Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)


That's us! Total enablers.
We're actually the kids your Mom should have warned you not to hang out with.
I was going to mail my squares tomorrow but it's a holiday and the PO is closed. Oh! well! There's always Tuesday. They're all boxed up and ready to go.
Is it wrong that I love my squares so much I don't want to mail them off?!?!

I have to do the last round on all of them and then weave in the ends still.
I know what you mean about not wanting to give your squares away but just think of all the pretty ones you'll get from everyone else. You can always make more of your squares later on. Each of the squares you receive will give you the added satisfaction of each one showing you have made a new friend.
Great pattern! What type of loom do you have?

I forgot to answer this! I have a Harrisville Designs 40 inch 4/6 floor loom with the fold up back. I don't think they make these anymore.

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