or beige or rust..." LOL. I think any of those colors you mentioned would work perfectly with the fall theme.​
WOW!!!! Jen, that is gorgeous!!! I always forget I can take pics w/ the computer. I need to utilize that more. I love the colors & design!
I love it!!! Thanks for posting!!!
That is too cute !!! Well I had to add a round on mine
lol they weren't quiet 6 inches so I have to add a round to the ones already done well while I was fixing them my hubbies grandma decided she wanted to start crocheting again
so maybe she will teach me a thing or two lol she hasn't done anything in years so hopefully shell stick with it
hey bhazel~ Where ya been? I started using a G hook to get smaller stitches and will also now have add another round or maybe just edge the last 4 or 5 squares have done as well.
You are passing the crochet addiction to your Dh's grandma!
That's awesome!!!!
Lol yp gotta pick her up a hook and some yarn for her today lol and I use a j hook lol not sure wat size I was supposed to use lol but I compared them to my 6 inch quintets square andthey were a little to short but there not anymore
It doesn't matter what hook you use. It's all a matter of preference. I think the basic granny square calls for a H hook. Of course some patterns call for particular size hooks, but you don't necessary have to use the size it calls for. I think it all depends on how you want the design to look. I'm comfortable holding the H hook and use it a lot. I usually use H for basic granny squares, but switched to the G, b/c I like the way Sunny's stitches in her squares are smaller and tighter. I think the mum design I'm doing looks better using a smaller hook, so it's not too bulky. Most times a pattern can be adapted to fit the size you need. My mum pattern is actually a pattern for a 7" square, so I just didn't do the last round, so it would come out to be 6" square. A lot of baby blanket call for G hook and some scarf patterns may call for a big hook. I think last winter I finally went out and replaced all my lost hooks, so I could have one in each size.

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