Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)

They were too funny!!!! They love your squares.
Good Morning, all! I finished with 2nd set and got all the ends tucked in. I was thinking about a third set, but I've got two chicken shows in the next two weeks, so I better not chance it.
Yipeeeee!!!! Got your message and sent you my addy. Can't wait to see your beautiful squares.

I hear ya. I totally forgot about B-day's this month, so I've been alternating between crocheting squares and B-day gifts. Then I'll have to really get a move to see what I'll have time to finish for X-mas.
My squares are sitting on the end table still. My toddle is still running a high fever and I am exhausted. He has been crying for the past three hours non-stop. Dr. cannot find anything wrong except the fever. Advil keeps the fever down some, but he turned the brand new bottle over while I was trying to give him a dose earlier. Hubby and I are trying to figure out which of us is least likely to fall asleep driving to town to get more. Ugh. I will shoot for Wednesday afternoon since I know I can't go tomorrow.
Hey ChickenSnake~ My first set of 16 is also complete, but every time I get a chance to finally sit and focus on a new pattern I get interrupted and lose my place and then it comes out warped.
I've had to put them down to whip up some forgotten Oct B-day presents for friends.
I have 2 b-day presents down and have 2 more to complete, plus a baby present at some point. I'll think I've finally found a simplistic pattern to do for my second set.

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