Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)

Good Morning~

It's another beautiful day here on Smitty's Farm!!!! YAY!!!!

Did anyone summit a pic for the worst chick molt? I need to do that. Wish they would have asked a few weeks ago, b/c I had a few really ratty looking ones. Poor babies get so embarrassed and hide from everyone. I've been mixing Flock raiser in w/ their feed. I usually like to add Avia Charge 2000 supplement to their water as well, but haven't done yet. Oh 2 Cockoo Maran pullets are laying now.
Just in time, since my usually strong layers aren't due to molt and I don't add light in the shorter days.

Late last night before bedtime I started a beanie head hugger for a friend's B-day out of Lion Brand's Homespun Yarn (mixed color) called Nouveau. I didn't quiet finish it, but I'll get it done today. I think their homespun type yarn makes nice warm beanies. I might try to make a matching scarf if I have time. I haven't had good luck with the edges of my scarf being straight even after I edge them. Not sure what I did wrong last year when I was attempting them.

Well...just wanted to stop by and say hello!!!!!
I hope everyone has a beautiful day!!!!
Thanks Kim! I hope you have a great day as well!

Well it's been raining for about 12 hours here in the high desert. It has taken a few breaks though so I was able to tend to animals this morning. Great day for crocheting so I plan to curl up in front of my little space heater and enjoy some me time.
I have a Wellsummer in moult and she's pretty ratty looking. Poor thing. I just added a Moran, a Plymouth Rock and a Americauna to my flock. They're so sweet and eat out of my hand. I have a very handsome Silkie/Moran rooster. He has the funniest shaped cone and feathers on his feet and is all different colors from black, brown and white and some in between. He won't let me take his picture. Every time I go out with the camera, no matter what the treats, he runs and hides. His mate is all black and is very pretty but he is something. I'm going to keep trying to do it. I may have to sit out there and see if he won't come out for me. Can't do it today. We have one heck of a cold front come in with wind and rain. Lovely rainbow though.
Reno has had more rain than us. It just started raining here this morning. We've had some pretty good showers but the wind is blowing like crazy. I had to wear jean and socks this morning to get war as it's much colder. I can work on more scrubbies. I think I have enough netting for two more. Then I can get back to the baby afghan I started. I went to the website yesterday and printed out over a dozen afghan patterns to crochet and also some sweaters and a vest for DH to knit. I was surprised they had so many things to download and print.
Yes the wind here, the last two days, was atrocious! We had to move everything we could into the garage. DH left the wrought iron bench out thinking it was too heavy but he was wrong and ended up having to tie it to the chain link fence to keep it from blowing around!
Heavy wind is not unusual here though.
I was wondering the same thing! Do I just keep mine or do I let it come back to me with all the others? I thought it might be easier for Kim to just divide everything equally by 16 so I had planned on mailing all 16 (x2).
In the past we've mailed all of the ones made to the sponsor and she divides them up. If you keep your own you won't get a good selection.
Hey everybody~

Sorry I have been away from the computer. Drove to St. Louis to get my hair did.

Hey bhazzell!!!!

In the past everyone has mailed all squares in and then they are divided equally. Yes, that will make it easier for me to divide them equally.
It kind of makes a nice little surprise of which one of your own you will get back.
So mail all 16 squares into me or 2 sets of 16. No worry b/c I am a very detailed person. This is my first time hosting, but have participated a lot the years I've been on here. I have wonderful advice from other BYC members that have hosted as well in the past. (Thanks Erin & Cyndi!!!!)

As the squares roll in the mail I will leave them all in their original mailing package until everyone has mailed theirs into to me. Then I will divide them all equally into whatever package of swapee's choice.
Well, I may have to open them and take a peek.

Betty I have one plymouth barred rock (actually she is DD's) and we love her. Very sweet & hardy. She will peck us to demand attention. These 2 Cuckoo Moran pullets & cockerel are my first. They very sweet and mellow. Even the little cockerel is a sweetheart. DH is not keen on roosters, but I want to keep him. I have both Easter Eggers & True Ameraucanas (Blue, Black & Splash) I have to say the Ameraucanas I hatched are more like cats and love to crawl in my lap and be petted. I have some very personable EE, but a few are shy and few are skittish.

Sorry you ladies are having such heavy wind. I'm afraid the weather around the world is not usual. It's like a yo-yo here. This week is behaving like reg fall beautiful, sunny crisp weather, but it can turn cold, windy & wet at any moment. I know snow snow is around the corner.

Sunny~ Good for you for taking a little "me" time. Sounds like the perfect weather for it.

Ok, gotta finish some never ending cleaning and round up the free ranging peeps, so I can catch a new Hot Yoga class tonight.
Everyone have a great night~
I am leaving to chaperone a school trip until Sunday. I am taking my crochet bag with me
I hope to finish this weekend.

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