Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)

No need to pout, Dear!! Perhaps someone would be so kind as to Host a Winter Granny Swap!?!? Something to keep our Spirits from dampening during the Blues Months..
No need to pout, Dear!! Perhaps someone would be so kind as to Host a Winter Granny Swap!?!? Something to keep our Spirits from dampening during the Blues Months..

Oh yea....I bet someone will definitely host one this winter to chase away the winter blues. Last year we did floral squares to help us think of spring. Don't be a stranger. Did you see the crochet chat thread? It's a great place for people to come together, exchange ideas, get help if needed and post projects we are working on.... along w/ chicken chat.
Please stop by both crochet threads and chat. We'd love to hear from you!
Smitty's Farm :

It doesn't matter what hook you use. It's all a matter of preference. I think the basic granny square calls for a H hook. Of course some patterns call for particular size hooks, but you don't necessary have to use the size it calls for. I think it all depends on how you want the design to look. I'm comfortable holding the H hook and use it a lot. I usually use H for basic granny squares, but switched to the G, b/c I like the way Sunny's stitches in her squares are smaller and tighter. I think the mum design I'm doing looks better using a smaller hook, so it's not too bulky. Most times a pattern can be adapted to fit the size you need. My mum pattern is actually a pattern for a 7" square, so I just didn't do the last round, so it would come out to be 6" square. A lot of baby blanket call for G hook and some scarf patterns may call for a big hook. I think last winter I finally went out and replaced all my lost hooks, so I could have one in each size.

Yes, I use all sizes of hooks depending on the project. The motif squares look nice with a G hook but I usually use an H hook for most projects (except thread crochet of course). It goes faster!

Flitter I would love to see some pics of your work!​
Do we know how many peeps are doing double sets. i was thinking on it, but do i use same colors i have or go get new ones.
Where is everyone at on their set(s)? I am slowly working on my second set now, i think I have 7 more to go. I was asked to make some hats to sell at Fridays football games for Project Graduation here in town, to help raise money for the seniors in low income families to do their senior trip & gowns and such. Since I've got 2 younger brothers graduating this year i had to help! Can you believe it's $300/ea for them to do their trip???

anyway! I will try to get a pic of some of the ones i have been working on. I was trying to do some kinda plain GS's this set.
Bumblebee - It's Hooker's choice!!
If you want to change colors, go for it; Wanna change design for the 2nd, do it!! Variety IS the Spice of Life!

Bleenie - I blew thru the 1st set and had printed off a different pattern for the 2nd, but had misplaced it and then found a different project to complete - I REALLY am scattered!
Will get cracking again on the 2nd set..
this weekend!

I still need to post the pics I took... right after I upload them!
I do the same thing.

Bumblebee69 I'm using the same combinations I pulled out for the first squares. It's just that with my yarn stash and the couple extra skeins I picked up for this project I have 7 colors to choose from.
So use whatever you've got.

Bleenie I'm almost halfway done with 2 sets. I get bored so I work on the other set then switch back... The motifs are all started but not finished and the second set is halfway done (they are much faster to do). So you can count me for 2 sets for sure.

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