Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)

Oh it was the perfect cute size box!!!!
I'll post a pic in a min. I was in the pantry all day fighting pantry pest.
Arggggggg!!!! I knew it was going to be a huge job. Before I knew the little critters had invaded I kept looking at it saying I needed to reorganize it. I had done a quickie organizing last month. It had gotten where things had been put in the wrong space. I've been looking for just the right containers to store my grain type items in and haven't been happy w/ what I found yet. I pitched so much very old expired stuff. My house is the hub for the family parties, so there were things in there I didn't even know existed. LOL!!!
No worries!!!
Let's see.... Looks like we have 14 days left until Nov. 4th. You have plenty of time to get them in the mail. Whew....I better get back to my 2nd set of squares.
Funny how life can throw curve balls in your schedule.
Don't worry ladies the pokey host will get her 2nd set complete before the deadline.

Ok I have to finish calculating the Girl Scout Cookie order forms from my troop and get them uploaded to the computer. Girl Scouts are getting fancy.
Of course this is the first time in my 13 years of being a Girl Scout Leader I missed the Cookie training and they go and change it on me. I actually think it will be easier, though.

I hope to get out and get some glass containers for the pantry. I want to make pumpkin bread to take to a friend's bonfire tonight. Oh my... gotta get this day going.

SOOOooooooooooo excited and can't wait to see everyone's squares.

I hope everyone has a beautiful day!!!!
Here's the pics I promised. You can click the actual pic to enlarge them. Enjoy~

The arrival of Bumblebee's box of beautiful fall squares. 2 of my dogs were so intrigued. lol!!!

Violet just knew there was something in the box for her. She stuck her whole head in the box. DD & I were laughing so hard. Thank goodness the squares are all enclosed in plastic baggies.

Here's how Betty labeled her squares. I love the personal touch of her picture on the sticker along w/ her user name and real name.

Here's how Dana labeled hers w/ her cute little avatar along with her username and name. It's personal as well.

Here's how I've labeled my squares in past swaps. I haven't printed off labels for this swap yet.
I sent mine out and after I stuffed all the squares in and got it taped up, I realized I didn't put in the postage. Do you want me to send you the $6 in snail mail, or do you have paypal??

WARNING! Be prepared for the squares to jump out of the box!! They're packed in there pretty tightly!!
Jeepers, I've gotta get movin'!

I have four completely done, and the center of the rest done for the second set. Hopefully I will get to work on them more tomorrow. I know I will have time to work on them next week, because we are going to S. Carolina which is 12 hours away from us, and we are traveling 6 hours at a time. So the squares will be a perfect travel project!
I will try to get them in the mail when we get back, on the 31st or 1st.

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