Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)

Ok Swappers~

I will be away from the computer today. I'm off to get ready for the party tonight. I still have some last min details to wrap up. I LOVE you all!!!! We are still waiting on a few packages and it's no big deal, b/c if they would have come in the past few days I wouldn't of even had time to look at them. I'm just trying to make it through DH's 50th B-day Bash first. Just didn't want anyone to think I was ignoring the thread....................... just really busy today and tomorrow I'll be cleaning the event space. I'll check in tomorrow though before we head over to St. Louis to clean it. I hope everyone has a fantastic beautiful blessed day!!!!!
You may be pleasantly surprised how far you may get with all the encouragement from this group.

I think one of our swap participants just picked up a crochet hook, then signed up for the swap. She learned as she created!

You can do it!!
Smitty's Farm :

Yes, I think you were one of the ones that mentioned you had it and how much you loved it. I just had to get it after seeing the pic posted of the book from I love this book too!

OMG!!!!! I am laughing so hard! After you read your messages you will be too! ~~~~~ I also have that book and bought it around the same time as Betty b/c another BYCer posted it.
Just disregard my message. I went straight to my messages first this morning before looking at the SWAP thread.
Well, YAY!!!! How exciting!!!!!
clap.gif I better check and make sure my book is where it should be.

LOL! So you already have that book! Tee hee
Well have a great party! If I lived closer I would seriously be considering crashing the party. Sounds like you all will have a blast! Tell DH not to stress about turning 50. I felt no difference between 50 and 49 and 9/10ths.

Really, I'm loving the 50's! We've got a long way to go yet before we have gone through the hundreds of items on our bucket list.
EKCfarms, where in the desert are you? I'm also in a desert. Would be glad to help you if you lived near me. Crocheting isn't hard once you learn the basics and where to put your hook to make a stitch.
Ok Kim, you talked me into it. I have committed to do the next swap in spring. Betty is not sure how to post everything and Kate wanted to get her students started early, so even though I'm not gonna post a separate thread yet, I have given her the guidelines to get them going. Info is on the Crochet Chat thread, post #4287 -

I start the separate thread for the new swap do you mind if I pretty much copy your opening post? All the info is already there, I just need to change the color scheme to a cool color pallette.
Don't worry about answering tonight. I know you are busy with the b-day party. You take some time to recover and rest.
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I went to the library and got the book "teach yourself visually: crochet" when i first started learning. That is the MOST wonderful book!! I was whipping out all kinds of stuff in no time after i got the hang of how to yarn over and where to put the hook. I am currently waiting on the knitting version

Ok, update. Betty has decided to do this next swap after all and she is going to use my idea of a cool color pallette but is adding pink to the mix. Since, as I posted earlier when I suggested this color combo, I really have a strong (yes irrational but I can't help it) hatred of pink, I will opt out of this next swap but I will be happy to host the one after that. I will still be around checking out your wonderful squares and cheering for you all!!! Have a blast!
You hate pink, too?!? I'm so glad I found someone else who dislikes it!
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