Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)

Smitty & Sunny -
The yarn is Lion Brand - Vanna's Choice! LOVE the yarn - SO LUSH!!!
Starting a 2nd set soon (after I finish my Nightmare-Before-Christmas colored baby blanket for a friend) working them in a Deep purple, and looks like a heather brown - YUMMY!

Bhazel -
It's Great to have GOOD neighbors!!!
My sets are ADHD sets compared to your guys, I just got too bored with a single pattern, lol. I will have to post a picture of the craziness i've created

Also, do we label the bags or label the blocks themselves?
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NO Wonder I like the color of your squares, b/c that's the exact yarn I bought!
I guess great minds think alike!!!

Oooooo lala....can't wait to see that blanket for your friend you are working on, so please post a pic before you gift it.
Bleenie~ Your squares are great!!!! Variety chases away the boredom and helps our blanket s all be one of a kind.
I re-copied/pasted about labeling. See below! BTW~ How is your puppy? I've been meaning to ask you.

Smitty's Farm :

You are so welcome!!!!
Woohooo... Yarn & 2 finished already!!!
Sounds like your fingers are flying!!!
Way to go!!! I can't wait to see them.
I still haven't decided on yarn color or pattern.

Here's a few pics of how I labeled them in the past:

I just print a sheet of these tags and tie them in the corner.

Here's a pic of a square from a past swap labeled and placed in sandwich bag ready to ship.

Here's another example how people have label and bagged them: They wrote their user name/name on the ziplock bag.

I just like them labeled so I know who made what square, b/c as soon as I get them I'm like a little kid opening a x-mas or B-day present and I rip the package open probably in the car at the mail box
Then as soon as I'm home in the house I lay them out and play w/ different patterns on how to put them together. In the past when amount of people signed up for a swap and they weren't labeled I had no idea of who made what. Just me!
I just think it's nice to know who made what!
She's doing good. I really think it was the Hops roots she was chewing on. The swelling is gone but there's a small lump on her lower jaw still. the opposite side seems a little tender still and she definitely eats slower now. She is back to her puppy self again though, thankfully.

Every once in a while she pops up wtih a root in her mouth so i ahve to snatch it up and dispose of it where she can't get it. I am hoping she will learn to leave them alone though because there's really no getting rid of those things, they stick up out of the ground everywhere. Luckily she only likes the loose roots that she can run around with, lol.

I will go ahead and tie tags to them, just in case anyone wants to keep them labeled.
So glad she is feeling better! My puppy is addicted to acorns & walnuts. She has learned to shuck them within minutes. I know they can't be good for her, so I'm constantly prying her jaw to retrieve them.
She gets one every time I take her out to potty. She's getting better at minding me w/ the "drop it"command, but that wasn't always the case.
Smitty's Farm :

So glad she is feeling better! My puppy is addicted to acorns & walnuts. She has learned to shuck them within minutes. I know they can't be good for her, so I'm constantly prying her jaw to retrieve them.
She gets one every time I take her out to potty. She's getting better at minding me w/ the "drop it"command, but that wasn't always the case.

Smitty's Farm :

...She's getting better at minding me w/ the "drop it"command, but that wasn't always the case.

This comment made me laugh out loud! This is my latest struggle with my pup too! He will drop it when I tell him to (most of the time) but as soon as it bounces he gets all excited and snatches it up for another round of "keepaway".
And he moves a whole lot faster than I do!

Erin the rich rust red I'm using for these squares is the same brand as yours. I really love the silky feel of it and it has such a rich depth of color.

Bleenie it looks like you're having a blast! I was going to do a bunch of different patterns too but after having a hard time getting each square to come out right at 6 inches I gave up and settled on 2 patterns. It's not as much fun but it is easier.
I'm getting lazy in my old age.

I'm glad your puppy is feeling better.​
I have mine set to go already. We just found out my sister is pregnant so I started working on a blanket for her. I have all the colored squares done but now i have to start on 24 white squares, ugh! I know she's going to love it though

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