Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)

I missed out on Jo Ann's Coupon commotion sales over the weekend b/c I was too busy w/ Cookie Caravan.
Um... Why not??

I'm in the process of rearranging my 3 bedrooms upstairs (since my 3 children have all moved out and I'm 'empty nesting'). My old fiber room rapidly became the 'room where all things were put when folks didn't know where else to put things'.

Welcome to my Fiber Room!

Your first view:

The closet of Fiber and my fiber processing area (My drum carder will sit at the front of the table. It is out on loan right now) Yes, those blue totes are full of beautiful roving ready to spin!!

Ready to spin hand dyed rovings

The Yarn Wall Not all are hand spun

The far right are yarns that are acrylic yarns. Actually, right now acrylic yarn occupy 2 totes, but the basket on the shelf (and the accordion thingee) are full of hand spun right now.

What you don't see in the 3rd picture is all the bags of fiber that needs to be carded and spun into fiber!! LOL!

And I NEED more! My fiber / rovings / yarn do not equate to what I could go through this winter, much less a lifetime.

What I don't show are my finished objects, which I really need to get photographed and up on my website or on etsy or on ebay to sale!!

Cyndi~ This is an incredible operation!!!! Now I have yarn envy!!!
Beautiful, beautiful yarn!!!!! My office is all junked up right now b/c the exact same reason. Everyone throws things in there to hide them when guest comes to visit, but once the things go in they never come out.
I can't wait to get in there and re-organize it, but have to de-clutter some rooms upstairs first to prep them for renovation first.
Howdy Swappers~

I've had several request for my address. Does anyone else need it to send them early? Don't forget to label them w/ user name & real name, slip them in a plastic baggie and include return postage, so I can mail your wonderful swap squares to you. Oh sooooooooooooo excited!!!!!

Edit to say....NO RUSH to those who haven't finished. We still have PLENTY of time ( a little over a month) to complete them. I still haven't finished my first set.
I'm just a bit spacey sometimes and wanted to make sure I sent my addy out to all those who needed it early.

My guest will leave this Sat, so I hope to have time after that to try a simplistic solid color pattern for my second set then.

Then I need to get going on my big pile of unfinished projects and think about X-mas gifts.
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I survived camping! I did get a few squares completed and many more partially done. I didn't bring a measuring tape with me so I was afraid to go to far without measuring!
Um... Why not??

I'm in the process of rearranging my 3 bedrooms upstairs (since my 3 children have all moved out and I'm 'empty nesting'). My old fiber room rapidly became the 'room where all things were put when folks didn't know where else to put things'.

Welcome to my Fiber Room!

Your first view:

The closet of Fiber and my fiber processing area (My drum carder will sit at the front of the table. It is out on loan right now) Yes, those blue totes are full of beautiful roving ready to spin!!

Ready to spin hand dyed rovings

The Yarn Wall Not all are hand spun

The far right are yarns that are acrylic yarns. Actually, right now acrylic yarn occupy 2 totes, but the basket on the shelf (and the accordion thingee) are full of hand spun right now.

What you don't see in the 3rd picture is all the bags of fiber that needs to be carded and spun into fiber!! LOL!

And I NEED more! My fiber / rovings / yarn do not equate to what I could go through this winter, much less a lifetime.

What I don't show are my finished objects, which I really need to get photographed and up on my website or on etsy or on ebay to sale!!

I agree! Love both of those yarns!!! Oh, I wish I were fast at completing projects! I have more yarn now than I can use in a decade!

I guess I could always donate some to make way for some of that gorgeous merino wool!
OK, I think I have a serious problem!
That's what I've been doing too. I got all the centers done and am working on the middle sections now.

Except I have been so busy the last few days I haven't had time to crochet.

I'll make time this weekend for sure.
Since I finished my squares I have been working nearly non-stop on the blanket for my sister! I have been working all morning(and last night!) on attaching the squares and have finally started on the first edge of the border.... I feel liek my arms are going to fall off
I'm still not sure what kind of border I want to put on it... debating over rainbow stripes or a shell edge.

So here's the picture for anyone who wanted to see it!

That is Beautiful!!!!

I took a break from spinning and knitting and have been crocheting up a storm. Mostly sleeved shawls. Right now I'm working on a pair of cabled socks for a KAL on another forum. I'm about finished on the heel of the 2nd sock so it is just the gussets, foot and toe left!!! I have been the 'victim' of 2nd sock syndrome too many times so I knit both socks at the same time (on different sets of needles). First the cuffs, the legs, the heels, gussets, et al.

This must mean autumn is officially here! I usually start knitting socks in October and don't quit until early spring. I already have yarn spun up to knit a pair of socks for DH for Christmas.

Looking again at your blanket. absolutely gorgeous, Bleenie!!!

MullersLaneFarm-I really want to learn to make socks, but I am not a great knitter in the first place
jc, if you know how to knit and purl, you can knit socks. sure, there are a few other stitches, like k2tog (knit 2 together) and ssk (slip 2 stitches, then knit them together), but they are just knitting 2 stitches together!! The other 'difficult' part is picking up stitches along the heel flap. I just use my crochet hook and do slip stitches, then slip the stitches onto a knitting needle... no problem!!

THIS is a great place to learn how to knit socks.

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