Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)

I soo excited to see all the different sqares. Mine are going out this week.

It's a gorgeous day here. The sun is shining w/ a wee chill in the air. I just hope we don't jump right into winter. Yesterday had me worried b/c I woke to temps in the 40's w/ rumors of first frost. Way too early for that non-sense.
It ended up being a beautiful day yesterday and I don't think we got the frost last night. Whew!!!! I hope Oct behaves. I love sunny fall days w/ a little cool nights (not too cool), yummy pumpkin items, bonfires, smores, hot coco, carving pumpkins, scary movies, fires in the fire place, curling up w/ a book or crocheting, planting bulbs, etc...

My dh's uncle left yesterday, so I can get back to my reg routine AND crocheting. YAY!!!

Bleenie~ You've been a hookin' machine. It's so pretty. Turned out great!

MullersLane Farm~ You are such a fast knitter/crocheter. I hope I can focus more this year to get more projects complete. Have you ever crocheted socks? I have a pattern book, but haven't had time to try it. Thanks for the knit link. Hopefully one day I can sit still long enough to give knitting a try. I've always wanted to learn. You make it sound so easy.

JC~ I hear ya...I've always wanted to make some socks too. That's why I bought the crochet pattern book. Glad you had fun camping! I'm going next weekend for a "Mother/Daughter" event. Really looking forward to some outdoor fun ~ relaxation. We'll hike, canoe, archery, handy crafts (YAY!!!), bonfires, etc... Last year was beautiful. I hope the weather holds out for us.

bumblebee~ I am sooo excited as well. It's going to feel like X-mas at my house.
I better get w/ the program and get back to crocheting.

Just checking in and wanted to say hello~
I hope everyone has a fantastic day!!!!
Happy October!
Hi Alethea~
Never fear I'm sure after the holidays someone will host one. In the mean time stop by this and the Crochet Chat thread and chat w/ us about crocheting. Are you working on any projects at the moment? We'd love to see them. Please share!!!! I think we are all yarn, pattern, & picture junkies.

Thank you. You've made me feel most welcome. I'll look for a granny square opportunity after the holidays.

I love to crochet, but am not very sophisticated. Presently I'm working on a table cloth which might be nice enough to post when it's finished. I'm also making a bunch of hats and scarves to donate to a fundraiser. Then I'm making a hat for a friend. After that, I have an inspired project: a granny square afghan that will look somewhat like the Milky Way. I'll post that, too.

Glad to hear it. There are some really nice, helpful crocheters on the forum. I love this part of the site. Who are you kidding...a tablecloth, Milky Way granny square afghan, and have time to crochet items to donate for a fundraiser. Sounds pretty sophisticated to me.
Can't wait to see them.
Will let you know when I mail the squares. I put them in bags and labeled them today and will go to the PO tomorrow for a flat rate box. I just finished a baby afghan in pink and white for my hubby's gr. grand baby due in Dec. I guess you can guess it's to be a girtl. I'm now working on one for my first gr. grand baby due next spring and it's in white, green and yellow. I'm also crocheting scrubbies to take back to NC with me later this month. My daughter said hers were wearing out. I'll take a bunch back since my two granddaughters there are married. I should say one is and the other about to be.
No problem!!!! I will be looking for them or tell hubby to look for them.

I'm going to a Mother/Daughter event this weekend down in the beautiful Shawnee National Forest. I can't wait and it looks like the weather might behave for us. We'll hike, canoe, archery, handy crafts etc... Taking some crocheting projects with me.
I can't wait to see the pink baby afghan or the new one you are working on. I bought some multi colored blue, mint, & green really soft yarn to make a cocoon w/ matching hat for friend that is due this week. They want to be surprised so they didn't find out the sex. (free pattern) I think it is sooooooooo wonderful that you make afghans & other crochet items for your whole family. Where did you get the scrubby pattern. I've made lots of dish cloths in the past, but haven't tried the scrubbies yet.
I will post pictures of the afghans as soon as I can. The scrubby pattern was taken of the Internet back in '09. I got it from If you can't locate it I can scan and send you the patter.

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