Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)

Nice to know my Granny Square mess ups wasn't a waste of yarn!

Smitty's Farm :

I will post pics, thanks. I was kidding about the cookies though. We go right by the Girl Scout offices for Reno so we go in once a year and buy a few boxes. I don't allow myself very many though cause I try to avoid transfats but I send a bunch to Hubby's work and then some to my folk's retirement complex. My folks say that they don't need 'em cause many of them have diabetes but they are forever eating candy anyway (the folks in the rec room not my parents). Cookies aren't any worse.
My folks will have 2 or three then send them down to the rec room for everyone to enjoy.

I tell ya, it'll be a great day for me when they start making those Thin Mints without transfats. I will sure be a happy camper then!

I know GS Cookies are evil good, but I didn't know they had transfats. OMG!!!
It made me do a little diggin', b/c I try to avoid them when ever possible. Here's what a I found. Crazy how the FDA can get around labeling even if a product has a smiggen amt of something. Notice the Thin Mints didn't even make the list of smiggen amounts.

Hey it's nice to know they are working on making them all transfat free! Until then...

Oh my gosh Kim! That granny square on the pocket is super cute!!! My oldest DD would love that!
Thanks Sunny!!!! I give my mess ups to my DD and she's the one that sewed it on to her pocket. I'll have to take a pic of how she re-fabbed the goodwill jeans to bell bottoms. She was thrilled that the lopsided mess up coincidently matched her theme.
I still want to try to make that pattern when I get a chance. Haven't had enough quiet sit down time to try it again. She'll probably get another one to sew on the other pocket then.
Smitty's Farm :

Thanks Sunny!!!! I give my mess ups to my DD and she's the one that sewed it on to her pocket. I'll have to take a pic of how she re-fabbed the goodwill jeans to bell bottoms. She was thrilled that the lopsided mess up coincidently matched her theme.
I still want to try to make that pattern when I get a chance. Haven't had enough quiet sit down time to try it again. She'll probably get another one to sew on the other pocket then.

Um... Why not??

I'm in the process of rearranging my 3 bedrooms upstairs (since my 3 children have all moved out and I'm 'empty nesting'). My old fiber room rapidly became the 'room where all things were put when folks didn't know where else to put things'.

Welcome to my Fiber Room!

Your first view:

The closet of Fiber and my fiber processing area (My drum carder will sit at the front of the table. It is out on loan right now) Yes, those blue totes are full of beautiful roving ready to spin!!

Ready to spin hand dyed rovings

The Yarn Wall Not all are hand spun

The far right are yarns that are acrylic yarns. Actually, right now acrylic yarn occupy 2 totes, but the basket on the shelf (and the accordion thingee) are full of hand spun right now.

What you don't see in the 3rd picture is all the bags of fiber that needs to be carded and spun into fiber!! LOL!

And I NEED more! My fiber / rovings / yarn do not equate to what I could go through this winter, much less a lifetime.

What I don't show are my finished objects, which I really need to get photographed and up on my website or on etsy or on ebay to sale!!
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That hand dyed orange/pink is to die for!!
I am also loving the green next to it!

Um... Why not??

I'm in the process of rearranging my 3 bedrooms upstairs (since my 3 children have all moved out and I'm 'empty nesting'). My old fiber room rapidly became the 'room where all things were put when folks didn't know where else to put things'.

Welcome to my Fiber Room!

Your first view:

The closet of Fiber and my fiber processing area (My drum carder will sit at the front of the table. It is out on loan right now) Yes, those blue totes are full of beautiful roving ready to spin!!

Ready to spin hand dyed rovings

The Yarn Wall Not all are hand spun

The far right are yarns that are acrylic yarns. Actually, right now acrylic yarn occupy 2 totes, but the basket on the shelf (and the accordion thingee) are full of hand spun right now.

What you don't see in the 3rd picture is all the bags of fiber that needs to be carded and spun into fiber!! LOL!

And I NEED more! My fiber / rovings / yarn do not equate to what I could go through this winter, much less a lifetime.

What I don't show are my finished objects, which I really need to get photographed and up on my website or on etsy or on ebay to sale!!

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